The 6 Elements of Joy


three weeks ago

a friend called me and asked me if i had

watched the netflix show

called narcos and i said yes

why and he said well i don’t want you to

feel offended

but i didn’t know how crazy things were

in colombia during those years

and i thought to myself yes those

were really really bad years but i

remember having a joyful

childhood so i guess we just learned to

live with it

nowadays colombia is amazing so i

recommend you to go and visit

but anyway in high school i picked

psychology as my career of choice

however my parents had a different plan

for me

as a lot of hispanic parents they want

their kids to be doctors

engineers or lawyers so they gave me

three options civil engineering

industrial engineering

or business they owned a construction


and being the oldest kid in the family

they had all their hopes

in me to continue managing the business

my younger brother

was recovering from years of epilepsy

and my sister

was still a kid so

i have to confess that i was pretty

upset with the giving options

and i picked civil engineering just

because i had no

idea what it was about so i went to

university for

civil engineering and i ended up liking


and having a blast the thing was

that six months before my graduation

my parents had to close their business

because at the time

the narcos were doing money laundering

through construction

and my parents couldn’t compete anymore


what did i do i got married

and got a job obviously a year later my

husband and i

decided to go to grad school and we

wanted to do it

overseas because we thought that would

give us an edge

when we go back home to get a better job

but the problem was that none of us

spoke english

so the options now wrote to spain

but even though the program was in spain

it was in english

because it was the international mba so

we still needed to learn

english at the time jaime’s sister was

living in new york city and she invited

us to live with her

so let me tell you i love new york city

but in my opinion it’s not the best

place to learn english

because everybody speaks everything but


or at least everybody spoke to us in


and that forced us to speak

in english between the two of us and

even fight in english

and that was tough so after a year of

studying english our savings were little

and we didn’t have money now to go to

spain and start again

but we didn’t want to go back to

colombia without our masters so at the

time i had a friend who was living in

manchester new hampshire

and she suggested us to apply to

southern new hampshire university for

our masters

so we did and jaime went first when he

started classes

i decided to look for a job in


i needed to look for a company that

sponsored me and i also needed to put my

resume together

the problem was that my english was

still massive menos

and i didn’t know any technical words in


and at the time there was not such a

thing as google

so what i did is i went with heimet to

his university

and sat in their computer lab with an


english dictionary and put my resume


i remember vividly during that time

that one night we had just played

hyman’s tuition

and we had no money left and we just sat

down on the floor

pray and gave thanks for everything we

had experienced

and just put ourselves in god’s hands

the crazy thing is that the next day

henry got paid 200 for a tutoring

session he had done at his

school and that same day later

i got a call from a company that wanted

to interview me in boston

so i went to this interview and there

were two guys

one was very opposed to what my

expertise could provide

and the other one was very welcoming

arguing that

numbers were numbers here or in any

part of the world i left the interview


hopeful but mostly grateful because i

finally had had the opportunity to talk

to a civil engineer in this country

two weeks passed and i didn’t hear from

them so i assume

i didn’t get the job so i decided to

call the welcoming guy

and i said look i know i didn’t get the


but i would love it if you could help me

improve my resume

so what he said sure come here and i

help you

and surprisingly he changed my whole


but but to my surprise he offered me a


two days later and they even sponsor my

work visa

i just couldn’t believe it on my first

day of work

i was very nervous because i didn’t know

how these big tough guys were gonna


to a petite latina woman with a strong


they turned out to be great but at this


i not only learned about how

construction works here

but i also faced the reality of being

the only woman

wherever i went and that was not an easy

task for sure

but i still went with it a couple of

years later my husband and i felt more


and we decided to start a family and we

tried for

six years unsuccessfully and then we

went for ibf

and after a painful emotional and

physical process

we got pregnant with our bella becoming

a mom

working in the construction industry

turned out to be a little bit


when you work in a male dominated

industry and in the field

you don’t really get a lot of

flexibility but again i still went with


two years later i went to bobson college

for my mba

with emphasis in entrepreneurship and

isabella got twin sisters

while all of this was happening i kept

getting compliments about

my jewelry and having the bulk of

entrepreneurship in my mind

i thought i’m gonna start a fashion

business however

i didn’t want it to be one more jewelry


so i went back to colombia and i talked

to the artisans that made my jewelry

and i was moved by their stories

i felt privileged to have the life that

i had had

and i felt that i needed to do something

and that’s when i

founded artifactus a sustainable and


jewellery business that offers

unexpected pieces of jewelry

made out of orange peel and seeds and we


vulnerable artisan women for whom this

is their primary source of income

and help reduce the waste of 15 million

tons of orange peel

that get discarded every year i’ve been

with that in fact to six years and i’m

happy to share that we are in a hundred

retailers nationwide

and keep growing however i always


that i needed to do something go back to

engineering i knew there was so many

opportunities in the construction


but i didn’t want to start a company

only for my own financial benefit

i wanted to benefit others too i’ve

always been inclined to

for-profit social entrepreneurship

and that’s when my husband and i decided

to join forces

we wanted to leverage his expertise and


and my experience in the construction

industry and we recently founded

merge tech a mobile application that


on businesses with prime contractors

bringing transparency and quality

to the construction industry so when i

was invited

to make this talk about joy i thought to


i don’t have much to share i have lived

an extraordinary

ordinary life with challenges as all of

us do

however i was able to identify

that throughout all those challenging


there were six common elements that

brought joy to my life

and those are personal growth

gratitude authenticity

discipline positive relationships

and purpose personal growth

it takes courage to move from your

comfort zone

to your fear zone but fear is an


step move us forward a part of

full of opportunities it is in our


or in our power to see it as a positive

or negative thing for instance we can

see stress

as anxiety or as excitement

so don’t be afraid to

leave your comfort zone and move to a

world full of

personal growth i can assure you

that even if you don’t achieve the goals

you set up to achieve you will get to


yourself your resiliency your fragility

and your efficacy and in my opinion

trying is the best way to grow in life

gratitude being graceful gives you joy

because it just makes you realize what

you have right

we have a daily routine at home

before we go to bed and after we say our


each of us give thanks to for whatever

we feel thankful for

we are teaching the girls to be thankful

even if we don’t get all we want and i


forward to that moment every day because

i love

hearing what they have to say and it

just gives me so much joy

authenticity being authentic is simply

being yourself

evolving all those social pressures

in my opinion being an immigrant health

may be

my authentic self it is obvious that i’m

different in this culture

i just need to say a word and people can

notice it

it was not easy at the beginning but i

have learned that i’m worthy of love

even with my perfect imperfections so

love yourself accept

others be thoughtful

and be open to be vulnerable i’m sure

you will enjoy

life even more in that way discipline

buddha said a disciplined mind brings


those who are self-disciplined and


are more likely to be happy according to


when you have meaningful goals and make

progress towards those

goals and eventually you achieve those


you cannot help people to feel happy

about your efforts and your outcomes

we have a role in our house with the


we taught them that they need to make

their beds as soon as they get up

and making your bed is the most

effective and

easiest trigger of joy because it just

gives you an immediate sense of success

i always tell the girls that

luck is at the intersection between

opportunity and preparedness in order to

get lucky in life

you need to be disciplined in what you

are set up to do

it can apply to my luckiness in this

country as

immigrant we can have limited

opportunities but that should not stop

us from learning a new language

a new culture or a new topic and be

prepared for when the opportunity arises

and when it does i’m sure you are going

to enjoy the moment

even more positive relationships

a harvard study shows that the happiest


are the ones who lean into relationships

with family co-workers and friends

moving to the usa has been a remarkable


i have learned what new yorkers and


appreciate and what bothers them

my latino culture is very buoyant

and therefore more spontaneous and so i

had learned to enjoy

relationships here in a different way

i also think that we have lost universal

norms or behavior and i firmly believe

that if we go back

to practice urbanity and good manners it

will bring us back to those

cordial positive and joyful

relationships with each other

it could be as simple as saying good

morning to your neighbor

or being tolerant and expressing

affection to someone at home

or respecting others rights and not

abusing yours

and purpose this was the toughest for me

i was always following normal like


norms right i listened to my parents

i went to school went to college got a


got a job got married

had kids bought a home but is that

really my purpose

i don’t feel so sometimes finding your

purpose is not right in front of you

what i have learned is that i should

listen to my

cut right that little voice that god

uses to guide us when i founded

artifacts on merge tech

that little voice told me that with

privilege came

responsibility and that i needed to pay

it forward

that i i needed to use the tools and

knowledge that i have learned

throughout my life to help those who

have not had the same opportunities

so i will leave you with this

we have the power

to change how we see our reality

we cannot control what happened to us

but we can control

how we react to it we can control

our own joy or lack of it by seeing the


side of those challenging situations in


ordinary life we are bringing joy and

happiness into our lives

and we are opening to immeasurable


i’m hopeful that today sharing my story

will show you that those challenging

moments in my life

taught me that through kindness

paying it forward and gratitude i could


a joyful life and because you are the


of your own life you can do it too

thank you