The beauty of the Buttefly



here i am today not to talk about what i

have done

but it’s more about how many times i

have failed in my life

and how much struggle i had in the past

but before i start my story i will just

show you a book people talk a lot about


so far i brought a book today

and about four weeks ago my best friend

gave me this book the title is your one


sorry to advertise the book right here

in the back of the book

the writers say and questions and

challenge yourself

if you use one single word

to describe your whole life the meaning

of your life

the target to your life what would that


be and he continues i’m sure

many of you here will not have the

answer yet

is it true yes but things have come

when i read that question about four

weeks ago

two minutes later and say oh i found


it came so easy it came so instantly

and i started to prepare for my ted talk

today and i looked at

my whole life journey 42 years of living

on this earth working as a teacher for


nearly 20 years and i started to

look at everything i have gone through

and so that’s what i’m going to

share with you i have my keyword here

but i’m not going to show you until the


i’ll keep that as a secret and i want

you to walk through

stories in my life and hopefully

you’ll find out why i came to realize

the purpose of my life and i want to

share with you that

so story time okay um

i was born into a family of six children

five boys and one girl in a very remote


in the long province in the 1970s

life was just so huge struggle for many

people and just raising up six children

in a family

was a huge structure for my parents plus

my father used to work

for the u.s navy before 1975.

and so live in the 70s was a little bit

insecure at that time

and everybody in my village at that time

people stopped going to school

all of the kids would just stay at home

and help with the family

and so being born into that family the

first thing i experienced was actually i

had a very carefree life so much fun

as a child in the field with the buffalo

without a friend

but it’s also the first moment in my

life i started to experience

the feeling of shameful the feeling of

being discriminated because you are poor

and i started to see tears from my mom’s


every time she could experience the

feeling of being looked

at not for her for her children

and deep down i started to realize what

it means to try

and to become successful right at that

time but my life

at that time was so quiet until the age

of five something terrible happened to


my parents sent me to school

i have long days just playing with my

friends and i enjoy more

in the field rather than in the school

but i could not understand

in the middle of the village there where

everybody cared more about food

and clothes my father was very committed

to education and i cannot remember how

many times

he asked everybody in the family to sit

down in the evening with the oil line in

the middle

in 1917 1980 and he kept reminding us

about what would happen if we decide to

quit school

the first thing we would do is to get

everybody out

of the family if we ever thought about

not going to school

so he was very committed and it’s still

a very secret to me now like where the

idea came from

in his mind everybody else even in my

family going against

education so

being in that situation and in that

context i

i learned the first lesson of being


to having such a caring and loving mom

and a committed father in my life

but then you know i know that i could

not escape from education

i prefer sometimes i feel jealous with

other kids

in my village because they have long

days playing i sacrificed half of my day

at school

not enjoying to be honest sorry teachers

um and then i become a teacher right

it’s tricky

but my my life went on to

secondary school and in high school very

quiet the only thing i could do

is to stay focused i was very obedient

at that time just listening to my

parents and my teachers all the time

i tried to study hard strangely

the best score i got in high school was


i could never be a good student in high

school even i know that i have tried a


i was so bad in high school but i did

start to feel that i enjoy more school

and this is also the stage

at school i started to experience what

people call

fella at the end of year 12

i took the university entrance exam i

failed first year

interestingly i didn’t feel sad not

disappointed but i begin to see in the

eyes of people who loved me and who

wants the best for my life

the look of disappointment and more


from me so i felt sad for two days

hacked my luggage going back to kentucky


spending one year reviewing the lesson


taking the exam again the second year

and luckily i passed

becoming a student at the university


but i hate the war again right on the

first day i stepped into the university

i was among 255 students at university

at that time

not understanding a word of english

and so in the first months of the

university many times

i have talked about quitting university

going back home

life is easier it’s a partner right

but then i felt so lucky at that time to

have one of my teachers at the


he understood all of the psychological

process the students about

he sat down patiently explaining

encouraging and supporting

so we overcame the problem thanks to

that teacher

that’s the second person that i felt so

grateful to

in my life and

all i could do in my four years was to


focused i never considered myself to be

an intelligent person but i did work

very hard

through four years no playing no


no computer at that time luckily so

after four years rewards came i


top one in my class out of 255 students

it was the biggest achievement

ever in my life at that time

after that i was granted for the

position of the university to become a


wow you can fly oh i feel so happy but i

could see the happiness

more in my parents eyes and the people

who have trusted me

rather than for myself so if you look

around you see a lot of successful

people in life

my my success at that time was nothing


to all that but if i put into my


that somebody from a poor family from a

remote area

struggling through life to survive at

the university

and achieving such success at the

beginning in their life

is so extraordinary so significant to me

at that time so my journey began here at

this university

in the past 19.5 years i began working

here in 2001

as a teacher as a lecturer the first

five years for me was amazing

i really enjoyed working and

a lot of enjoyment came but then i hit

the wall

again and this time it’s even more


i have enough knowledge and skills that

i learned from university to function

well as a teacher

but then in life i’m so terrible

i look back at my life and it’s like

wait a minute nowhere in your school

and in your life has somebody taught you

how to live a good life

how to stand up when you fall how to

behave well with society and how to be a

good person

not to talk about how to become

successful i didn’t have a clue

and as many times i failed i hit my head

pleading i couldn’t find an answer at

that time

so what i did i observed the way people

around me

how do they leave i started to pick up

wrong ideas

i match on become very competitive

tried to work crazily so to be what i

compete for

money for material

for fame and position and to some extent

i was successful i got promoted

at the university but at the same time i

began my business and started to

try to build my own school i worked

crazily for about five years

and i felt so amazed by the achievement

i’ve got during this time

but then in the year 2012

i began to hit the biggest world in my


i lost own sense of meaning

about the reason for my existence in

this life

i started to feel so tired realizing

this is not the way

you should lead your life

and i actually share with

nobody at that time because i put on


the identity of somebody who is quite


and i didn’t allow myself to play

or to complain and to reveal secrets


moments in your life that you feel so

weak and you want

somebody to share so

no solution actually i decided to apply

for the scholarship

to go away move away from my comfort


and the first three months in australia

for me was amazing

remember the picture that she shows you


feel like i escaped from the noisy line

into traffic

to somewhere very quiet

very peaceful when i have time

and energy to contemplate and to think


about my life and looking back at the

time that i have tried

for power success money

and position i would say i don’t claim

this time because it has trained me to


so strong like a worried but when i look

at that and say

these was the most terrible

the darkest time of my life if i look at

how i experienced that

but thanks for me to experience to

the people that i’ve met in my life back

in australia for four years

new ideas come and the people i have met

during this time have taught me so many


that i felt like i just been reborn

one more time that is the time

when i actually begin to think more

about the meaning of my life and why

am here

i decided to come back to vietnam out of


and things become so clear to me about

what i want to do for my future

now when you started to see the light

somewhere about how you are going to

live your life things become

so easy every single decision i met

since then back in the year 2015 becomes

so easy to me

because i do understand who i am

and every decision i make i’m able

to justify and explain clearly

to the people around me and honestly

sharing with you

in the past five years i have made

the biggest number of decisions in my

life i

moved away from being someone

who is more obedient to someone who can

stand on my feet

by myself and a lot of the decisions i

made so far

seemed to depart a little bit from the

traditional values and what

sometimes my parents wanted me to do

but now because i understand me more

and i realize there’s a lot of things

that i need

to challenge not that i don’t show the

respect to them

but i started to question the meaning

for myself

and secretly in the past few years

that they realized that i have to live

my life to the phone

and i started to feel what is journey


happiness to people so if you look back

at my live journey it’s not shocking to

what i have been doing

you see deep down every step every

success that i have found

i started to realize that somebody lay

the first step and breaks for you to

step up

it can be your family members your

parents can be your teachers

it can be your friends and if you

observe enough

you started to realize that you should

not feel

brand of yourself too much every time

you achieve something in life because

you are not alone

you have tried your best of course then

underlying every step of success there

is somebody who’s standing and


and the day i realized how grateful i

should be to life

life has become so beautiful and


and two years ago i began a new habit

but every day

i learned to practice thinking about

how grateful i should be every day two

minutes at least i was thinking about

something or someone i meant happened to


in a day that i should feel thankful for

and since then i learned to be more


i learned to be more responsible

i learned to care more for other people

i stop complaining

and i enjoy almost every moment

everything i do

in my life and that is also the time

when i started to realize

the real happiness in your life actually

doesn’t come

from the money it doesn’t come from the


that you have simply it doesn’t come

only about your inner peace for yourself

but it comes from

the feeling of sharing and helping other

people and seeing

that they achieve things in their life

and so the works that i have come up for


is the word devoted and that would be

the direction

that i will continue to live my life in

the future

you might have different understanding

of what it means to be devoted

but the work that i want to say in

vietnamese is the work

for me and that is

only when you feel that it’s your


to help people and to make them better

and to see the people around you

by their happiness and success that is

when you find

that you really feel happy for yourself

and that a long-lasting

happiness so for the people here out


if you are still struggling to find a

way for yourself and you’re hitting the

walls like me in the past

i would kindly advise you to do this

practice with me

every day learn to be grateful

and hopefully you will see life

so beautiful and meaningful to live

thank you
