The Year in Ideas TED Talks of 2015

is it possible to experience the

stratosphere is it possible to build a

system to go into the stratosphere we

proceeded to do just that

I can guarantee that in the next

generation of space telescopes we will

have the capability to find and identify

other Earth’s

what Mayton blazed are so special is

that they’re some of the universe’s most

efficient particle accelerators

transporting incredible amounts of

energy throughout a galaxy now we were

inspired by the Terminator 2 scene

41,000 and we fought why couldn’t a 3d

printer operate in this fashion arise

out of a puddle in essentially real time

to make a great object

it’s called CRISPR cast line the CRISPR

technology allows scientists to make

changes to the DNA in cells that could

allow us to cure genetic disease so what

we found is that an old mouse that gets

young blood through the shared

circulation looks younger and functions

younger in its brain

we looked for the possibility of

creating life-sustaining clothing for

interplanetary voyages this wearable

digestive system when it stretched

end to end it spans 60 meters and here

it is for the first time unveiled at Ted

our first photosynthetic wearable liquid

channels glowing with life inside a

wearable clothing what if our technology

could sense our emotions what if my

devices could sense how we felt and

reacted accordingly just the way an

emotionally intelligent friend would we

just start to scratch the surface of the

true power of virtual reality

it connects humans to other humans in a

profound way that I’ve never seen before

and any other form of media as I’m

speaking my sound is getting captured by

the tablet and then it’s getting mapped

onto a vest that’s covered in vibratory

motors and I’m wearing the vest right

now so as I’m speaking I’m feeling the

sonic world around me we’ve been testing

this with deaf people now and it turns

out that after just a little bit of time

people can start feeling they can start

understanding the language of the vest

we do 3 million miles of testing in our

simulators every single day so you can

imagine the experience our vehicles have

we are looking forward to having this

technology on the road how soon can we

bring it out these are my two boys my

oldest son is 11 and that means in four

and a half years he’s going to be able

to get his driver’s license my team and

I are committed to making sure that

doesn’t happen

okay so relax don’t hit it

right now your brain is controlling your

arm and it’s also controlling his arm so

go ahead and just do it one more time

it says perfect machine intelligence is

the last invention that humanity will

ever need to make the machines would

them be better at the bending than we

are we should not be confident in our

ability to keep a superintelligence

genie locked up in its bottle forever

the answer here is to figure out how to

create super intelligent AI such that

even if when it escaped it is still safe

because it is fundamentally on our side

because it shares our values the Islamic

state beheadings are not ancient or

remote they’re entirely dependent on the

power of technology to connect us there

is a very personal price to public

humiliation and the growth of the

Internet has jacked up that price

when we say that black lives matter it’s

not because others don’t it’s simply

because we must affirm that we are

worthy of existing without fear when so

many things tell us we are not I want to

live in a world where my son will not be

presumed guilty the moment he is born

where a toy in his hand isn’t mistaken

for anything other than a toy can we

imagine in a criminal justice system

that prioritizes recovery prevention

Civic inclusion rather than punishment a

criminal justice system that believes in

black young people rather than treating

black young people as the enemy to be

rounded up if you are fleeing a war zone

a better life is alive in safety its

life in dignity a better life means not

having a house bombs not fearing being

kidnapped it means being able to send a

children to school or just find work to

be able to provide for yourself and the

ones you love there are still tragedies

that happen in the bumpy road to

equality but there are also stories of

hope and courage in every corner of the


unconscious bias is not the same as

conscious discrimination I’m not saying

that in all of you there’s a secret

sexist or racist or urges like lurking

within waiting to get out bias is not an

accusation rather it’s something that

has to be identified acknowledged and

mitigated against we have to start

making stopping violence indispensable

to the fight against poverty in fact any

conversation about global poverty that

doesn’t include the problem of violence

must be deemed not serious the quarter

truths and limited plot lines have us

convinced that poor people are a problem

that needs fixing what if we realized

that the experts we are looking for the

experts we need to follow are poor

people themselves these big issues that

will change the world change national

security change economics create hope

create threats can only be resolved when

you bring together groups of people who

understand science and technology back

together with government we won’t solve

our problems if we expect it to be

solved by a few Superman or super women

now we need everybody everybody

underestimates how often they laugh when

you laugh with people that’s actually

letting you access a really ancient

evolutionary system to regulate emotions

to make ourselves feel better some

affairs add bethe nails for

relationships that were already dying on

the vine but others will jolt us into

new possibilities the opposite of

addiction is not sobriety the opposite

of addiction is connection

for most people the scariest thing about

death isn’t being dead it’s dying I am

asking we make space physical psychic

room to allow life to play itself all

the way out so that rather than just

getting out of the way aging and dying

can become a process of crescendo

through to the end

I’ve learned about the poetry and the

wisdom and the grace that can be found

in the words of people all around us

when we simply take the time to listen

you might have noticed that I don’t have

much inflection in my voice that’s why

people often confuse me with the GPS I

am a bad feminist I am a good woman I am

trying to become better and how I think

and what I say and what I do without

abandoning everything that makes me

human the tool was bought four days in

your life the day you’re born and they

do discover why and sound is so powerful

that it could either disempower me and

my artwork or it could empower me I

chose to be empowered

maybe these conversations will remind us

what’s really important and maybe just

maybe it will help us recognize that

simple truth that every life every

single life matters equally and
