Untapped Power of Nothing to Everything

ladies and gentlemen

this introduction what was given

was not the same

years back

i was here

and my introduction was very simple

good for nothing


good for


anybody who sees that need is to say

good for nothing

and the first speech i remember when i

stood in front of the stage

my shoe was torn

i could feed the

thickness of the floor

it was reminding me the state of nothing

i had borrowed somebody’s blazer

just to look good

it was showing me

the state of

nothing in my life

where i was


the red carpet

where i am

is the power of transformation

that i took as an entrepreneur in my




untapped power

of state of nothing to everything

nothing means


what do you mean by zero

it’s a full start

there are two kinds i can interpret what

i saw in my life

a person

who is nothing


many things inside it

but one full stop makes him to stop


even a student

when he opens a book


one small doubt

makes the student to stop

a parent

one small dot

makes it to stop and think

what next to my son and daughter

is that

do i make sense

yes yes

this state of nothing is


six years back

the whole of my life

was having a lockdown

six years back

complete shutdown in my life

i was in a big loss

in wellness industry i came to street

my wife

had to leave me

along with the children because

she was right

my mistakes

that i committed became


friends left me

industry left me

people who praised me left me

everybody because


is equal to zero means the word

when the world looks at you

when the world looks at you you are


enterpreneurs always are nothing in the

sight of the world

that day when the person was inventing

this bulb

that person was looking like a man for


but today

the invention is alive

people who saw

from the world will always be zero

but there is another zero that i want

you to know

what is that

the oneness


you know

you getting unified

you unify your belief

why do you say that maths is difficult

because your belief is not unified

why do you say your science subject is

difficult because

your belief is not unified

because your belief is on somebody’s

reference who always wish to say math is

difficult science is difficult and at

the burgers upon there

if you start believing that you can


break that

everybody’s life begins with nothing my

dear everybody’s life


one purpose in life

one purpose in life will make the whole

world turn at you and say wow that was

that guy who made my life different

can you be that

i can’t hear

my children are going to speak to me are

you the one

who will make the difference

that’s the spirit of enterprise


the new thoughtfulness

look at this


your situations

into success

there are people you know

they come to me whenever they come to my

counseling they say

so my situation was so bad

i changed i got into it

if situations change you

then you are a normal person

you will end up with becoming


but there is one person who changes

the situations into success and that is

our anthropology

change your situation

some students tell me sir at home my

parents are fighting i cannot study

your situation don’t blame

come on

change that into situations

don’t let the dog

to leave this is a beautiful uh thought

focus i would like to share early

morning you might have seen people

walking with

their pet dogs have you seen them

the dogs are pulling them right

yes or no

that is situations

don’t allow your situations to lead you

don’t allow them to pull you my

situation was so bad

you know i used to go to my wife and

tell her i will change my life please

believe me come back

the situations were pulling me out

whenever the phone is to get vibrations

because which person is calling me to

pay money i don’t know that time that

time was so bad

every knock of the door was like a

vibration of an earthquake

because i had a lot of people like to

pay them

but today

entrepreneurs always use this i have

seen i have observed few people

and i thought i got this beautiful

thought that they use

god in their life

what is that god

it’s a power yeah i agree

but there is something different

dog and god there is a difference please

we all try to destroy the situation


then operate it

then we are trying to generate some

opportunity out of it

this is dark


then they operated

they invested

they developed it

and at last you know

they destroy it

now it might be contradiction why this

is distraught yes

after one success never sit quiet

because your success

is going to again generate one more

opportunity in your life

that is the entrepreneurship that keeps

on going

but what do people do one success

retirement life


that’s not directed

your problems into project

convert your problems into project

what happens you know whenever we have a

problem 24 7 our mind is focusing only

on the problem problem problem problem

math science math science

you cannot sort it out


my father is telling study studies study

studies study

whenever you come to home relationship


when you convert this into your project

you need one tool that is possibilities

look into the possibilities

and what i did is this

what i did is this

in 36th year i got this problem of zero

this checked out

and i thought one word

if 26th year is causing any problem then

what about 35 years that i spent on this

earth are they based

i had experience i had teaching

experiences i had something in my life i

collected them all and i made a movement

to test that untouched lives of students

called this maya

victory is my attitude

i teach students the attitude of victory

how it will be because there used to be

the attitude of


this is what

the three reputations that we need to

follow in our life

it is not good luck or bad luck it is


the reputation that we follow that

reputation is habits that we have in our


please catch up with your aversion but

entrepreneur always goes from this


his purpose is clear

the belief

not on people not on customers not on

anybody not on your teacher who

evaluates it not on

somebody it is on the product

it is on the answers that you write you

should have the belief

it is the belief that you should have on

your system that you are into it

look at this nest whenever you look at

the nest you will find the eggs there

though they are not

they are not there you will other

imagination it is interconnected

a nest will always have a head right do

you agree


it will collect the brokenness the

broken branches dry leaves wastages it

is collecting it is not collecting in

all fresh things it is collecting all

the wastages

and please concentrate when you are

stuck in life when you don’t have any

ways in your life when your relationship

is broken please clear your vision with

all the experiences that you had in the


to come together there should be a

reason but to live together there should

not be a reason that should be only a

vision and a mission to live with your


the another very important point the

tool is virtue

what humans

is from within you should work on

as the bird sits on the head

concentrates and then it brings out the

vision out of the child

look at the capacity

all of these days it was flying

everywhere for its meal but now it is

not doing it

the action the reverse what do you mean

by reverse you know the belief says you

cannot do you cannot do you cannot do

now reverse it and say i can do i can do

and i am the person to do it

action is something like you know the

uncomfortable moves you should do you

should learn to do the uncomfortable

pose don’t do comfortable moves if

you’re very comfortable with your karate

and english or some other subjects or if

you are very easy with your song selling

and buying please don’t go for the


if you’re not if your business is not

doing good because of your communication

then please go for the uncomfortable

move start selling in english

then you’ll expand

and that’s the stability

look at the value

your value increases only when you have

the value when you show the value in

your life only to yourself

nobody else can give you the money


i decided my life

my life is to serve people

to be with people and today

trust me the

nothing is one side but everything is

nowhere it is with you

it is with you and it is with you

so the whole world

success where it is

can i get the answer where it is

who can solve maths

who can be successful

then why are you searching outside


and thank you very much

