Wednesday is the new weekend why a fourday week is so beneficial




think about how you work today

what is the invention that has had the

biggest impact

on how you work maybe you thought about


or smartphones or perhaps assembly lines

or electricity maybe you already work

closely with artificial intelligence

or robotics but i’ll bet there’s one

invention you didn’t think of

that affects how almost all of us work

and yet we take it so much for granted

that we’ve forgotten that we invented it

the weekend do you know when the weekend

was invented would you have guessed that

it was less than a hundred years ago

imagine if your boss decided to give you

one extra paid day off

every week it sounds unbelievable

but that’s exactly what happened in 1926

when henry ford the famous car maker

decided that the regular six day working

week no longer made sense

for how his company worked the time it

took to make a model t car had dropped

from 12.5 hours

down to 1.5 hours ford worried that his

workers were becoming exhausted working

long hours

and didn’t have enough time or energy

left to buy

and use his cars he did research in his

own factories

and found that workers were more


and less likely to quit when they were

well rested

and had enough leisure time so

he gave everybody saturdays off at full

pay and became the first major company

to create the two-day weekend and the

five-day workweek

in two years the company’s profits


and his competitors were shocked into

doing the same

to compete for talent and public opinion

workers had been fighting since the


to reduce the workday from 16 hours a


down to 12 down to 10. and finally

in 1919 the eight-hour working day

became an international standard but

most people still worked six days a week

the five day work week was the next


nobody expected that the next big step

forward would be taken by a factory


but when ford created the five-day work


in 1926 he was 15 years ahead of the

laws that were eventually passed

in the u.s and european countries

starting in 1940

which made the five-day 40-hour workweek

a new normal

notice the dates an 8-hour working day

in 1919

after the great war and another global


of influenza the five-day working week

in 1940 after nearly 10 years

of the great depression sometimes a


can bring about change that decades of

activism alone

could not we have now had a five-day

working week for more than 80 years

just think for a moment what has changed

since then

do you still do the same kinds of jobs

as your parents

grandparents or great-grandparents do


and women still play the same roles in

work and family life

that they did in 1940 today we have

other inventions that henry ford

couldn’t have dreamed of that have

fundamentally changed how

when and where we work

yet the flexibility offered by our

mobile devices

comes with a hidden cost in unmeasured

unpaid mental working time

think about dinner time after a typical

work day

when your partner or your kids or your

best friends are telling you about their


how often does it happen to you that

your mind wanders

to the email that you said just before

walking in the door

so the message from a colleague that

pinged during the meal

or to the conference call that you’re

going to join just this once

after the kids are in bed it definitely

happens to me

more often than i’d like to admit it

means that we haven’t really stopped


even if we don’t have a phone or a

computer in our hands

if you calculated the number of hours

that you spent

thinking about work on top of the number

of hours you spend doing the work

it would surely exceed 40 hours

companies today want us to be more


collaborative and resilient than ever


the work itself is constantly changing

forty percent of what we do in our jobs

today is expected to change

in the next five years half of us will

need to learn

entirely new skills do we really think

that the old model of five days of

back-to-back working time

with mental work added on top in the

evenings and the greater expectations of

the roles that men

and women will play in family life can

really achieve this result

it’s in the interests of workers

companies and societies to create the


for a culture of lifelong learning to


so maybe it’s time to get rid of the old

idea of the five-day work week

and the two-day weekend what if the time

has come for a new kind of day

that is neither weekday nor weekend

a day whose purpose is to spend

re-energizing for ourselves

our families and our communities not

just our employers

a day that is hiding in plain sight

wednesday taking wednesdays off

would give us a weekend a day in the

middle of the week

to re-energize or reskill and a

productivity boost to finish off the

work week

i discovered the power of wednesday six

years ago

when i stopped going to work on


thanks to this break in the middle of

every week i could be more focused and

productive at work

on thursdays and fridays my husband and

my kids could have my full attention at

dinner time

at least one extra night per week i even

managed to do a part-time master’s


in a totally new topic that i was

passionate about

ironically i was able to achieve more

than ever at work

despite being there 20 less

yet i took a pay cut in order to

liberate my wednesdays

i hadn’t dreamed that someday a full

paid four-day work week

could be possible but now

something amazing has started to happen


around the world are testing out a new


the full paid 4-day 32-hour work week

like henry ford employers are


that productivity goes way up by around

40 percent

when they give more paid free time back

to workers

when time becomes a resource that’s

controlled by the employee

and not the manager it’s amazing how

much can get done

rather than squeezing more hours into

every day teams figure out how to work

together more efficiently

they shorten meetings they send fewer


and they spend less work time on social


and personal errands when work no longer

steals time from our personal lives

we don’t have to steal personal time

from work

sales revenue and profitability go up


people are more engaged and committed to

their work and to their companies

you don’t have to wait until hr agrees

to give you wednesdays off

you can start now to try making

wednesdays different

email and long meetings are notoriously

bad for our energy

so block your calendar on wednesdays and

don’t check your inbox

reserve time for learning you could read

more about the research on the four-day


take an online course or start a new

project create the boundaries

in order to give your full attention to

the people who matter most

big or small

we as a society invented the weekend

and the five-day work week when our

technology enabled us to jump to the

next level of productivity

the four-day workweek makes sense for

the technology we live with today

making the four-day workweek a

successful reality

will require boldness from companies

creativity from workers

and supportive policies from governments

to ensure that it doesn’t become a

special privilege

for a limited few we are in the middle

of the most disruptive economic scenario

in a generation

too many lives and livelihoods have been


or put on hold the four-day work week


cannot solve all the problems we face in

our economies and societies

but when the world does get back on

track let’s be ready with a new idea

to give one day back to people to


and reskill for their sake and the

benefit of their companies and


whether it’s wednesday or any other day

whatever makes the most sense for the

kind of work

that you do are you ready to live in a

world where we talk about balance

between work

life and learning where the idea of the

four day work week

is as natural to our grandchildren as

the weekend

has become for us what will you do

with your wednesday thank you
