What should I do with my life

if you are trying to figure out

life i understand

i wish someone gave me a guide when i

was young

and told me how to live i was always

troubled by the idea

that no one ever gave me this guide how

should i think

what’s my purpose this was me when i was

young in the middle

i was a child and i remember i always

used to approach my mom

and ask her how should i think what

should i do when i grow up what’s my


and she gave me no answers she was

always pissed when i asked her

this question she never liked it i got

no answers

and then i grew up more and i started i


i’m still asking the same questions i

remember i used to sit with my friends

and we used to debate the same ideas

what should we do how should we think

and no one had any answer for me i

didn’t know what was the truth

i thought this was going to be the path

of my life

i thought it was it was going to be


and straightforward and very clear

and whenever someone asked me what do

you want to become

i always had no answer for that i didn’t

know what i want to do

all i knew is i was good at art so i

remember my father came to me and told

me since you know

how to draw how to sketch maybe you can

become an architect

and so i did i started architecture for

five years and i started then doing

things like these

and so art led me to

architecture this was the first link i

found in my life

but then i started becoming interested


3d modeling and visualizing buildings

and so

architecture led me to visualization i

started doing things like these

so i’m starting to find new links in my


and then suddenly i became interested in

furniture design and product design and

started doing things like these from

cardboard and wood

but then i started reading more and

getting more educated

and i started becoming interested in


and the next thing i knew i started

writing well i was a

very bad writer when i looked back then

i never thought i would be a good

writer but the more i read

the more i felt i have ideas in my head

i want to express

so i started writing and i wrote a book

so reading led me to writing

the more i read the more i started

becoming interested in philosophy

and philosophy led me to business why

because i wanted to share this

information with the world i want

wanted to invite the world to the ideas

i read in books great books

and business was one way to do that

because businesses can influence people

so i came to japan

came to japan to study business and

embark a new journey

and the more i study business the more i

find a connection

between business and psychology because


know the human mind because they want to

sell to people

they know how people think facebook

knows that because we always come back

to facebook

because of these little cute red


amazon knows psychology too because

we are we are always joined back to go

back to amazon because

of their ratings and the reviews and the


and it also translates in architecture

because when we

look at a building like this with so

many details

we it shows majesty so it works in our

psychology too

so these when i look back at hindsight

these are the links i find

in my life art let me do architecture

and then architecture allowed me to

visualization visualization product

design and so on

and then business led me to psychology

i started to find links in my life and

remember i used to think this was

going to be my life but it turned out to

be something like this

it was very unpredictable not clear

not straightforward and i started doing

things totally different from the things

i did before

i started finding links

so it was almost like my unique dna my

path my journey in life

and so is yours you have your own unique


your own journey in life and your own

set of skills that you can link together

so whenever someone asks me what do you

like it’s very hard to answer that


because the more i find connection

between things the more

i like more things now i appreciate i

appreciate every experience in my life

because i know the importance of every

little experience

it might connect with with something

something else in the future

and lead me to something totally

different so my realization was that

everything is connected everything is


so i started embracing every little


because i realized that everything is

connected again

and i started uh becoming i’m always

becoming i’m sensing that

i’m always experiencing more i’m always

creating a new self

so i’m always becoming

so the problem today is the world is


we have the internet and so many

opportunities we fear of missing out so

many things we can do

how should we choose our then decide our

life our future so many things we can do

and so little time right

we fear missing out

but remember everything is connected

so i thought that my life would be like


right linear and clear but when i

understood that everything is connected

i understood that doors of opportunities

from the back

are connected so when we when we choose

one thing one door of opportunity to


it may lead to something else in the

future with that realization

i no longer fear choosing one path

because i might connect it with

something else

and it might lead to something else

now why are we losing connections why is

it hard for us to decipher

and connect events in our life and

things we like

well it is because of noise

noise from society society tells us

how to dress how to walk how to act

and parents also tell us how to act and

how to

wear our clothes and what to do and what

to not and what not to do

and also media so our many external

influences are

influencing us and telling us what to do

and it acts as a barrier between what we

actually want

from the inside and what we actually do

there’s a huge shield of noise coming

from the external world

that doesn’t allow us to do what we

truly want so we do something

we don’t truly want and we end up being

unhappy i remember when we were when we

were children

we used to be very curious we used to


very a lot of questions why

does the airplane how does the airplane

airplane fly

why does the moon follow us all these

questions we used to

ask them but when we grew up we stopped

asking questions because

society expected us to have answers

we stopped being curious

so the truth is no one knows

this is a very good truth that i

realized an important truth

that i realized now i wish someone told

me that when i was a child like no one


no one has a guide for you no one has a

leader for you

that you have decide and you have to

create your own truth in life

with that realization i figured out that

i should create my own truth and i

should write my own guide

so i started returning to myself and

create my own truth

and my last connection was psychology

led me to nature

why nature because when we zoom out of


to space from that vantage point this is

who we are now

we are one little dot a pale blue dot

they called it

this this is japan and this is my

country lebanon

we are all united in this one dot

because there are no boundaries there

there are no flags there

from the vantage point of space we are

not so i started

i started always to remind myself to

dare to experiment outside the borders

of my culture

to always learn and most importantly


if i have if i consume bad information

in the past

i can edit it and i can change it i

always remind myself to assume nothing

take nothing for granted and always

question everything

why do i have five fingers why do i have

two feet

how do i walk question every little

detail in my life and take nothing for


so to find our own truth

we have to start connecting experiences

in our life

to find what we want what you truly want

so we have to experience

more and in my opinion

if you want to experience more we have

to break fear this is the problem

if we were able to break fear and stop

being afraid

we can be we can experiment more and we

can connect more and we can find what we

truly want

i love this quote by alexander the great

he said

throughout every generation of the

humankind they have there has been a

constant war

a war with fear a constant war

a war with fear those who have heard the


to defeat it are made free but those who

are conquered by it are made to suffer

until death takes them or they defeat it

so our only war is an internal war and

it’s a war with fear

if we were able to defeat it we can find

our own truth our own answers

so i always ask myself how can i be less

afraid i don’t want to be afraid

how can i be less afraid and i always

remind myself that rejection

is always always better than regret

is it it’s okay for me to to get


for people to tell me no why because

rejection is okay

it’s better than regretting it in the

future and saying

no i wish i did that i always remind

myself that rejection will only hurt me

will only sting

for one minute but regret will last my

whole life

i regret something for my whole life

that i didn’t do it

so this is a reminder for me i don’t

want to be afraid

so always ask always ask and don’t be

afraid remember

juxt rejection only stings for a minute

but regret

lasts a whole lifetime i love this quote

also by robert kiyosaki he’s japanese


businessman and he says when it comes to

life and money

people always like to play it safe

because they like

to be secure to feel secure so they are

not directed by passion

they are are directed by fear fear

guides them not passion

so always ask and stay curious

and be passionate about what you do if

you don’t know what you want to do

find it experience more

this was me yes a few years later

and what changed in this picture is i i

decided that i’m gonna

follow i’m gonna find my own truth

because no one

has a guide for me i’m gonna build my

own guide

so i decided to find my own truth

so always dare to experiment outside the

borders of your culture

learn and unlearn assume nothing

and always question everything thank you

very much