What would you do if you knew you could not fail

let’s forget where we are

let’s control alt and delete

so how many of you over here

have seen a deck of cards

your hands if you have

okay how many of you here have

played any card games please clap your

hands if you have

now how many of you

know that the ace of spades is the

highest card that you can get


you got the gist i think uh that’s my

first success

i have uh successfully gotten applause

for this session

my job here is done now

if i had to ask you all if you wanted to

be the ace of spades i think you’ve

answered that you’d want to be

in order to get from a deck of cards

to being an asus page all we have to do

is control

alt and delete you see

this is a function that we take not once

not twice

several times in our day each day

luckily each and every one of us all of

us over here

is born as a deck of cards fresh


new with opportunities the only

difference i would say in these deck of

cards is how you shuffle them

that’s all that changes how you shuffle

this deck of cards

and how we’re then presented it

you see with that let me tell you a

little bit about myself

let me introduce myself to you beyond

just the name

this is the first time i was cited

that’s my first picture now

i wouldn’t call it a selfie of course

but at the same time i didn’t get

permission for this to be taken

but much like my ultrasound right here

each and every one of us has our first

picture and it looks

exactly like this like a deck of cards

fresh but let’s skip to the future

if i had to take it one day at a time

this might be a bit too long

so i found myself over here doing

exactly what i love to do and that’s

where i put the control function

on that’s where i pressed control the

first time i started playing football

all the time every single day and i

found myself

good at football and therefore playing

for a club in england

it showcased in my marks or lack of

marks at the time but what i really

realized was i was focusing on my


my impulse to do something i loved

which got me right here now

this is where i realized what my

passions were but what was supposed to

lead me towards a goal

a goal towards a scoresheet actually led

me to

writing on a blackberry

a phone that was used utilized to convey

messages to friends and loved ones

the oldest blackberry that i had turned

out to be where i typed in

my first book you see for me

that’s where i put the alternative part

of my life i pressed alt

and started to explore different

passions much

more than i thought i wanted to do and

much more where i wanted to spend

my time in what i was willing to fail at

and this is where i realized we’re all


we have no idea what we’re doing and

that’s the best part of it

going one word at a time i typed up the

words this is just a short story

to realize it turned out to be a book

typed up in a blackberry

but at the same time what my friend over

here is telling us

is you’ve got to be confused in the

process don’t believe you’ve reached

the ultimate goal because there is no

ultimate goal and that’s the best part

about this journey

like this deck of cards you actually

have to slice and dice it a little bit

so you have to start removing parts that

you don’t want

that’s where you reach a very very

important part

that is the delete function intimidating

isn’t it

almost seems like a villain trying to

take us away from our goals

delete it’s daunting

but you have to start trimming in order

to reach your goals

i’m going to repeat that to grow you

have to trim

makes no sense but you have to let go of

things you’re not willing to fail at you

have to let go of things you’re not

willing to spend

time improving towards

and like this deck of cards i started

cutting a little more

each time started letting go and got

left with two or three different parts

of my life

you see we’ve got to be a jack of all


you have to be one of them you have to

have so many tricks up your sleeve in

order to figure out

where you stand where you want to stand

where you want to sit

there has to be as homer simpson said


now to factor all this in i started

testing out myself a little bit

because there’s only so much a passion

can tell you until you actually go out

there until you get out

of the red line until you cross so i

started testing out

by meeting people and spending time in

writing books no writing a blog

starting a business definitely not

getting mentored

aside meeting people that had done the

control alt delete function in their


multiple times multiple times

successfully as well

what i realized in the process was

in order to reach your several goals in

order to learn

how to catch one ball throw one ball

catch the other ball

and then eventually juggle wait were you

guys going to think i was going to


no that’s one thing i realized i’m bad


apart from the multiple other things i

realize i’m bad at

so i started to realize what i need to

focus on how do i

put something let it go how do i

let another thing go and catch it

you’ve got to realize what you’re

willing to spend your time on

so i set my goals very methodically or

at least that’s what i thought

the hardest goal the one that will take

the furthest amount of time

came first i spent my time building that


by the time i was in your place

in school i didn’t realize i typed up my

first book

and by the time i was ending university

i realized someone told me hey this

might be the second

so i set it set myself aside and put

another hat

on one of the other jacks to realize let

me start building ventures

it wasn’t that easy it was almost like

dropping a ball each time when you

thought this is the one you want to


that’s where the whole process of

meeting someone else came in the mentors

came in

now let me tell you the fun bit

when you start categorically putting

what you want in place

do you realize

the people around you are actually your


each and every one while you’re pressing

control someone else is pressed all

when they’ve pressed all someone else

says press delete

it’s a vicious chain cycle that works

and that got me to the last part

in order to reach her you categorically

put everything in place

jump into that mess get your hands dirty

realize you don’t realize anything

realize you don’t know what you’re doing

and only then will you be able to figure

out what you’re willing to fail at

and only after all this will you realize

the real trick has been obviously the

entire time

the ace of spades it’s there with you

and you can keep building more how many

of you think there’s another

card up my sleeve clap your hands if you

genuinely think there’s another ace of


those that did there’s only one ace of

spades in a deck

and you have to concentrate on that

first and then slice and dice the cake

till you become

the entire cake yourself lastly

i’m going to tell you the first step of

this what is a deck of cards made for

to have fun that’s what decks are made


just have fun during the process

lose a few hands play a few more

the house will always win that’s that’s

the first step that we’re taught

but like a deck of cards like that first


be fresh and have fun

thank you very much for having me