Your online life permanent as a tattoo Juan Enriquez

all right so let’s take four subjects

that obviously go together

big data tattoos immortality and the

Greeks right and the issue about tattoos

is the without a word tattoos really do

shout so you don’t have to say a lot

and tattoos tell you a lot of stories if

I can ask an indiscreet question how

many of you have tattoos a few but not

most what happens if Facebook Google

Twitter LinkedIn cell phone’s GPS

Foursquare Yelp travel advisor all these

things you deal with every day turn out

to be electronic tattoos and what if

they provide as much information about

who and what you are as I need tattoo

ever would

what’s ended up happening over the past

few decades is the kind of coverage that

you had as a head of state or as a great

celebrity is now being applied to you

every day by all these people who are

tweeting blogging following you watching

your credit scores and what you do to

yourself and electronic tattoos also

shout and as you’re thinking of the

consequences of that it’s getting really

hard to hide from this stuff among other

things because it’s not just electronic

tattoos it’s facial recognition that’s

getting really good so you can take a

picture with an iPhone and get all the

names although again sometimes it does

make mistakes but that means you can

take a typical bar scene like this take

a picture say of this guy right here get

the name and download all the records

before you utter a word or speak to

somebody because everybody turns out to

be absolutely plastered by electronic

tattoos and so there’s companies like

face comm that now have about 18 billion

faces online here’s what happened to

this company there are other companies

that will place a camera like this this

has nothing to do with Facebook they

take your picture ledge height to the

social media they figure out you really

like to wear black dresses so maybe the

person the store comes up and says hey

we’ve got five black dresses that would

just look great on you so what if Andy

was wrong here’s Andy’s theory what if

we flipped this what if you’re only

gonna be anonymous for 15 minutes

well then because of electronic tattoos

maybe all of you and all of us are very

close to immortality because these

tattoos will live far longer than our

bodies will and if that’s true then what

we want to do is we want to go through

four lessons from the Greeks in one

lesson from Latin America why the Greeks

well the Greeks thought about what

happens when gods and humans and

immortality mix for a long time so

lesson number one Sisyphus remember did

a horrible thing condemned for all time

to roll this rock up it would roll back

down roll back up roll back down it’s a

little like your reputation once you get

that electronic tattoo you’re going to

be rolling up and down for a long time

so as you go through this stuff just be

careful what you post myth number two


wonderful guy charming to be around

great partier great singer loses his

beloved charms his way into the

underworld only person to charm his way

into the underworld charms the gods of

the underworld they release his beauty

on the condition he never look at her

until they’re out so he’s walking out

and walking out and walking out he just

can’t resist he looks at her and liz’s

her forever with all this data out here

it might be a good idea not to look too

far into the past of those you love

lesson number three Atalanta greatest

runner she would challenge anybody if

you won she would marry you if he lost

you died how did hype ominous beater

well he had all these wonderful little

golden apples and she’d run ahead in the

role a little golden apple she’d run

ahead he’d roll little golden apple she

kept getting distracted he eventually

won the race just remember the purpose

is all these little golden apples come

and reach you and you want to post about

them or tweet about them or send a

late-night message and then of course

there’s narcissus nobody here would ever

be accused or be familiar with narcissus

but as you’re thinking about narcissus

just don’t fall in love with your own

reflection last a lesson from a Latin

American this is the great poet

Henry Spartacus when he was threatened

by the thugs of the Argentine military

whom - he came back and said oh come on

how else can you threaten other than

with death the interesting thing the

original thing would be to threaten

somebody with immortality and that of

course is what we are all now threatened

with today because of electronic tattoos

thank you