The Power of Light to Make Change Happen


there is a great power and light to make

change happen

my journey toward this discovery began

when i was a child

oftentimes when i had fever i would have

a similar experience

in which i would see myself in a slowly

falling drop of water

and in this drop of water i would see

myself in another drop of water

and this would continue recursively and

as a result my perception of space and

time would change

and all of a sudden it felt like i had

popped out of space and time

into this calm realm which was just

defined by peace

and i began to associate this realm with


it wasn’t till years later when i got

introduced to einstein’s theory of


and his description of the constant

speed of light

and how space and time can change based

on how close they approach that

speed that it occurred to me that i may

have been experiencing

this theory of relativity viscerally as

a child

so i got very interested in light and i

wanted to understand it

much more deeply some of the things that

i found were pretty astounding to me

one every single atom in the universe


of animate matter or inanimate matter is

forged either in the light of the sun’s

or the math

of supernova in other words what we are

what everything is

deeply has light inside it

if i consider a small iota of space

around me

it’s packed with millions of photons and

these photons we know are carriers of


so these photons carry infinite amount

of information from the surrounding


stream this through our eyes and

recreate in our brains and image of the

world in other words

the action of photons deeply grounds us

in one massive light based operating


even if we consider nutrition of all

living beings

we can trace it back to a simple process

called photosynthesis

which again depends on the light of the


so it’s fair to say that without light

we wouldn’t exist

but even if we consider our current


the infrastructure that exists

technologically is derived from

different wavelengths of what we call

the electromagnetic spectrum

which is another word for light so

whether technology is based on radio

waves or microwaves or infrared

or visible light or ultraviolet or

x-rays or gamma rays

these all derive from light and without

it our world

our current world wouldn’t be what it is

even if we extrapolate into the future

then it’s been said that quanta and

optics are going to be

instrumental in the future and both

these things quantum

optics are derivative from light and so

without light neither our past would

exist nor our current nor our future

and yet we barely consider light we

don’t have a conscious relationship with


the question is if this was reversed if

we began to develop a conscious

relationship with it

what kind of new technologies would

evolve as a result

and how would our lives be different

now one day many decades ago

i was experiencing a very difficult

relationship with somebody

and i was at my wit’s end about what to


i was in india at the time and i was

sitting under a big tree

and all of a sudden it occurred to me to

begin to see this person

in a sphere of light so i did that

for a few days and then almost by


she began to treat me entirely

differently now

i could call that a miracle or could see

miraculous but i believe

that i had actually tapped into a

fundamental technology of light

a repeatable process by which some


circumstances had changed a result of

my imagining things in light

so armed with these experiences the

fractal experience of

the drop within a drop as a child and

now this multi-dimensionality of light

where imagination made something

physically changed

i really wanted to express or articulate

what i was perceiving as this power and

light so i began

a journey of articulating this and i

chose the medium of mathematics

because it appealed to me as a more

artistic way

to begin to capture what light is so i

wrote a series of 10 books

that belong to this cosmology of light


and basically in that framework what

occurred to me

is that light has a fundamental place

everything arises from light light’s

native state

is something where it travels infinitely


and in that state

there’s infinite amount of information

and potential

and light can project itself at slower


and then through the device of quanta

some of that infinite potential can


where light projects itself at slower

speeds and we know that in our universe

light is scientifically known to travel

at a constant speed of 186 000 miles per


and to me that’s deliberate that’s an


so that materialization can occur in a

certain way

but the point being that it’s all framed

the medium for this

is light so if we begin to

develop a different kind of relationship

with light if we understand

what light is more intimately my

proposal is that

we can change things much more easily

why do i say that

because light is fundamentally agnostic

to power

light doesn’t care where you come from

it doesn’t care what the color of your

skin is

it’s the most democratic instrument it

doesn’t care what your bank balance is

and if you can access it then you can

have the power to change things

just by visualizing light in a

particular kind of way

now i had accidentally tapped into this

process of seeing a person in a sphere

of light

and then something changed but what i

want to propose to you is that

when you get into any kind of difficult

situation going forward

just simply remember that and re-see

that situation

in real time or in retrospect or before

going into it

in a sphere of light and then the


feel that surrounds that circumstance

that connects you with that circumstance

will begin to change and

that situation is going to have a chance

to evolve differently

but don’t take my word for it try it try


on a couple of situations that are

similar and on one situation

experiment with seeing it in light in

another situation don’t

and begin to see how these situations

might evolve differently

and if you do i want to propose that in


something of the power of light to make

change happen

might get revealed to you