Foggy clarity How to exist in uncertainty


we cannot always know the reason

nor logic to everything in this world

just like the biggest challenge we all

face in this time

but in any time is uncertainty

it is that feeling you know like the

heart beating faster

the palms start sweating the stomach

doesn’t seem to sit right

i keep thinking and you keep thinking

with me too

who am i what do i want to do what is my

place in this world

the answer that usually pops up is

i don’t know and honestly

that is the best answer you can give to


you may be wondering why so let me tell

you this

life is not certainty nor predicting the


nor seeing everything through life is

about standing tall

knowing that you’re fragile and knowing

that you don’t know

let me repeat that for you again life

is not certainty nor predicting the


nor seeing everything through life is

about standing

standing in the realm of fragility

knowing that you’re fragile

and knowing that you don’t know anything

at all

i don’t think it can get any clearer

than that nor can’t get any more

confusing than that

we fear uncertainty and we don’t usually

accept it

just like all of us fear to some degree

change it is quite sad

to see that the majority of their

connotations are negative

but i want to make this little thing


we are not afraid of the change that

uncertainty brings

we’re not afraid of the feeling that

uncertainty brings

we’re afraid of the unknown outcome of

it we are afraid of the

i don’t know it gets thrown around a lot

i don’t know it takes a simple shoulder


and these three words to describe

whatever we are unable to answer

we are calculative of everything around

us that is what makes us human really

so it isn’t a surprise that we also want

to break down the i don’t know phrase

because it is in our nature our human

nature to want to predict

it is human nature to want stability and


in something or everything around us


nothing around us is stable and nothing

around us can bring comfort

and it is also but really also

important to know that it is human

nature to fear it all

and grasp a sense of light


or enlightenment to give a perspective


all that is surrounding us

change and uncertainty come in hand in


like best friends in kindergarten and

they don’t know

anything or anyone so they just keep

each other protected because

how would they know what’s going to

happen how would they know the emotions

that come up with

they’re just protecting each other

certainty uncertainty and change are

protecting each other

we try to push them down a lot because

it is unpleasant

however we can suppress what we cannot

suppress what we are

doing or what we are bound to feel we

cannot suppress a vitality

of being in general emotions

thoughts and everything in between

they’re not us but they’re pieces of the


of each of our own and collective


and uncertainty itself is one of the


we do not know and that’s all right

making a structure of

plans helps but for seeing something

as that is what is going to happen it

won’t really give us

anything positive to focus on really we


continuously and always see the negative

aspects of it

that then group themselves up and become


to your beautifully lively colorful eyes

that you’re watching with me right now

as a young person living in this day and


me i mean me like all of you listening

to me right now

it is tough i’m not going to deny

uncertainty and change are tough to


manage and feel through before

i would crumble at the thought of being

and not being at the same time

that is what uncertainty can also be

like questioning yourself at

every step of the way you may ask

what way well it is the way you make it

the way is yours and nobody

nowadays thinks about it though

and so i let uncertainty run wild

wild wild wild like the wild west

actually like wild i mean i let it live

through me

and pass me i let it show me the worries

the fears and the void of the unknown

it is scary every inch of my body would

want to just collapse in the midst of

that ocean

of that void of that deep and unending


so a little story time would be

me looking at the mirror looking at the


in the dark where

i don’t know i honestly don’t know i

don’t know what’s going on what’s

happening what am i doing

all i can think about is i don’t know


so scared i’m feeling uncertain i’m

feeling anxious

we ask ourselves why at those moments we

even ask ourselves why when we’re

going to school going to college going

to work on the commute on the way to


and it’s all about the fact that

we won’t know we don’t know we don’t

know why we feel like that it is that

little thing that we always keep

reminding ourselves to push back

back behind our bind and say this does

not exist

but actually i want to give you

something i want to give you three

things actually

i want to give you three things for you


really focus on when you do feel like


i want you to know first it is the

meaning that you attribute to everything

surrounding you

that makes you react the way you do

second reframing the perception of


as an experience can make you or break


third it is just to breathe

honestly just to breathe breathe because

breathing is life breathing is what is

us breathing is the only thing you can’t

control of yourself

and not in a zen but this or taoist way

or not in a mindfulness or meditation


but just in a human connection type of


just breathe like me and you

we’re humans and

lastly but not least i want you to

remind yourself whenever you take those

deep breaths

stand tall i am standing tall say to

yourself i am standing tall

in the midst of uncertainty thank you