Getting out of your norm


is the most common chronic disease that

you all

hear may have it is

curable but

you can have it for years but you never

know that you have it until

it knocked you down this disease

is so powerful that it can

even hypnotize your brain

to make you and to persuade you to

believe that

i am an introvert so that

i am unable to do public speaking

i am a woman so that i am able to be a


leader i am a man

so that i am unable to be emotional

which disease am i talking about

not cancer not heart disease

not even covet 19.

i am talking about self labeling

the inner monster in the soul

back to the day when i was 14 that we

all have to face the high school

entry exam which is where we can decide

whether the future

is successful or not and the society

the school or somehow myself always want

to define

myself and and want to know who i am

want to know what i am good at so that i

could get have a head up

for the other however to show you

how much i was clueless at that time

i could lead you into an interview that

i have had

at school that interview

or asked a very common question that i

was even used

to ask other people when they attend my


show me how can i disconnect

you with other candidates

what is your special trait

at that time i failed crisis

on myself the identity of crisis

believing that i am just average

you know the feeling of being in the

middle or if not let’s just see

i am middle class my grade was in the


of the class and even i

study in bilingual school my english is

just a hybrid between

vietnamese and english and whenever i

tend to speak

vietnamese they even tell me that whoa

you you sound like a foreigner trying to


and talk in vietnamese well

it’s so weird that i don’t know where i

would fit in

that i tend to find a definition for


a label and i call myself an

average person an average student

and like many other average students i

pass through the application

and the school calling out for such


like model u.n like tedx last

year but i denied to enter

because i thought i was average and that

activity is

only for the elite student

but likewise life is unexpected

and is unpredictable they always

is always given a moment that we never

know is gonna happen

but we all go through it covet 19

the longest vacation we ever have and

for our teenager

we heard that we can’t stay at home for

that long

yes finally but

day and day pad my routine

is just the same of sleeping

eating and then watching movie

somehow my mom cannot tolerate it

so one day she tried to transfer me

to my both my patinal

and maternal grandparents but the

problem is

that if you are a teenager you would


think back of your last long vacation

or last long day that you spent

with your grandparents how was it like

did you two get along do you two

have fun so much fun and you feel like

they are your soul mate

i wish that is the case with me

and my paternal grandparents

both of us got a fixed mind of i am


and they are old we

tend to not talk outside of dinner table

because we thought that the matter we

gonna discuss

is not going to be the same

even though whenever i try to approach


with such thing like can you go out with


let’s go and have a bike or can you

don’t please don’t read that news

because it’s affecting you

they say and respond back with the same

old statement of i am oh

i’m already oh i have been living in my

life for 17 years of that as no point

for me changing

and i believe that oh it’s all right

they already lived their life for 17

years so

i live my life they live their life to

the rest of day i

spent in my paternal grandparents

i did not i did not share

anything but the longer the day

i went to my martial grandparents

is my grandma who changed his own with

the same question statement i’m asking

them to go out

asking them asking my grandma

to have fun with me she never answered

with the same statement

of i am oh but the statement of let’s

see what i can do

and that’s why i have so much fun with


it is so much that i feel like i want to

be like her an active person

a strong one the one that always shared

a bow i feel like

you may feel like what the story related

to self label

let’s just see one of my grandparents

are labeled themselves with being old

and the other

they do not and that’s why they open to

any contraception

then they open and that’s why i feel

like shareable with me

and this situation also made me to refer


to a quote that you are what you think

so to all students here let’s go back to

when i was 14

that the most insecurity of me is my


so you guy when you were a student

when you received a bad grade at a


subject what did you do

you properly went home and rewrite


and harder for that subject right

and however if the fourth time

and then so on the second the third the

fourth time

you fail to get good grade we probably

end up concluding that well the subject

is not first we are not doing good at it

however have you ever thought

that this might not because that subject

is not for you

but maybe the way you are learning is


uneffective maybe the test that i was

required to do was practical but all i


is remembering fact and that’s why

i have climbed too soon to my conclusion

that that

i’m not good and that particular subject

and this case does not only happen

with students but when we go out using

our carrier

and also we see the factor of gender


and other may affect us of the way we

self-flavor ourselves

let’s just see an example

but xiaopan show me that

you have had someone say that they can

do a particular job

just because of their gender show me

your hand

interesting so a woman

that is an example i will show you

according to nippon foundation yes

asking women why they do not involve

into politic and strangely

after all the venomous movement of us

calling out

for equal right equal pay and also

the equal to get a job still 34 percent

of women

still believe that this is a job

just only for men 31

of women still believe that men

go out and do the work and women stay


it’s not only the case in japan but here

right here

when i looked for my carrier orientation

and i got me female friend who in

like history and politic but she denied

her to go into that field because she


it’s too much for a woman

so however what makes this

what makes us women


do they label themselves with being

woman do they have super power

powerful not properly but the main

difference is they never

label themselves with particular

thing referring to gender

and we as human whether you are


whether you are introvert never know

what is our ability might end

it is infinite you today might be

different from you tomorrow

might be different from you yesterday

like the wright brother he they go

out of their own norm of that human

cannot fly

so that they invent the airplane

but by the use of labeling ourselves

with such definition of man

introvert or anything the social gift


we but nobody else dragged us in the

excuse mechanism

of because i am the sky a person

the society have already defied and i


defy it so there’s no point in changing


and that is what the way i should behave

but in the end of the day we might never

know that

our potential happy and happy

limited and i did i hadn’t

limited myself with the thinking of

i am average with the thinking of i’m

just a woman

but now i choose to be nobody

nobody here doesn’t mean that i

am not being recognized but i am not


that funny define myself with such


of such thing so that i can look at

myself with open perspective and

always coming and welcome the challenge

that is going to come

and like

a famous word and i want to quote from


of ogaka lokata that when you were born

you are pink when you grow up you are

the color you are today

but when you get cold you are blue when

you get sick

you are even bluer and when you pass out

you get green yes our skin color

have different way to look but why

we just come to self at the conclusion

of who we are is that too fast to do so

yes it is so

i am standing here to challenge you

to look at yourself with an open


so that and then you can look at other

with open perspective so that the world

can be looked

at an open perspective

that the human needy can

come and at least from an endless


and its own start with you thank you