The Offbeat trial Going Unconventional

so i would like to share my journey that

actually people think that at one side

once i did my mba then i got into this

field because

i have actually got popular off late i

have not been as popular as i am today

since the time i started doing this and

many actually think it’s a one night


things happened very fast brands started

giving me cars calling me and all

but you know that’s not true at all so

the journey actually started when i was

in school

since childhood days when i was in

school i used to love

automobiles i loved talking about cars

all my friends we used to actually race

from the assembly area to the classroom

every day and

we used to make these fake sounds of

motorcycles and cars and

that was the level of passion in school

now of course

in school everyone is very casual about

it but then when

i got into my 11th standard i was still

so much more inclined towards

automobiles that was the thing i wanted

to do

but i never thought about it as a career

path it was always about a hobby or a

passion for me

and i was not doing anything about it

there was no pressure there was nothing

in my mind that i need to do anything

about automobiles it was just that i

wanted to improve

my knowledge about cars i wanted to

improve my knowledge about automobiles

and share it

now how do you share knowledge of

automobiles with your friends because

all those guys were with you in till 10

standard they used to like

discuss with you about automobiles and

then obviously everyone when their

separate ways in 11 12 some men science

i mean

art some in commerce i went to science

because of obviously

parent pressure and one side that

pressure was there the other side the

way to relieve pressure was about you

know seeing automobile content and

that was in the 2000s late 2000 nobody


uh like there was no free content

available you had to buy magazines to

read about auto movies

so what do i do well simple as that i

had to go and buy magazines but parents

wouldn’t give me enough pocket money to

buy magazines because they were like

it’s a waste of money

you’re distracting yourself you’re not

studying properly

so now what happened was that uh because

11 12 you get a little bit of freedom

uh you get a little bit of pocket money

because no longer there are official

school buses to pick you and drop you so

you have to be on your own so as to get

this pocket money to travel i used to

save all that money

and i used to buy magazines and read

magazines and there was a point of time

that i was like an encyclopedia you

could ask me the specs of

any card and i would know them by now i

have had so much knowledge now it’s time

to show off how do i tell people you

know i have so much knowledge it’s about


sharing your opinion that is the time

when forums started coming

and there were so many forums where you

could just log in and share your

knowledge and discuss with like-minded

enthusiasts so i got onto that the

problem was my english was terrible it

was so bad it was so bad that is to keep

getting banned time and again

and that led to frustration because you

were building up your profile on a forum

and look so childish that time you were

like oh look at my profile it’s so cool

and then you get banned and that was

really upsetting so i decided

enough with this let me let me make a

blog of my own where i can write about

stuff and obviously because it’s my own


i can’t block myself so that’s when i

just opened a free

blog where i should write about cars

every day

consistently and that was the time where

i was i just finished my 12th standard i

had got into

my graduation which by the way my

parents forced me to get into it

so i was doing bscit which i did not

like obviously

and my focus was so much on cars and

bikes that i didn’t study

so i dropped out of that and then i got

into commerce and then in commerce i

really flourished because that was

something which really interested me

so the key issue here is that when

parents put pressure on you that

you know become an engineer or a doctor

or do is or whatever

don’t fall for it because it’s a trap

trust me on it do what you like to do

like i didn’t know that i enjoy commerce

so much

coming back to the topic of passion uh i

started this

blogger this is the precursor to

motorbeam and i used to write absolute

nonsense on it i used to share my

opinion but my english was terrible

it was really broken it was really bad

it was so bad that i had to go and

delete them

recently there was one thing which was

consistent okay

every day the views used to go up by one

which was actually me watching my own


uh sorry me watching my own uh blog

and increasing the view by one because

that time you had this

counter which used to increase and every

day you like going and saying oh my god

views buddy

okay two more who are the two people

have seen it extra

but every day no matter what happens i


always go and put a blog no matter what

happens i would put a blog

it’s terrible nobody’s reading it but i

enjoyed sharing my knowledge about

automobiles so i would write one blog

every day no matter what and

now in 2000 uh later in 2000 actually my

parents were

asking me why are you on your computer

so much what are you doing on your

computer and obviously

the internet was new that time and it

doesn’t look nice if you’re on the

computer too much because people like

what are you doing

so i told them i’m just i made this blog

and when i write about cars and it’s my

own blog

so they were so proud and they used to

tell people you know what our son has

made a blog and he writes about cars and

it’s a proud moment right

uh you’re 20 something and you’re doing

all this it’s super cool not even 20

actually you’re

late 19 around 80 19 years old

then what happened was that they should

ask what’s the name of the blog and it’s


xyz like name dot it

was so freaking long they were like

uh it’s not given i’m gonna accept it i

decided that take professional domain

link and that time it was ten dollars

and i was like i’ll get a domain name so

i’ll start pairing stuff like motor this

that auto

or towards auto and some part of the car

motor and some part of the car but i

finally found

after pestering my brother for a long

time finally registered

now things were much better because

i look professional adder name to say things continued as

they were consistency was the main key i

still used to write every day one blog

then one day what happened was i got a

press release where they said that we

launched a new car or something of that

sort and i’m like this is interesting

brands are sending me emails how cool is

that okay uh below the email obviously

uh there’s the contact details written

off the pr

and i just called them up and said you

know what i want to drive your car

uh i wanted to make a review of your car

and they said okay cool and they

actually sent the car to me for three

days obviously with the driver

that was really fascinating to me so one


things were becoming serious in terms of

you know automobile journalism which i

was doing which had started which was

more of blocking

and on the other side i was not really

thinking of it as a career because i was

so focused on actually doing

mba and finance i just want to do

ambient finance because i was like my

dream job is to become an equity

research analyst

and go to new york and something of that

sort so investment banker that that was

like fixed

i didn’t even think twice that i’m going

to get into what i’m getting into right

now it was just pure passion pure hobby

pure fun

so this is happening side by side

everything is happening side by side and

i didn’t know what i’m doing but all i

knew i was having fun i was having fun


because i was getting good marks and

like i was becoming the star of the


and the other side i was actually

getting cast to drive and share my

knowledge about them click pictures

write about them and writing started

becoming a hobby

from the terrible writer which i was

when i started off to actually improving

so much that today people actually ask

me that uh

can you teach us english and i’ve come

to actually learn english from you

so that is the dramatic change and what

is the only change consistency

the consistency of writing has made me

improve my writing to an extent where


call me an expert in english language

which is not happened over a day it’s

happened over time because of

consistency again

so fast forward after my graduation i

went to do my mba

all my friends were initially pepped up

about doing mba and then all of us all

of them are like you’re stupid wouldn’t

don’t do mba

first you need to get a job understand

why uh the you know two years experience

then you do me and i’m like i can’t

waste time on all this

plus i had the experience of running

motor beam although it was very casual

it was more of a blog

nothing else we were not making any

videos that was the plan

so i went and did my mbn finance first

year was good then i did this internship

which is a mandatory internship at stock

exchange and then i realized

what is this i have minimum work but i

still have to sit there all day long and

then i was like this is not my jam

i can’t sit there all day long just

because i need to finish a number of

hours at office

i need to get done with work and head

back because i had cars to review that

time as well

and that’s when i decided it struck me

that what am i doing

why am i actually uh

planning to become something which is

not my hobby or my passion something

which at three o’clock in the night if

someone wakes me up i would

not be able to do it like investment

banking of course meanwhile for cars i

can get up and not sleep

at all and the slow story things were

picking up big time

okay uh to the extent where brands were

calling me for a lot of events uh they


me you know sponsoring my trips here and


sending me cars all these things were

happening at a rapid pace but i was

still focused that you know what boss

i’m not going to do mba in finance

and i’m going to become an investment

banker do you go to new york

now what happened was uh my dad is like

why are you wasting your time giving up

replacement interviews

because you’re not the kind of person

who’s going to go and do a job and i’m

like no i’m going to do a job

and the timing was such and the people

who are joined last year from my college

they were like you know you don’t get

any time because you work for india

and then you work for us also so you

will get good pay you will get good

opportunities but you don’t have any

time for yourself

and in my family my parents always

believe that time for yourself is more

important than work and money

because work and money will keep going

on but if you’re not enjoying life as it

is then what’s the point of you doing

anything what you’re doing because that

money is of no use if you can’t spend it

so i was like yeah that makes sense so

my parents were so supportive they were

like you know just stick more to me

professionally why are you even spending

time into uh

giving interviews wasting your time

there focus there so once i finished my

mba then i took motorbeam as a full time

now the thing is the beauty of this is

that if after finishing my mba if i

started motoring it would have been a

great struggle because then my mind

would be constantly on

okay am i making enough money to pay off

the bills and all those things

obviously because once you didn’t done

your mba you can’t keep asking your

pension you know what i’m doing a


can you please lend me money that often

me but

because i started young because i

started as a hobby i didn’t feel the

pinch of the initial years which was

like the

base of the company motorbeam’s base was

already said

like in fun only i’m just having fun and

the base is already set that was the


so you’re already making a decent enough

revenue that i don’t have to go to

parents or borrow money from anywhere

that’s when i took it full time and then

start hiring people slowly slowly

but the major change changing point

happened in 2014 when we got into video

and that also uh there was a

multi-channel network they said you know

why don’t you come

along and join us we will do a ref share

you don’t have to invest anything and we

will make videos for you and i said

sounds interesting and i was initially

wary of it because i’m like okay i have

to give access

or too much of my channel to another

person plus it’s going to be difficult

to coordinate they don’t understand my

jam what i want to do but then i am a

kind of person who will always listen

once at least to what the other person

is saying to understand

that what could possibly happen like you

never know what can happen and you never

know things can click and things click

so beautifully well with them

that we started making a lot of videos

my full understanding of video comes

from that i used to go every day to the

office and it’s like

one and a half hour drive one way i used

to go i sit with the editor from morning

to evening and see what he’s doing and

that’s where i learned edit actually

so now fast forward in 2017 i realized


motive is doing great but now the kind

of content people want to watch

is changing people want to see a person

people are more inclined towards uh

individuals towards vloggers vlogging

became a big thing

views were going through the roof and

that’s when i realized that it’s time to


vlogging as well and that’s when i got

into vlogging

now i didn’t know how to edit i didn’t

know how to shoot okay

like my shoot was mainly uh i should

just set up a camera on a tripod and go

and talk in front of it

i never edited because i already had so

many editors but then i realized that if

i want to do daily vlogging i need to

edit my own videos

i cannot just leave it to someone else

because now i have a time commitment so

later almost end of 2018 start of 2019 i

decided i’m going to do daily vlogging

one video i’m going to put every day

and the whole idea of that was firstly

it was more for me than for the readers


for the viewers because what i was doing

was i was trying to put a video every

day but procrastinating to the level


okay we don’t online tickets you know

i’ll put it by evening

like that video is to go at night at 11

30 when no one is watching

then i decided this is not going to work

there has to be on some system there has

to be some

you know timeline and you have to be

answerable to people that

11 30 every day i just put a random time

11 30 every day i’ll put a video the

idea of 11 30 was if i can’t edit it at

night at least in the morning i can get

up and edit

so that is the time i put 11 30. now if

you notice a couple of things in life

for me personally firstly it’s all about

following your passion and i was like

yeah these guys understand my love for

auto movies and all that stuff and

people used to come and tell me straight


point blank you are wasting your time on

all these things cars motorcycle they

will not take you

anywhere they will not help you

professionally and all

and i used to be like yeah i understand

that it not gonna help me anywhere

professionally but this is what i like


okay i can’t give up on it just because

it’s not gonna make me earn money or

it’s not gonna become a career for me

but never ever i thought it thought

about it everything

fell into line beautifully because i

followed my passion i decided to do

something which was not the normal

i decided to do something out of the

blue i decided to follow my passion

for automobiles and create content

around it and that’s the reason why

i enjoy what i do there are times i’ve

worked 20 hours a day

so a few things i want to tell you guys

is first and foremost follow your


what you enjoy doing something which you

can do three a.m in the night if someone

wakes you up at 3am and be like oh you

know what get up and you need to do this

work and you’re like yeah i will do it i

love it you wouldn’t blink twice you

wouldn’t procrastinate

that’s the kind of thing you need to

follow that’s the thing which you need

to do in life professionally because

if you follow your passion you won’t

feel the pinching of working at all and

never felt a pinch of working uh i i

have traveled extensively long hours

driven cars for crazy amount of time

never ever i felt the pitch we did the

shoot or raise the rajdhani

in which i was in the xy for the shoot i

got out in the morning at nine o’clock

uh picked up the camera people went for

the shoot and all we went to baroda from


27 hours that car was not turned off

continuously was on the run and i was

driving the car continuously i didn’t

even stop once sleep

once 27 hours non-stop and that was a

really grueling shoot

but the result of it was just amazing so

first and foremost follow your passion

extremely important

secondly the things which you do as a

hobby or as a passion you can’t uh put a

price to it don’t be like okay you know

what i’m doing this i’m not getting any

returns because you never know how it’s

going to help you in the future

so with vlogging i had no expectations

initially the whole vlogging i started

as just to show my passion for cars

and my older videos if you see it’s all


you know the way i’m talking the way the

camera is set up it’s like nobody’s

going to see it i never thought anyone’s

going to see the videos it was just

pure raw and alternated for my own sake


just going and seeing this video for my

own fun

and that itself has grown to 1 million

subscribers why

because of the passion which i’m sharing

my passion for automobiles and people

liked it

so whatever you do in life always

remember passion is the most important

and secondly consistency nowadays the

speed at which i edit a video is also

much faster because i’ve been editing

videos since thousand days

in the past thousand days i put thousand

videos which means one video every day

in the past three years

again consistently doing that so i


uh emphasize how important being

consistent it

how important it is to be consistent you

have to be super consistent in life

no matter what it is don’t expect

overnight success now of course with

motorway from 2008 onwards

to 2017 before i started vlogging 2018


for 10 years i wasn’t like earning any

money as such

i was not making great revenue we were

just paying off the bills so things were

very different that time but i never

cripped about it i was never i never

ever thought about opportunity cost oh

you know what i’m in being finance

the opportunity cost is very high maybe

i should get a job i never thought about

it because

i loved what i did okay i could never

feel the pinch i’m doing something

which i don’t want to do whatever i did

i did it for fun whatever i did i

enjoyed it

so those 10 years was a lot of time

spending without earning uh without

making revenue without making an impact

but the difference was i’m building a

brand that time i didn’t think about it

that way that time i was just having fun

but those 10 years of effort made me

get a lot of contacts i made such a

network that today when i joined

when i started vlogging i have access to

all cars people wonder how do you get a

car so easily

because i spent 10 12 years making those


making a network that today i can get

any car anytime

but today’s audience or rather sorry


youngsters are very impatient people

think that overnight they’ll get a car

but things are much easier today

okay because of social media because of

how the internet is working right now

so i i just want to end this talk by

telling you guys three very important

things in life firstly follow your


don’t think about making money don’t

think about how will this work out

remember one thing if you have passion

for something okay

share it with others follow your passion

you will never be disappointed

secondly be very consistent in what you

do in life never give up

so you’re going to get frustrated you’re

going to get upset you’re going to feel

like quitting every given moment

but don’t do that and you will not trust

me and passion when becomes profession

is the most

lovely thing so this is the story i

wanted to share with you guys about

following your passion no matter what

not worrying about what

other people around you say so don’t

worry about what the society says

and always follow your fashion give it


be patient be consistent and trust me

things will work out for you
