Your Map to Escape the Matrix


imagine for a minute

a newborn child that has just been


into this world what’s the first thing

that comes to mind for you

for me it’s the radiance of their eyes

just being enamored

by their eyes the connection to their


and i believe the children’s eyes are so

radiant because

that’s their connection to source i

believe the radiance is just a

reflection of how connected they are to


they just came from there and i think

that’s beautiful

but unfortunately over time

that radiance tends to fade it tends to

fade out of that child’s eyes

as they go through the experiences of

life it’s like

these lenses get put over

the eyes and those lenses might be


perception because it also alters the

way they see the world

and so that connection with source

fades and the radiance in the eyes

begins to fade and i know this happened

to me

i went through college and i was

very interested in real estate so i

studied real estate

and got involved in real estate and had

quite a few different careers in real


but one time stands out in particular

with me

and that was about four years ago i set

this goal

that i wanted to make a million dollars

in a year

so i don’t know about you but i feel

like success

which were trained by the matrix

by some of the programming that goes on

success is supposed to mean

um having money i know that we

all are we all are familiar with the

cliche that money doesn’t buy happiness

however i think the majority of people

that are chasing success are chasing

money and i was one of them

so no judgment and i went after it i did

what i needed to do to hit that goal to

make a million dollars in a year

i hired a mentor i did everything that

mentor said i

made a bunch of phone calls i hired a

team and i just remember

feeling like the decision

to make it happen was enacted

so i had decided that i was going to do

it but i remember

feeling like i was forcing it i felt

like i was pushing water

literally like pushing water up a hill

and the reason i know that and why it

stands out is when i would leave

or i would take three days to go on a

weekend vacation or something

or maybe a little bit longer everything

would would flow

backwards like it was almost like it

started over again so

i was using what i call force and

it was unsustainable but i pushed


i pushed through and i hit the goal i

hit the goal in 2018 i made 1.1 million

dollars in real estate

and so why am i telling you this well

have you ever worked so hard

for a goal and then

attained that goal like i did

and looked around and realized

i’m not happy that’s what happened to me

i looked around and i realized this

this is not this is not what i want i’m

not happy

and i had forced my way and i’m like i

cannot sustain this i don’t want to i

don’t want to push

this much being out of flow i mean i


i could basically not listen to my

to my heart and just push forward but i

knew i didn’t want to and i remember it

like it was yesterday i looked into the


and i said to myself i don’t want to do

this anymore

and part of me felt that guilt or shame

you know like the matrix was

the matrix thinking was telling me you

know that you oh you’ve got to push

forward this is what we do

this is how the world works this is

life’s tough blah blah blah

and so that’s when i realized that i had

fell victim to what i call matrix

thinking so what is the matrix

well the matrix i think is

much more understood given the world

events that have occurred in the

last year or so but the matrix is

it’s a system set up by the elite for

the elite it’s a system where there’s a

lot of corruption

it’s a system where

the focus is to disempower

the individual and that corruption runs

deep that corruption’s in our monetary

systems it’s in our

corporate systems our corporate


it’s in our governments but more

importantly than that

macro view even though all those things

are true more importantly is how that

affects the individual how that

extracts the personal sovereignty and

power out of the individual

and that’s illustrated really well by

the fact that 80 percent of americans

live paycheck to paycheck

americans are working harder than ever

and worldwide i think this is

is fairly fairly true worldwide people

are working

so hard just to make ends meet

and they have no time to pursue their


and to give back to the world in a

meaningful way

which i’d like to talk a little bit more

about so how do we get out of that

matrix how do we

how do we extract ourself from that

matrix because

i know i felt i was stuck and it was in

that moment when i looked in the mirror

that i decided that i was going to


the matrix so i want to provide you with

a map

to escape the matrix and i believe it

begins with

taking the inner journey

so let me explain have you ever had that

little voice

some of us will call it intuition i like

to call it the clarion call

it’s like this call out that tells you


this isn’t the right path for you or hey

this isn’t what you’re supposed to be

doing or

this this scenario isn’t correct for you

i know we’ve all heard it

it comes from our hearts and

oftentimes unfortunately in the way that

this matrix is set up

we don’t get a chance to follow it

because we’re afraid we’re

we’re instilled with fear beliefs

limiting beliefs these perceptions that

block the radiance of our eyes and

disconnect us from

sourcefulness or true resourcefulness

from source within and we

have this fear that we have to fit in

and we have to act externally rather

than internally

to fit in with society and that’s

unfortunate because that clarion call

i believe is your intuition or god

showing you the pathway to what i call

your soul song

that life that you came here to live

that highest timeline of a life of

fulfillment effortless flow most times

effort is needed but a flow state

where you can be truly fulfilled

and i believe that’s how we’re intended

to live

but unfortunately we’re not most of us

are not

and i believe it’s deeply instilled in

our beliefs

in our our systems are the all these

paradigms that we live in

uh most of which have been spoon-fed

from our grandparents to our parents to


and accepted without being challenged as

a matter of fact we’re almost ostracized

if we try to step out of the matrix

but i’m telling you that is where true

fulfillment is

and one of the one of the ways that that

i like to look at this or one of the

things i think that causes

us the most trouble is the way that we

set our goals

so i set this goal an external

goal of making a million dollars in a


and we can all relate we’ve we’ve had

goals of maybe to get a car

to get a relationship or to get a house

and all of those things notice are


so we set our goal as a destination and

we even have

an acronym smart goals measurable

attainable all of those things

but they’re always external the way we

set goals is always

an external destination and the problem

with that is

that we can guarantee almost guarantee

that you can get there

so that’s that’s the good part is you

can almost guarantee like if you hire

i’m a mentor and a coach and if someone

hires me to make x amount of money in

real estate i can

show them a way to get there and if they

follow what i say i can

pretty close to guarantee that if they

do what i say that they can reach that

goal so that’s the good part

but what i can’t guarantee and the

problem in lies in the fact that when

they do get there

there’s no guarantee that they’ll be

happy just like in my case

and so we’re foregoing our happiness

for these external goals i call it the

corporate hamster it’s just like the

more you go

you feel like you’re gaining but what

happens what if i would have stayed on

that hamster wheel

what would have happened to me next i

would have set a goal for 2 million

right so it’s like when is it ever


and we get trapped in that matrix style

of thinking

so i want to flip goal setting on its


flip it completely upside down and

instead of focusing on where you’re


focus on where you’re coming from

purify your intention

and where you’re coming from and this

changes everything first of all

if you do that if you purify where

you’re coming from and you take that

inner journey you listen to that clarion


and you follow your souls on then

i can’t guarantee where you’re going to

end up as a matter of fact

you really there’s no way to know and

that’s the beautiful part i know that

scares a lot of people

but source literally lays down each

flagstone for you

as you just go through this journey of

life that is beautiful

so i can’t guarantee where you’re gonna

end up but what i can guarantee

is that you will be fulfilled and that

you will be happy not only when you


but more importantly on the destination

so the whole system of goal setting to


is backwards and i think that’s why when

i reached my goal

i wasn’t happy and i hope that people

will understand the importance of taking

that inner journey

another way to illustrate this is

reminds me of a great book

called power versus force by dr david

hawkins i don’t know if you’ve read this

book but it is

it’s a phenomenal read and he talks


forcing like i was pushing water up a


and versus standing in a place of power

and we’re not talking about patriarchal

power like corporations have

we’re talking about being resourceful

reconnecting to source within through

that inner journey

and having that flow through you

and a great way to illustrate this

is what i call a merry-go-round

analogy so do you remember the

merry-go-round back in grade school so

imagine you’re in third grade

the bell goes off and you’re running out

to to the merry-go-round

so you’ve got maybe three or four

friends with you and you start running

really fast

along the side you get it going really

fast and then you hop on

but remember how it felt

when you got into the center of the


you could put your arms up you didn’t

even have to hold on

and the entire world would spin

around you that

is what i mean by being centered

by following your soul song and stepping


pure authentic alignment

so what happens when you get a little

bit out of that center

of the wheel we’ll call this the wheel

of life the sansara will of life when

you get a little bit out of center

you start to feel that resistance in

your life maybe you’re feeling this now

like uh i don’t really like my job but

i’ve got to do it

oh it’s not that bad let’s just try to

be positive

maybe you get two or three feet out of

center well now you’re holding on with

both hands

and this is where things like addiction

and depression

and other problems really start to

level up because you’re not in alignment

with yourself you’re not in alignment


who you really are and what happens next

well your legs may flow out to the side

and you get thrown off

and we’ve been there we’ve been thrown


so by being in the center of that

merry-go-round in your life

being in alignment with who you are

by taking that inner journey and

reconnecting to source bringing that

radiance back in your eyes

you can start to flow

abundance through you you’re a conduit

for source

so what does that mean that means that

as abundance comes into you

you become a shepherd for the abundance

and you let it flow

through you which is the opposite

of the old way the forceful way

which i call ego

so ego has its opposite in humility

allowing things to flow so the best


i’ve heard for humility is

not thinking less of yourself but

thinking about yourself

less and when you’ve become in that

alignment and you begin to experience

abundance in more ways than just money

your experience abundance in health in

relationships and all these different

facets these different pillars of your


then it’s super important to maintain

that humility

versus ego and let me explain why let’s

look for a minute at the man who has the


and first of all he’s going to be using

force to attain his wealth because

coming from an ego state it’s service to


and he’s going to be using force he’s

going to be using a tremendous amount of


most likely is going to be very low on

energy in all reality and forcing his

way through life

but he comes from a place of scarcity

it’s from a place of fear

so maybe he has this big building and he

tints his windows puts his name on top

and everything is about service to self

he doesn’t want to share he doesn’t want

to help others but he maybe has the

illusion that he’s helping others

versus the man that is centered

and has humility when source

flows through him when abundance flows

through him instead of holding on to it

he believes in abundance not scarcity he

believes in love not fear and he allows

that to flow through him

he allows that to come out and each one

teach one and it’s a butterfly effect

that begins to change the world

when we choose to have that integrity


be authentic and be in alignment and let

that flow through us

and it is one of the most beautiful

feelings you can have you don’t have to

go through life scared

in the matrix and fearful

so let’s take a second right now and ask

yourself this question

am i living my soul song

have i heard that clarion call

ignored it

well the good news is it’s never too


and if you take that baby from the

beginning of our story

and let’s say that baby’s you now you’ve

gone through your entire

life and you’re sitting there on your

deathbed laying on your deathbed

what’s going to be important to you is

it going to be important that you lived

your life according to society according

to the matrix and you fed in

and you had to live by force your whole


or is it important to you that you had

the courage

to listen to your clarion call to step

in and live your soul song your highest


and to have a butterfly effect to help

the rest of the world

because i can promise you one thing

everything you ever wanted in your life

whether that’s abundance joy happiness


doesn’t come from external it comes from


thank you