Enjoy your favourite thing by only owning your favourite thing


good afternoon sir

good afternoon how are you we’re good so

how are you

good thank you uh so we’ll begin with

the kind of interaction

um here we have a man who of course

needs no introduction

if i have to be a little dramatic in

konami kafir

um so so post uh we all know luckily uh

post 2000s and after a few songs

but we would really like to know who was

luckily before

uh being known as such before rising to

stardom could you please share your

journey towards

uh towards the stardom towards it

yes um i was always lucky early i mean

when i was born my dad gave me that name

so uh my real name is maksu

after my father but when i was born

apparently my father made his first

breakthrough in cinema

so he just so he calls me

lucky so that’s how i got money

uh so we often see you away from city

lights uh

i guess like even currently uh you’re

often seen disconnected with the urban


and close to nature farm animals uh

could you share about more about your

interest uh on farming and other

nature things yeah we grew up on a farm

actually i uh went to boarding school in


uh when um in 1961

the end of 1961 um since then i’ve been

up in the hills and then

i’d come back for my holidays and then


when i was 11 years old my father

shifted all of us back to

uh to bangalore where we live on a farm

even now so um i’m kind of used to that

environment uh kind of a open


so um i choose to uh i mean gives me a

lot of peace the

the urban uh aspect of life is very uh

what you call is confusing for me i find


burdensome and


yeah nature has its own stories and

i mean it invites you if you really want

to get there

so i prefer living out on the farm and

you know staying away from the city and

that kind of stuff it helps me

do my work helps me to ideate um

put down new thoughts express

you know okay uh we’ve also heard you’ve

got some

interesting uh unusual animals at your


is that true uh what are they yeah

we used to have lots of unusual animals

from the farm

beginning with meat so we had camels

and we had ducks

different kinds of chickens and

different kinds of birds and stuff like

that but

as urbanization you know started

happening uh

in bangalore because i’m in i’m from


so i didn’t realize that it was

difficult to maintain the animals

on farm so uh

we do have quite a few still we have

lots of dogs and lots of

sheep and we have ducks

chickens stuff like that and then

there’s natural uh

fauna like peak box

there about 120 different species of

birds on the farm

so and we live on a lake so

you have a lot of uh what you call

migratory birds you know from siberia

and stuff like that so

they come to nest there and you know so

yeah it’s pretty active in that

in that aspect okay so

uh what would be your other interests

apart from

uh music and i see uh farming is a huge

inclination apart from that

farming these are all serious hobbies i

don’t think i have an

actual profession as such um i just deal

with whatever is there

that i am presented with uh in my case


i like to travel a lot um i like to go

to different places

and um generally chill i mean i

i don’t like to um what do you call the

right word would be i don’t like to

slog you know understand i mean like do

my work easily

so i can understand whatever i’m doing

so um it’s kind of unusual but

that’s how it is um so it’s kind of

interviewing me

when we go to road trips or when we go

to out to travel we usually listen your


uh we would like to know who do you

listen to

i think your partner could you say that

again uh

when we go do that again yeah

so when we go out on road trips we

usually listen to your songs

on road trips i just sleep

okay we would like to know who do you

listen to when you

basically when i’m out on road trips

i just like keep my window open and i

like to watch

whatever is going by and uh uh generally

stop at the dhaba maybe

or have chai or whatever

and uh i like people i like i like to go

interesting places like up to the

mountains or drive down to goa

and it’s always the i take the not the

regular route

i go by um that’s more scenic

so that’s how i um i mean i’m used to


so i maintain that otherwise when you’re

traveling when you

when you’re like you have to go abroad

or something when you have to go


you take a flight or whatever but i

prefer a road trip always as compared to

you know yeah upon that year recently on

i think on 4th of december there was

this in its

seven weekender event how was your

experience there how was the audience

uh could you tell about that there was

no audience this was directed by my son

towers and uh yeah and uh

you just just got the musicians together

the any seven people felt that you know

they have to promote the idea of because

musicians today um

post covert are quite uh what you call

stricken with this

this whole thing because uh there’s no

recordings going on no

concerts and you know stuff like that


um yeah and uh what we did was we came

down to goa

with all the equipment set it up

had a few cameras just shot it and uh

just to test the waters as to how it

would be

now from now on you know because uh i

think it would be um

to have lots and lots of people in the

crowd and

in a concert is uh something that we

enjoyed but i don’t think we will enjoy

that again

you know the distancing you know

but yeah uh it was beautiful i mean i

was playing with my band after

a whole year so it was just we didn’t

even practice we just got back to

just doing whatever we would

okay uh so so you um i think most of us

will relate to this your voice is so


that it makes it it instantly connects

with all of us

uh mostly all the youth so uh we would

like to know how was your youth like

would you like to share some of the

incidents or some mischief or whatever

you remember from uh

that time yeah yeah

i was very input i always wanted to know

more than what was presented so

like uh for example um in boarding

school i was very small

so i saw b go into a wall so i

stuck my eye to see where it went um it

was a wasp

and it stung me on my eye on my left eye

but then i was not satisfied so look

with the other eye and

another one stung me on the other so i

had two big um

so it’s just like you want to know more

than what is actually presented to you

um that’s my nature i like to um

get into uh something to if it interests


to really understand what it is about


how you know all those things so

uh also sir this is one thing that i

think uh

a lot of people a lot of youth people

are facing uh these days

we often tend to lose ourselves we just

get disconnected with our

interest our passion and just go on

following hurts

following like hurts so uh what do you

do or how do you

keep connected with yourself or how

would you want people to get

stay connected with yourself well

um i don’t know anything specific

as such i just i just i i don’t belong

in a crowd

i feel that when the masses are going a

particular way

um if it doesn’t make sense to me i

probably just stand and watch

or turn the other way and take the other

direction you know

and uh seek my path there and uh

i felt that it’s worked for me because

you look at things in different

perspective than what the general

idea prevails or whatever

or whatever you’re being told i like to

look at it from a different perspective

and make my uh

make my thoughts up or make my uh

journey accordingly

you know but um yeah

so lots of people do it

lots of people will do it i mean uh

i’m probably uh someone’s uh in the

field so

you get but there are lots of great

people out there i mean you don’t even

see them

who are great artists and great

musicians and you know

so yeah it’s it’s about that

basically so we notice that you have a

kind of

calm and composed uh way of composure

so whether it is in your song or the way

you talk uh

so but you always this calm and sorted

or were you also mischievous and

drugged like i was

very mischievous i would say when i at

that age of mine i mean

at your age probably i was more

adventurous and

i could do things that um

that probably be looked down upon in

family situations like you know

just take the other road or whatever but

as you grow older and uh when things


you know connecting with each other then

you start realizing that

you know what makes sense what what you

keep what you let go

you know and it’s it’s about living

and learning and it’s um

and then applying what you learn you

know in your own life

and uh yeah

okay so just in case like um if it

wasn’t for music

what would what could have been your

alternate career or

uh alternate passion if you have to say

i don’t know what i would do um

i think i was just cut out for this i

mean i was born into this family i

didn’t choose my birth

so i was born to this situation

i wanted to be in the navy i wanted to

be in the air force i wanted to be

but then uh our direction was cinema

family direction so my training was

um my exposure was towards that of

course i mean um

i pursued my passion like flying and

stuff like that so i’ve got about 45

hours of

flying experience and stuff like that


uh yeah i read a lot

or i used to read a lot and

generally also i i um pay a lot of

attention to

uh innovation into

uh ideas that we still don’t hold on to

i even look back at things that we’ve

left behind and i feel that we should

inculcate them to have a more complete

you know existence right now i feel that


study um i mean the systems are such

that you study so in order in order that

you can get a job to serve a system

you understand what i mean of things

then for me that um

i could never hold a job behind the desk


um i tried

it just didn’t work for me so um

yeah i feel you need to unclutter things

make it more simple and uh

you should have a choice in what you

want to learn

whether it’s um i wish i hadn’t uh in


i wish there would be a a class for

carpentry or

a class for uh music alone or if you

understand what i’m saying but we have


and biology this and that

i’m not saying that’s not good what i’m

saying is that

then we are they choose as to where we


and then that’s what you work towards


you get a degree and and the corporates

come and get you and pick you out from

wherever you are and then you’re just

doing that

that thing but now post covered i don’t

know how it’s going to be

because it’s changed you know

it is going to be different no doubt so

i’ve also heard you have an

interest in astronomy or stars and space

is that true of course wouldn’t you i


there’s so much out there we hardly look

out at the sky

there’s so many things to see even um

sometime that night you know

i like to gaze out and i like to see

star systems and

um you get to see lots of phenomena

and uh you know that’s

generally how it is also uh what do you

like to read

like you just said that you spend a lot

of time reading also

so what are those things that into you


not fiction i don’t like to read fiction

i either like to read history or

um uh non-fictional stuff like um

like um uh for example i read lyle

watson’s uh

history of the wind you know how winds

come and

you know how uh civilizations change uh


uh how the wind was you know how what it

brought along and

what it takes with you and you know

that was one then um then there was a


deep time i think it was about um

the the study of an atom what what would

happen to an atom

in travel so these kind of things

intrigue me

because they are unusual you know it’s

not the usual um

what you call things that

generally uh you know you get into

your children get into but

now nowadays it’s different because i

mean there’s so much of um

interaction on there’s so much of

technology that you can play with

i play with technology a lot musically

you know so

for me it um it’s good i mean

it’s good yeah i’m not complaining

so for the current generation that is

mostly lost in the

social media or in different other

things that are kind of distractions or

maybe not exactly

uh kind of they lose themselves so uh

also talking about the

uncluttering so how do you actually

unclutter yourself or how do you direct


as a message to youth well

basically um i feel you will go through

that and then you will come to a point

where it doesn’t make sense to you

everybody goes to that journey and um

you will uh leave behind what you don’t

like what doesn’t agree with

you you will take forward what you like

and you know

make that part of your expression

so there’s um extremes in all places


what i believe is that you try to come

on to the middle part you know

there’s this and there’s that but try to

strike a balance between

whatever is around there’s so many

responsibilities a person could have

um whether it’s family responsibilities

or whether it’s work responsibilities

so if you can balance them out you know


it’s a bit of a it’s a bit tricky you

know when you’re growing up

and you lose patience and many of the

children kind of like probably get

people depressed about this and

you know dealing peer pressure and stuff

like that

so my thing to uh kids of today or any


was if you didn’t fall you won’t get up

it’s good to fall and not look at it as

what you call as something debilitating

or something that

that’s the worst thing in life you have

to fall in order to get up

and strive to move move ahead and make

something out of that

that’s what i call you know

right i think that’s a message to almost

all the people here

um also sir just over this i’ll take you


uh what is your perception of

impermanence impermanence that is the


of uh terex hyderabad right now

how do you perceive impermanence in

things around you in

life well

nothing is forever in

in that sense like i mean you have

parents and then you don’t have parents

nature changes trees grow trees become


they fall down you know but it gives


way too new new growth

you know so there’s always a continuum

of of whatever it is whether it is life

or whether it is uh but there’s a


thing but we as individuals are not

there permanently

so you don’t really once you’ve done


your your bit in this place and then you

move on

someone there’s someone behind you who’s

taking it to the next level

you know so it’s just a growth so


is it’s there but

there’s also continuation you know

yeah there’s a continuation of of things

of ideas of

thoughts of of ways of life

you know so yeah

so so there are a lot of people who are

sending me in private

if you could harm a few lines um

okay what do you want me to do what do

you want me to say


like about 30 40 times already during

the week so i’ll sing another song





within yourself internalize and you’ll

find what you’re looking for

and don’t get scared nothing to get

scared off you know

everything is learning everything is


thank you so much

there’s no exaggeration into it but we

have all been looking up to you

since years and uh it’s such a pleasure

to have you

grace our event there were a lot of

people who were

constantly waiting for you thank you so

much for this and

thank thank you children for like

waiting for me i mean i hope i’ve

answered your question

i know there’s lots that you want to ask

me and

there’s lots i could tell you but time

restraints and whatever

but for as long as life is there you’ll

keep communicating

yes sir we’ll keep knowing you through

different platforms

guys you can continue thank you thank

you so much yeah

thank you so much thank you so thank you

so much thank you so