The Age of Validation


my name is alex kotetz

i do content but i also study a lot of


and i’m here in front of all of you

today to do what every normal person

will do on the stage

to check into tedx bucharest all right

let me show people i’m successful now

how am i feeling

feeling proud oh wait that makes me look

like a douchebag

feeling blessed i’m feeling blessed

hashtag advertising director hashtag

influencer live

hashtag eat pray love

the second reason i’m here today in

front of all of you is because

i used to download a lot of stuff

illegally yeah

you see stealing information runs in my


i’m romanian in the 1980s

actually in the spring of the year 1980

in communist romania

my grandma was walking home from work

when she passed by this bookstore where

she saw people fighting over a book

the the shopkeeper was trying to get it

off the shelves and

people are trying to get it so of course

she went in

and she realized immediately there was

no chance she could buy that book so she

did what any normal romanian would do

she stole it she brought it home in

great secrecy to my dad

and presented it to him and said

i don’t know what this is but i think

it’s important

and i think you should have it that book

was chill my vid by marin preda

and in that week it had been banned by

the communist regime

and withdrawn from sale

now grandma didn’t know that

because she had been an orphan during

the war

world war ii she had only received four

years of education

primary school but she understood the

value of information she understood the

power it held

and when she saw people fighting over it

she knew she had to have it

and she always kept that book in her


till the day she died now i was lucky

i grew up in the information age i

didn’t have to steal

content but i did it anyway

you see i grew up in an age where you

had access to all of the information

you wanted and you could make the best

use out of it

funny thing now i got my first computer

when i was 16.

i am that old i am that old i was born

like in the year 20 bf

before facebook so i think in the first

two years of owning a computer i


downloaded illegally 4 000 films

i don’t know how many songs software and

so on

this led me to discover a passion

i like movies by stealing content i


in love with films by 18 i wanted to go

to college two years

after going after getting a pc i wanted

to be a director

but my family couldn’t afford the

tuition fee that was very expensive back


this was like 2004. i couldn’t afford

the education i wanted and i couldn’t

steal it you cannot steal college


yet but i didn’t have to because by then

education was free i enrolled in the


simplest college you can go to and not

struggle political science

but when i was 19 i enrolled in a second


i enrolled in a college it was free you

could take classes anytime

and they have cats i’m talking of course

about youtube

the greatest university on earth

and it’s there where i studied directing

editing sound

lights post production special effects

how to write a script

i became so fascinated with it that i

became a youtuber

in just 10 years or actually less i went

from stealing content to producing

content to selling content

right because in the age of information

the democratization of content allowed

all of us

as prices for technology dropped to


to consume and maybe to sell our idea if

it’s good enough

i went from stealing the content to

becoming in love with it

to being educated by it to monetizing it

and guess what to giving it back you

could say that

the age of information has empowered all

of us

to become better people and become more


but if you know me


i’m not that optimistic you see

the democratization of content has

empowered all of us to create

consume and be rewarded and that is the


because in the age of information

content is now so widespread so easily

available and so accessible for anyone

to produce

that it is starting to lose its value we

are now leaving the age of information

and we are entering the age of

validation and i am part of the problem

i’ll admit it

you see when i told you that my grandma

stole that book

she stole it she cared for it i forgot

to mention one thing

she never read it she never read the


could you guess why because it was

volume 2.

chelma bid interpol maintain has like

three volumes

and she stole volume 2. you cannot start

the book with volume 2 that’s like

watching a

sitcom starting with season 8. you get

all the spoilers none of the fun

but what do you think was the value to


it was social she only got it because

she saw people

fighting for it she saw that people

cared about it

so she knew it was a value of importance

to her that book

was trending so she took it home and

shared it

with her own personal social network her


you see we can say that book had three

types of value right

economic probably cost a dollar social

people obviously cared about it and

informational you could learn something

from it

she chose number two without knowing why

if you went home right now and it was


when you got your laptops and open them

what would be the first picture you’d


the rainbow the freaking rainbow

oh and also a bird that burgess ruined

my picture

i’m gonna get less likes

the freaking rainbow is like currency

in the social media stock market

whenever it rains when it stops

the internet is flooded by pictures of


someone wants to get more likes they

probably do a video

there are three types of investors in

the rainbow the first batch of people


spot on right after it stopped raining

they put cool pictures of rainbows with

inspirational quotes like the colors

over the city the colors in my soul

hashtag love my life hashtag successful

and that probably

gives them 100 120 likes the guys that

aren’t so fast

come home and they see that that option

that stock option is gone

and they say okay i gotta hate the


so the first guy say carrots in my city

and i cannot see myself i still like my


the second guys would be like omg like

never seen rainbow before

lame they are betting

on the fact that by now enough people

have seen positive things about the


that they’re gonna get 100 likes if they

hate the rainbows

and they probably get them but then some

of us work really hard

we come home really late the rainbow’s


and we are out of luck we cannot love

the rainbow and we cannot

hate the rainbow that’s been done

everybody got 100 likes

so we do the safest thing we could

opt out of talking about the rainbow

because we’re sure we’re not going to

get 100 likes

or we could just take a safe bet

by betting against the people that bet

against the rainbow

so we’re gonna say oh my god can you


stop hating on people that hate rainbows

oh please i’m gonna make a motivational

vlog about why i hate bullying

and that’s gonna get a thousand likes

because this video

look at that rainbow people don’t trust

the content anymore and they don’t care

what they say they just wanna wanna say

it so that they can use it to their own

personal advantage

and we will pick on any subject and talk

about it whether it’s an

ad or a video or a song for the social

value it brings

not for the truth it speaks

we are entering the age of validation

and in the age of validation my friends

content is losing its economic value

i’m not saying it as a bad thing i’m

saying it because i’m on the front line

and i’m

it’s a reality to me let me explain

you see 10 years ago i was stealing


four years ago i started paying because

that was five

clicks less watching netflix is five

clicks less than torrenting a film

this year there are over eight platforms

that bid for my attention and offer me

the smallest price to

consume content and that’s just for

films and series

just imagine platforms like skillshare

just imagine platforms that have


all sorts of content they all want me

to consume their content that they work

so hard to produce just imagine

or think of your favorite series let’s

say that series

has 12 episodes one episode is 40

minutes that’s 40 pages per episode

your favorite series has about 450

to 500 pages that someone had to think


and you consume it in less than one day

you binge watch in 10 hours what someone

would have to work

for a year and a half to create we

cannot keep up

with the demand so what happens when we

cannot keep up with the demand

the user comes in and he compensates the

90 percent of content we all want

that we don’t have time to produce


we outsource and social media is

stepping in and taking over

i’m not saying it’s good and i’m not

saying it’s bad because there is demand

you are consuming 10 hours of content

per day half of which are probably insta


that is content let’s say someone

didn’t really have to work that hard to

press the button but that is content

that will disappear in 24 hours we’re

not using it for the message

we just want to see moving images in

front of us while we’re on the subway

oh i said the bad thing everyone does

insta stories

you see in the age of validation in

order for content to be effective

it doesn’t have to give information

anymore that’s a side effect

it just needs to give validation

it’s gotten to the point and this is a

good thing

where on the internet me and you

we are equal digital citizens

all of us have one vote online

and brands also have one vote between me

and the greatest

biggest fast food company in the world

we are both equal digital citizens

that is a good thing but that also

creates some problems

see they have big budgets you don’t have

big budgets they get attention you want


so what happens they’re panicked

that you’re not consuming their content

enough you are panicked then one is

seeing you

and we get into the circle when brands

start to mimic humans and humans

are acting more and more like brands

we only want to see what we like

and the problem is that we’re becoming

we’re starting to only like ourselves

see there’s a problem with brands brands

don’t like other brands

brands don’t subscribe to other brands

in their own universe they are the best

they can be and no one else exists and

we as individuals

are starting to do the same thing

perhaps without realizing it

we only want to see what we like and we

like to see us

content has become a means to an end

it’s not about another’s message anymore

it’s good if it’s there but

it’s not important it’s not about i have


important to say it’s about what can i

say so that i seem important

and we’re all doing it every day

we hate ads but then we go

on instagram and fake our reality at six

filters add three hashtags

tag a friend just for the gratification

not because we really had a good day or

because we really hate the subject the

content is not about information the

content is about us

we have become the content

we hate ads but we love us

you know what the problem is with this


the problem is this in the world there

are probably like a million and a half


i did some very superficial research

because i grew up in the internet i

don’t check my facts

there are 7.7 billion people

we are not in a world where 1.5 million

brands talk to 7.7 billion people

we’re in the world where 7.7 billion

brands plus

a million and a half professional brands

scream at each other

and cry for attention all of us

even you right here if when you came


you posted the picture or did a check-in

you just worked as a part-time personal

brand manager

you believe your image is worth

something you’re not sure what

you just know people are fighting over

it we are 7.7 billion

brand managers talking about ourselves

not listening to the other brands

because they are competition brands like

other brands

we’re just screaming and the problem is

my friends

there are 360 000 brands born every day

look at that baby that baby probably has

like 700 likes right now

what did you post this year what did you

accomplish that got used to 100 likes

did anyone get 700 likes in the last


you did what did you do ride the camo

no one i’m serious did you get

no don’t be jealous of the baby shut up


don’t be jealous of the baby because he

has a problem

you see he’s already losing popularity

if you like to know why it’s because his

sonogram got a thousand likes

just by being born this baby lost 30

percent popularity

it’s only downhill from here for this


by the time he’s 10 he’s gonna be ugly

by the time he’s 14 he’s gonna dress bad

he’s reached his peak as a brand it’s


there’s less and less fame available

with every

person born and you know how you can


rich people why do rich people insist on


on television i’m doing songs and being

in films

it’s because they’re rich they’re good

at investing in something that’s worth a

lot of money

there’s more and more money being

printed every day there’s less and less

fame available

with every person born

and it’s becoming more and more of a

problem the more we want more and more


the more we want stuff that validates us

we share articles without reading them

because we know the impact of the title

will get us

positive likes negative likes

or betting in the middle we don’t

believe what we’re saying anymore we’re

just in this

competition with each other to stay in

the game

everybody’s talking and nobody’s


and that’s the problem

i believe we will soon enter an era

where instead of paying to see content

as we are now just 10 years after i told

you i was stealing it

in order instead of paying to see


we will end up paying to block it to not

see what others are doing

to not see what my friend mike had for


to not see films we have become so bored

with how much it takes us to google

something that they have to

do predictions they offer us


they ask us to follow or unfollow

they’re trying to keep us

away from what we don’t like to hear and

we don’t like to hear it because it’s

not about us

they know we don’t want to talk about

other people we just want to talk

about ourselves that is a dangerous


and i’m not saying i have a solution for

it i’m just here to depress all of you

and tell you that it’s gonna happen

the i know let’s say the

the worst threat in the online community

has become i’m gonna block you

i’m so gonna block you oh you are so


you can go block yourself block yourself

mother blocker

and whenever you see someone saying that

you kind of have a you kind of feel it

don’t you

can i oh i wouldn’t want that to happen

why you’re not a brand

you’re not going to lose money you’re

not gonna nothing’s bad got

is gonna happen to you but you do get a


because deep down inside you care you

care about

not losing a potential audience member a

potential client

of you

now in this new era of

we are starting to consume content more

and more

for the fact that it’s like us or about


we are becoming superficial in what we

want because the main purpose is the

social one not the information one if we

want to

we can go and study online about


but that’s not hot anymore whatsat is

staying in the game

and i believe that we will end up

in just five to ten years

in the era few flicks where we will be


not to see content but to be seen

five dollars ten dollars doesn’t matter

can i rent the front page of a website

for 10 minutes show my face

that’s worth it and if you think this is


the fact that we will only watch

ourselves or people who are better than

us at being famous

sorry to say that has already happened

this year was the year of the great

civil war

in the online world between pewdiepie

and t-series

do you know it two major channels with

more than 90 million subscribers argued

over who was more famous and we all


maybe i’m old school content i’m not

saying it’s gonna go away

it’s gonna stick around probably forever

it’s just that instead of being let’s

say fifty percent of watchwatch is gonna

go down to being ten percent i’m okay

i’ll do fine

also you help me with those 100 likes on

my check-in

i’m supposed to be an influencer in my

country but i don’t post that often

i actually am a very lazy youtuber for

the last two

two years i think i’ve only done two two

episodes you know why

because i like to care about what i say

and if i don’t have something

important to say i’d rather shut up and


it’s also part of my job so i prefer

not to talk about myself but i do add

everyone on facebook and i do follow

what they do and say

my final advice because again i believe

this is inevitable is

if we’re gonna do this let us at least

watch out for brands that act like


and most of all be afraid of people that

act like brands

and don’t become one of them

watch out and read through the lines to

see if it’s

information or validation doesn’t matter

if it’s a vlog doesn’t matter if it’s a


decide for yourself which of the two you


and a friendly advice the end

try and listen more try and shut up for

a week

try not post something have it and then

not post it

see how that goes maybe you’ll make new

friends or learn something new

because you’re busy looking at other

people for the first time

and not at yourself

and if you don’t agree with what i say

i’m gonna block you

i’m gonna block all of you i’m gonna i’m

gonna add you

and block you you can all go block


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