Dont Give Up If You Love It




thank you i’m going to disappoint you i


no any slides up there

i just talk so

i will revenge the world with love has


one of my beloved artists and

the greatest directors film directors of

the 20th century

sergey parajanov and you know

i love it that you hear in his voice

i want love yeah but i have nothing to

revenge because i love my life

i enjoy my life i loved my life from the

first moment of my consciousness as a

child i loved being

naughty i loved it very much okay as a


and i love my family very much

i love my parents i love my brother

i love my husband and i specifically

want to say i

adore my daughter so i’m enjoying

my life and any giant child i think is

born in love

and a birth is a moment that is full of

pain and love

at once no child is born

evil there is no child is born

evil they are all born kind

full of love and in need of love

in desire of love but any newborn is

getting different external influences

and gaining some experience and

unfortunately end of life is not always


so what kind of experience are we

getting to become

somehow other than in the beginning

what what we are doing to give up the

love that we have in love

so we are applying the gained experience

that we have

to earning some money to gain some might

some status some money and

widening our influence and then


this more money mind to consume

to get more luxury to oil goods and more

might and more

influence and there is a cycle and it’s

not happening

in the individual level only so less in

the individual level it is having in the

level of

higher so societies countries and so on

and we are losing love in this cycle

and we are giving up and that’s

really bad i have never been an


i have never been climate activist i

have never

really got active to spread the idea of

serving the planet

but i love a part of this planet

it’s my garden it’s very small part of


but i love gardening and i think that if

you are

working near to earth your nose never


up so you are never becoming the

uh not in the air person you are never

becoming arrogant

so i think that the only obstacle

that is standing before the

climb between the climate change and

the real estate the real now our status

is a homo sapiens with the

lift of north in the air so

homo sapiens well what means sapiens

let’s think from

latin that i learned in the university

so it’s

insightful wisdom perceptive

conscious is this really conscious what

we are doing with our with with our


we don’t seem really conscious now

actually we even making up conscious


to not be conscious there is an example

for that that i’m saying

always to my students that i’m um if i’m

giving some lectures on epidemiology

and it’s from 1963

dr gustaf fisher has published in a very


respected scientific journal that there

is a strong

correlation between the annual number of


that are nesting in the specific urban


and the birds in the same specific area

that means he concluded and he

calculated perfectly

and he concluded that the stalks bring


i mean i hope you will laugh about i’m

strokes really not bring babies but

uh what he has forgotten in this that

actually it was the first

beginning of the industrialization and

the women went to work and

started to get less babies

and the factories were coming out like

mushrooms out there

and the air pollution got higher and the

strokes were in the rural areas

not in the same area in the urbanization

and that that’s uh what we are doing

now with our climate numbers that’s what

we are doing with

uh we are just seeing the numbers we

want to see and we are think the


what we want to see so we the children

loved in boarding love

are hiding behind numbers data reports

and so on and to understand exuberance


it is only that the heart

with heart can one see the truth

and for i the right

is invisible and he has right

and there is some numbers that are

proving his point because

since um published the ipcc climate

change report

several years ago we have caused more

harm to the environment

as all the time before human beings were

on this earth

so this is on my opinion giving

a love up and what is happening if you


up the love you are getting

not only competitive grady but also


and if we are speaking not on an

individual level but the level of

society country and so on then

war is happening if you are aggressive

not and there is a

a war that is very good documented from

the environmental point of view

so it’s 1991 gulf war

which was investigated as environmental


well each war and i have seen myself

a war is a human strategy

but it is also a humanity and a climate


because during this war

there were damaged oil wells about 800

oil seepage onto land about 60 million

barrel oil released to the sea

10.8 million barrel all spread lakes

24 million barrels contaminated land

area more than 950 a square kilometer

and we vehicles used for one day of

war 35 000 so we are always speaking

just go biking and not drive and they

used for one day 35 000 vehicles

so to show you more deductively

what it means so they produced in 1991

during two three weeks of february

uh 65 million tons of co2

so that means uh approximately

if we take austria because we are in

austria 2017

the whole austria with the oil

refineries with all cars with all people

and all cars we have produced almost the

same amount so 67

tons of dioxide or the tokyo is

producing the whole

uh with the whole surrounding producing

per year 62 tons

of carbon dioxide that means they

produced the whole amount

in two three weeks we are

actually writing our history ourselves

and in this very moment also so it is

uh very important to keep

the consciousness to save this planet

and don’t forget about not only

human tragedies not only aggressiveness

not only

everything else but also about the

environmental part of war

so i don’t i want that we can learn

from the history i hope that the whole

human population

uh together has no collective suffering

from the global

memory damage so we can

learn about it and we can we can use the

chance to change something

so i’m speaking not only to this

audience because i’m sure nobody here is

starting any war

but i speak to the word out there

that if you call you homo sapiens

don’t try to get power over your


or over any other people your neighbors

that we were

hearing about today nations countries

don’t start anymore don’t attack any

country nation

even there are great arguments and

justified reasons like we bring


that’s not true don’t give up asking

questions and looking behind the

curtains of politics

don’t give up to save your home

the planet earth which is home to

everybody to us

and i want to conclude with the words of

charlie chaplin

who is one of my role models you need

power only when you want to do something


otherwise love is enough to get

everything done

thank you