How to Change Your Life In A Day


what is love it’s actually an intense

feeling it’s a deep affection it is

something that most of us search for our

whole entire

lives we are taught from the time we’re

itty bitty

that nothing really matters if you don’t

have love anybody else heard that

so another question for you how many

people in here are married and in love

be proud now don’t be ashamed you got

your good thing

now how many of y’all

like me you have tried and loved and


come on now so how many of you guys that

have tried and failed want to be in love

right hey i got something for you now

because i’m like y’all right i’m like

all the people that have sat in sermons

read books watch movies listen to songs

you talk to your friends you talk to the

pastor you talk to your mama you talk to

your elders your speed day your online

day your network day you know okay

you’re praying you’re throwing yourself

on the altar you tell somebody else to

call and pray for you you bought a new

outfit you got some new hair you went to

the gym you got a 10 right you meditated

you cried you did all this stuff you

went on divine journeys you had singles

gathered you had trips you sat around

until all your free job we did the

benefits we have been together right

there’s a single women huh

so we’re in an interesting conundrum so

interestingly enough there are four

british universities

uh aberdeen briston eden brawl and

glasgow and they did a ton of research

and what’s really interesting


highly intelligent and highly

accomplished women compared to highly

intelligent and highly accomplished men

is that for men

every 16 points that their iq goes up

they’re 35 percent more likely to get


but it is the opposite for


for every 16 points our iq increases

there is 40 chance that we are less

likely to get married

that puts us in an interesting conundrum

right for all of the modern bad

independent girls in the building okay

right because we are here doing the

thing we buying houses we’re traveling

we’re retaining our link growing our

edges we’re raising babies okay we

volunteers we’re supporting our friends

we’re impacting our community we crime

climbing the corporate ladder we got

degrees upon degrees we winning awards

we are accomplishing all kinds of status

and we’re doing all of this while we

looking beautiful okay in these streets


so many of us successful modern women

as prosperous as we are we struggle with



and this is something that is a new age

problem right and i can speak to this

i’m ashley ian i’m a high performing

woman i am extremely successful

i’m highly accomplished

i started with 125 on a laptop and grew

a multi-million dollar event production

company then i turned around to grow a

multi-million dollar ads agency then i

turned into one of the top social media

strategists in the country then i helped

over 11 000 people make money with their

social media accounts and over 700 of my

clients became six figure earners then

150 did a million and under a year and i

got nine clients right now while i’m

standing on the stage to have million

dollar months nine right now and i have

million dollar days

i got all the stuff it’s supposed to be

but all of my accolades all of my

accomplishes i graduated school

laude i did what i was supposed to do i

gave what it was supposed to give

and yet i was still ending up in all of

these trash relationships

whole trash to throw the whole man away


that’s what i thought

i was married once upon a time before

and it was a trash relationship

okay i literally was abused physically

emotionally and mentally i successfully

divorced him but i still continue my

pattern of trash relationships

whether it’s because men were

intimidated or because they had baby

mama drama okay or because they got

freaked out once they looked at our

income disparity or maybe they just

weren’t ready right everybody wanted a

situationship they were emotionally

unavailable whatever it was it was trash

and it led me through a series of

unfortunate events that i now think are

very fortunate events because they led

me to figure out how you can manifest


which is particularly seems to be

challenging right now for all of our

high performing and successful women

so not only have i been able to assist

thousands of people with their

businesses and making money and

monetizing their social media accounts

but i honestly have helped hundreds of

love women find love

loving long-lasting romantic

relationships that have led to marriage

and there’s a really big secret

when it comes to manifesting love how

many y’all want secret


it’s real simple

relationships aren’t hard

they’re not hard

they’re easy

they should be easy


in order to move away from this we have

to understand how our brain works okay

so i’m going to break down for you guys

today scientifically

how you’re able to manifest love and not

only does this work for love this works

for a multitude of things but in the

realm of manifestation if any of you

guys understand anything about that

y’all know love is one of the most

difficult things to manifest correct

so one of the biggest lies we’ve all

been told our whole lives love is hard

relationships are hard you got to work

at it nothing worth having is easy right

y’all heard that they told me that whole

whole lives


i have a great man

an amazing man

he fine

he tall

he make a lot of money

you know i’m thickalicious and he can

carry all this honey because he work out

all of that i got real good okay

so we’re gonna go through the steps okay

so number one for those of you that are

taking notes is accountability

a lot of people struggle with this

because for many people you guys feel

like if you take accountability for what

part you played in something even if it

went bad right and we got to be honest

sometimes you take a left when you

should have made a right sometimes

you’re running when you should have sat

still sometimes you still when you

should have ran and sometimes you’d have

been around somebody you had no business

being around right and we all take

accountability for what we did now when

you take accountability this does not

absolve someone for how they mistreated

you or mishandled you

actually accountability is your


and when you take accountability of what

went wrong you also have to take

accountability of what went right

and you actually need to get a notepad

or laptop however you want to take notes

and you need to write out what went

right and what you like so you can

continue to repeat that so you can start

the process of attracting what you

really want

which leads us to step two

which is assessment and we have to

assess specifically what we believe

in order to do this we have to

understand how the brain works because

majority of you guys that are listening

to me right now have no idea what you


95 of your brain in your day-to-day your

subconscious has taken over

the first seven years of your life

according to research has a critical

impact on what we believe and then that

is coupled with our other life


these are written inside of our brain

on the subconscious level we have a left

hemisphere and a right hemisphere with

our brain the left hemisphere is logical

it’s critical thinking it’s numbers it’s

orders it’s systems right

then you have the right side of your

brain that is your subconscious that’s

the creative it’s the dreaming it’s the


scientifically we also know that matter

and energy are one and the same it’s

been proven any physical matter that

you’re touching so the chair you’re

sitting in the laptop you use this

microphone the person next to you we’re

all really energy because solid matter

is nothing more than compressed atoms

that vibrate at a very high rate right

and they’re wrapped inside of another

set of energy fields so if we can

understand that everything is energy and


our brain okay


controlled or our actions on a daily are

controlled mostly by the right side of

our brain we’re going to be able to

start the process of shifting everything

so how this works and what’s really

interesting is the cia spent millions of

dollars researching this


1983 they came out with the monroe

studies and they basically proved that

manifestation is real and they break

down through something called the

gateway process of how to hemisink the

left side and the right side of your


you actually can go to the cia’s website

it was declassified in 2003 it’s a

pretty interesting read and it’s

relatively short okay about 30 pages or


but one of the biggest takeaways from

this is that the way our subconscious

mind works is it takes what we’re

experiencing on the left side and then

interprets that your external experience

it gives you a physiological response

aka your feelings okay

and your feelings actually control at

what rate your atoms or your energy in

your body


so if you’re feeling really great guess

what your atoms are vibrating really

really high right that’s positive

there’s opportunity that’s good things

coming to you this love and if you’re

feeling low if you’re feeling negative

you actually slow down the vibration of

your atoms

it’s really crazy right


if we can control

or have greater control over our

emotions then we can control our

external life experiences

how do we have greater control over our


we start by number three which is

getting into

alignment okay

so inside of your brain

there is

um we have lots of neural pathways

that’s how we learn new things okay i

want you guys to think about a neural

pathway like a forest or the woods okay

so i live in the country and i like to


so if i’m standing outside and i see a

tree and maybe that tree is a mile down

the road so we’re going to call that

tree c and i’m standing at tree a when i

walk from tree a to c the first time

i’ve never done that before so when i

walk there’s not quite a clear path it’s

going to take a little longer for me to

get there right i have to call on a

little bit more skill sets to get me

where i’m going but if i walk that path

every day every day every day every day

guess what the ground underneath me

wears out

and now i have a dirt path

then maybe one day i may put some rocks


and then maybe one day i may pave the

path and because i’ve walked that path

from tree a to tree c so often

i can do it like it’s second nature and

i can get down that path way faster

under 20 the time or the 200th time than

i could on the first time that’s how our

brain learns things okay

this is called plasticity

so there are these little neurons that

are hanging out

and more specifically the important set

of neurons we need to be focused on is

called the ras this is the reticular

activating system it’s about the size of

your pinky it’s in the base of your

brain i want y’all to think about this

like a filter that goes inside of your


okay remember

we have to de-program ourselves right

when we’re working on alignment so the

beautiful thing about this i want y’all

to think about has anybody ever

thought of a car that you liked you’re

like hey i would really like to have a

red honda

and then all of a sudden you start

seeing red hunters everywhere right

you’ve never seen that many red hunters


same amount of red hunters were always

there but because you have noticed it

and you’ve decided that’s what you want

now your brain the ras

is working towards those the ras is very

powerful it controls your sleep cycles

it controls your muscles it controls

your arousal it controls your focus okay

it controls a lot of things so if we can

program our ras to be focused on

specific things guess what we’re now

going to find what we focus on and we

want to train our rs to be focused on

happy things and on love so we can start

the process of

love and start controlling what we are

in alignment with y’all picking up what

i’m putting now

really crazy how the brain works right


now that leads me to step number four

which is

action okay once we’ve decided what we

want to be aligned with and we’ve

decided what we don’t want to be aligned

with we are going to move into action so

we can bring forth what we want

so the first thing is put yourself in a

good mood as soon as you wake up

remember i told y’all we’re all energy



solid matter which is you me the chairs

this room it’s nothing more than

compressed atoms that are vibrating at a

high frequency

so we want to vibrate as high as we can

right we want to be in alignment with

love so you need to put yourself in a

good mood as soon as you wake up every

day i don’t care if you play music i

don’t care if you dance if it’s a joke

just whatever is going to make you happy

as soon as you get out of bed you need

to do that okay

number two put yourself in a good space

before you go to sleep

remember i told y’all that ras part of

your brain it controls your sleeping and

your waking cycles correct

it’s a whole lot of things going on

while you sleep in your body and we want

to make sure that our energy is still


one of the worst things you can do for

yourself is put yourself in distress

before you go too bad you need to

actually make sure that you are calm or

you’re happy or you’re feeling mellow or

what loved whatever it is you need to

feel so what i suggest to my clients is

that they actually whatever the last

thing is that you see was right in front

of your bed above your bed make that

something that makes you feel good and

relaxes you

number three you need to look at images

that represent what you want something

very interesting about our brains is our

brains cannot differentiate between a

picture and reality so this means you

can find images to represent the love

that you want in your life and you can

actually speak and say what these things

mean to you this is how you start to

re-process or reprogram the ras center

of your brain number four you want to

surround yourself with people that

inspire you and that you aspire to be

like aka couples and more specifically

happy couples

because they are going to emit the

proper frequency that you want to be on

and you’re going to learn different

things from them which in return is

going to continue to reprogram that ras

right which is the filter so we can draw

what we want

the fifth thing you do change your

surroundings or your proximity i mean

physically change your surroundings you

don’t go to the ocean looking for a

catfish and you don’t go to a lake

looking for a whale

some of y’all are fishing in the wrong

hole and literally if you want to

attract better you need to go to a

different proximity right go to a

different bar a different gym a

different bank a different park okay go

to a different art gallery i don’t care

go somewhere outside of where you’ve

been going all right

number six you need to be very diligent

about your speech the speech that you

have over yourself and the speech when

you speak about what you desire more

often than not i hear highly successful

women talking about all these statistics

that say that they’re not going to get

what they desire i very rarely hear them

saying i’m really excited to attract a

man that’s a leader i’m really excited

to find somebody that i can build a

legacy with i’m really excited to have a

guy that’s going to support me we have

to start speaking what we want to see

and what we want instead of being so

focused on what we don’t want because

again every time we speak that guess

what it’s doing it’s programming the ras

center you’re putting in that negative

stuff into your filter and now

your atoms and your energy fields are

focused on that instead of what you

really want okay and finally number

seven all you have to do is prepare for

what’s coming so you start to change

your schedule you start to actually

physically change your space to make

room for what it is that you say that

you want if you are a highly successful

woman if you are high valued and you’ve

been able to accomplish promotions and

material matters and you’re an excellent

parent you’re a great sister you’re an

amazing part of your community others

feel fantastic when they’re around you

if you can manifest any type of material

matter it’s just as easy to manifest

happiness and love thank you guys
