Love Knows No Bounds


is the greatest exchange currency

that you can have because it can buy

anything and everything money

and power can buy you only some things

love conquers all well i was born

in a family of eight siblings i lost my


when i was only six years old there was

a void

within me the longing for a father’s


that i try to seek and search in the

thinks of the world

i fell in love when i was only 15 years

stayed in love for 11 years and married

the man of my dreams

everything was fine with us till five


later i was diagnosed with an ovarian


i was operated for that and

after that came the complications at

surgery after surgery

five years passed and i lost the

function of my

phalapen tubes and the doctors concluded

that i could not have children


i was broken inside but i resorted to

what the world could offer me

i went in for artificial insemination

four times it all failed

i went in for ivf that too failed

i was broken inside but then i said i

need to bring some meaning into my life

being a singer being a musician

i started using my god-given talent

to put like-minded musicians and singers


and we formed a band we formed a gospel

ban we formed a choir

we started singing and raising funds and

i started visiting

the government hospitals in mangalore

and i saw

so many people suffering and in such a

bad condition

all i wanted to do was forget about


and reach out to them and show them that

i am there for them

the sight of the people lying in the

paraplegic ward for years together

who haven’t walked there was this man i

remember who said

young man lying for more than five years

there on the bed and he said he told me

i feel

very bad when i see people walking about

and busy

when i cannot move i don’t know if i

will ever walk again

so i started doing some small little

things out of love

for these people and uh i went in for a

pregnancy test a few

uh weeks months later

and then i was i got a positive report i

ran to my doctor showed him the report

he said you impossible how can you


don’t tell anybody you come back in two

months and i will scan and see

and yes if there is a baby then you can

tell two months later when i went to the

doctor and he scanned me

he literally fell off the chair he said

there is a baby what did you do

and that was the time for me to tell him

what is impossible for man

is possible for god i was blessed

with a beautiful baby girl who is 26

years now

and she’s the reason for me to go all


to show that love can conquer

everything even our brokenness and


so as i was going about doing this thing

i saw so much of pain and suffering on

the streets i found people on

in the dustbins i found people abandoned

maggot infested wounds

so much of pain and suffering and there

was no place for them

so i registered under an ngo as an ngo

took a license from the district

administration for psychiatric

nursing because everyone on the street

has psychiatric problems

started picking up these people one by

one bringing them into the home

giving them a lot of love giving them

food grooming them and

i was thinking of this that

to have a place to go

is a blessing to have someone to love


is a family and there are so many

without either or both and i was

determined to make that difference

to be there for them for these destitute

the least the last and the lost of our


so picking one by one we happen

to pick up over 600 people from the

street and rehabilitate them

with just a little love and care i saw

great transformation in their lives

people who were with maggot infested


matted hair they don’t even know who

they are

and from where they have come gradually

recall who they are and there’s so much

of transformation

so with this we were able

to to reach back over 300 plus

destitute to their homes all over india

and even nepal

this lady is from nepal and

she was found naked on our roads and

brought in by the police

six months later she was badly injured

we found her family in nepal

and they were reunited we have many many


this is a woman who dressed up like a


and lost her mind and just walked out of

tamil nadu andhra pradesh

and she reached mangalo and found by the

police and once again brought

12 years later we were able to locate

her family

and reach her back just yesterday

we were able to reunite a mother who

lost her mind and walked out of her home

in tamil nadu

14 years ago when her three tiny


were left abandoned there the father


within a year and the children were


yesterday we were able to find the


and reunite them and send them back to

tamil nadu

so as this work was going on i saw so

much of hunger on the streets

when we eat good food how can our

brothers and sisters

who live rough on the road eat garbage

eat chicken waste from the chicken


i’ve seen people eating paper to satisfy

their hunger

i made up my mind i need to give them a

good meal

so every day we started cooking one good

nutritious hot meal

and started taking it to the streets

what we began 20 years ago feeding 20


today we feed almost 150 to 200 every

day on the streets

and i experience so much of love from

them i don’t know who they are

but sometimes they see me on the streets

and they come and greet me

and i feel so blessed

so this work too was going on we opened

a home for the children

started taking care of children

educating them and grooming them

the all-round development was taken care

by us

and i was in for a root shock suddenly

as i was doing this work

when i was diagnosed with third stage

breast cancer but i battled cancer

boldly because i was not afraid of death

i faced the sickness went through a ten

and a half hour surgery that was

followed by

six rounds a strong chemo called tac

and then five weeks of radiation

and everything went on smoothly till i

had to get

the second blow i was as i was coming to

the end of the radiation

i was diagnosed with acute hepatitis b

i started throwing out blood my liver

enzyme shot up to 5100

and the doctor said i was gone on april


2010 because my liver was completely


but all these people

started praying for me and started

wanting me back

i did not know what happened to me

because i was in a coma

when everybody had given up on me the


of these people brought me back to

literally brought me back to life

eight days in a coma i got up on the

eighth day and i asked the doc

when i got up i had tubes in my nose

stent in my

neck stent in my groin and i asked the

doctor who put me or what happened to me

and then he said you went the other side

and came

well i did not think about my family at

that time

all i could think was about my extended


i said because we had two homes we had

140 destitute under our care

and if anything happened to me probably

these people had to go back to the


so i was able to get a plot of land

in the city donated for my oh my for

this purpose

and today we have a beautiful

one of its kind state of the art

home for these destitute they can call

they call it

their own we have a 200 bed psychiatric

nursing home

for these destitute well i see so much


uh transformation i experience

that’s why i said the exchange of love i

experienced so much of love from these


i just want to touch on one thing people


these psychiatric people on the streets

i have seen

people being stoned there was an elderly

man who was a professor who lost his


who was dressed up in an idris and

people were stoning him not knowing what

he was doing

we picked him up rehabilitated him

united him back with the family

i want to tell you that anti-social


do not spare even handicapped women on

the streets

there was this woman who couldn’t even


but she was raped and she literally died

giving birth to her son she’s no more


likewise there was a young another case

of a young man

who was robbed on the trains put on

another train he landed up

he was from a u.p he landed up in

mangalo and since they

lose their mind they cannot

reply to your questions then people

misunderstand that he’s a thief

and then they beat him up and then we

rescued him

and put him in hospital he recovered and

we were able

to unite the father and the son

so if we give love

we will get love back in return nobody

is useless

nobody is worthless so each one of us

can make that difference in the lives of


each one reach out to one and

you and i can make this world a better


thank you