Love Wisdom and Courage



do you know

that’s the longest journey that we will

ever take

in our life it’s just almost 46

centimeters too long

it’s a distance between our head to our


and it’s a precise love and wisdom to

transform our knowledge and belief into


that have the capacity to change not

only our life

but also those around us but that


cannot start or even complete without


so let’s start with a simple question

when was the last time to say i love you

to your friends

and when was the last time to say it to

your family members

i was born and raised in a regular

nuclear family

my mom is a dedicated woman she was an

italian dogson market

she didn’t have a store for herself but

two very heavy plastic bags

on her bow hands filled with all kind of


wash clothes carried around the market

i spent most of my childhood with my mom

so somehow

i felt like she was carrying her family

in those two bags

my uncle was just a while away from my

eight years ago his wife was diagnosed


colorectal cancer at the age of 44.

and it has gone almost everywhere inside

her body

and after the operation she had to carry

an ostomy bag

right here my mom decided to quit her


at as a retailer to take care of her

i didn’t visit her before i thought my

mom had done enough already

the hospital sang her bags a couple of


and believe me there was lots of time

that she’s just about to give up

but then she got back and continued the


the one who was giving her so much

strength was her studying april child

who was expected to be back in spring

one day she couldn’t go popping the dice

my mom

asked me to come over and have the hand

i didn’t know what to do

so i just wrapped her so much for half

an hour and it came up

with colorectal cancer it was such

a release

so she leaned toward me so i moved


enough to show her tear as she asked me


i could come whenever i have free time

as a company and as a friend

it surprised me the bit but i barely

knew her

and as ignorance as i was at that time

that sentence

somehow felt like a turning point to me

so i did until one day while i was

wrapping hose too much

and the ostomy bag somehow leaked

and the smell came from it was so


and it crossed my life

i stood up when my mom was cleaning her

i looked back

and i saw the slight smile on her face

and she asked me if the smell was too


i didn’t reply and i left

i told my mom that i was too busy with

my school

what i didn’t tell her was that i was

disgusted with that smell

and with her situation i know that i

should not have

but i came up with all sorts of reason

why i could not come

one day when i was having breakfast my

mom came back home and she said that

she was a bit weaker that day because

her breath

was so strange that moment i felt like

something wasn’t right i felt like she

needed me

and i wanted to come and i

was about to get up and come to a place

but i didn’t i told my mom that i was i

would be there by 12

after my i finish my homework

but she couldn’t make it into 12 and she

couldn’t make it

until spring

i never thought that i could or could

share this experiment to anyone else

especially in a talk like this

but believe me the cost we may have to

pay for not having enough courage and

let opportunity pass by

is probably the worst we could not blame

anyone else

and it could be terribly hard to let go

there was so many chances and

opportunity that i could have taken

to take care of or just to be there when

people when they needed me the most

but i didn’t i was

foreign and it was my first lesson of


so it’s a car in latin

that means heart in english

so being courageous is not only about

taking risks to be fearless to be tough

but also to take action upon a heart’s

decision to allow yourself to be

soft be kind and caring

even though you’re terrified terribly


you used to do the right things anyway

so i have a question for you do you have

any letters that finally turned into


love is just not enough

this may turn into regrets without


there is one saying that have been have

read and been told

many times you need to love yourself

before you love anyone else

this may sound a bit old and so common

that it probably has

had become a cliche to some of us but

what i

am about to share might give you another

aspect to look at this court

when i was 19 i was lost and misled

like most of the dead in our teens i

knew that i was

looking for something i didn’t know what

it was specifically

so i just kept looking out for it

until one late night there was so many

things in my mind

things like university social


family expectations and so on

i remember and i remember it vividly and

i saw myself

sitting on my bed and listened to my

surroundings quietly

the idea of meditations just came up in

my mind

so i followed that voice crossed my legs

and started meditation for the first

time in my life

i have never felt my body so vivid and

connected before

it’s amazing to know that modern half of

our body is created by non-human parts

which are bacteria viruses fungi etc

they have so many functions for example

they protect our skin

from invasion by harmful organisms

and there are a thousand of skin cells

die on our skin every minute

billions trillions of them are working

in harmony with each other to support

our survival

they are all essential to our health

even the smallest ones

but have we ever taken time to build

them and

before going to sleep have you ever

taken time

to say thank you to a heart the organ

that never stops eating

never takes rat even when you are


it was non-stop until a loud breath

so in that moment

that realization was so profounding to


it wasn’t something i invented or

discovered i am not a scientist not a


and definitely not a chemist but that

feeling in that moment

just so profoundly so my heart taught me

the lesson of love that i don’t forget

so self-love

is not only the stage where we could

accept ourselves as who we were

and are to be aware of our valuable


to take care of physical health but also

to transfer ourselves deep deep down

from the within

it sounds like there are lots of things

that we have to work on already

but let’s start it simple with a

conversation to ourselves

tonight before going to sleep sleep

please take five minutes to truly listen

and communicate to your body

both human and non-human parts

how are they how do they feel encourage


but the hearts never stop beating for

the lungs

up and down with us for the legs that


for everything from the smallest

to the most visible one

two years ago with the help of waterwise


my team and i founded an environmental

club named lab average

which means green steps in english we

were working on the eco project

ecobrick project for over a year and it

lasted for two seasons

i came to the club of course for the

love for environment

but after handing over the club i have

found myself

in a different aspect of understanding

what enviro love environment could also


and what roles wisdom by place

in our life in such a likely way

that is truly eye-opening to me

we are human when we put ourselves

animal implants in the same picture

which is environment

we don’t seem to relate it just like

human and non-human parts in our body

scientifically proved it only takes

92 elements to make up all lives on


so in other words the elements that we

find in nature

in plants and animals that happen to


and work in inside of it as well

only when escaping my heart skip a bit

that i know that i’m in love only when

it feels so heavy that we know we are in


the hearts come first before the brain

we feel it

before we even know it

and now let’s say the environment seems

to be the big body

in which we are the human parts

that should live and work in harmony

with other species

which are non-human one as well because

of any impact that we make

it counts if love

is so great how do we know

whether we are misled or going on the

right track

this is when wisdom does is wrong

love itself is not wrong and wisdom

is the power to discriminate between

what is right

and what is wrong to keep an open mind

to not only think outside the box

but also to listen and observe outside

the box

at first i thought that reading many

books in different genres

going to events watching documentary


are the shortest ways to achieve it

however we might have mistaken the idea

of wisdom

for knowledge knowledge is when we know

how to use the gun and wisdom to know

when to put the trigger as jimmy hendrix


knowledge speaks wisdom listens

by observing and listening i have felt

there is a great love within me

and i have found as we how we are all

connected not only to each other

with the nature surrounding us this


changed everything i have known before

so my heart taught me that i feel love

before i even know it and wisdom

is like a wake-up call for that feeling

listen deeper observe riser

and everything is different however

achieving true love wisdom in courage

doesn’t seem like a real destination but

rather an ongoing process

the vast oceans of knowledge and wisdom

is unmeasurable and describable and yes

not yet discovered we make mistake

we do but poor listening observing and

keep an open mind

are ways to develop it

if ignorance and discrimination

hold the power to damage our world

the love we still encourage hold the

power to heal it

if you want to learn something new to

change ourselves for the better

your mind is filled with judgment and

already existing personal perspective

that is like a cup that filled with tea

empty the cup

emptying your mind eliminating our

judgment and personal perspective

and ignorance is when we truly listen

we are all responsible and have the

capacity to make change

and heal not only us but others

and the world we are living in

so pack up your courage

and get ready for the greatest greatest

journey that you will ever take in your


the journey from your heart to your

heart and a journey of love

wisdom and courage thank you