Optimizing the human experience through love


stand on the shoulders

of those

who came before me

i am here today

because of the sacrifice

of those before me

many people turn their hands

in my success

from the wise ones

who inspired me

to those who supported me

including those who made a difference

in my life

i have given my best

to touch as many lives as i can

the same way my life

was touched

i have been blessed with

this amazing and timeless wisdom

therefore it is important

for me to give back

there is a common bond

in the human spirit

we all want to be healthy

and happy i’m not any different

basically we are the savior

as an engineer having worked in the

corporate world for

so many years and having traveled


all over the world interacting

with people thousands and thousands of

people from

all walks of life

i have realized

that the greatest achievement

are those

that benefit others

being at the united nations

and sharing this timeless wisdom with

those young

leaders gave me hope

it gave me hope

because the world

need their fresh energy

the world needs their leadership

we cannot talk

about changing humanity

without talking about changing ourselves

mahatma gandhi said

be the change you wish to see

in the world

to change the world

we have to change ourselves

to change ourselves

we have to change the way we think

we have to change the way we feel

we have to change the way we speak

have to change the way we act

and we have to change our attitude

our thoughts our feelings

our words

our actions and our attitude

are active forces

they have a tremendous effect

upon our surroundings

upon others

and upon ourselves

we cannot have one kind of

thought feelings words

action and attitude and another kind of


the same way the condition of our life


next week next month

next year will be completely conditioned

but the way we think

the way we feel the way

we speak the way we act

and our attitudes

unknown to most these are

five tremendous forces

that will help you with your health

and your happiness

you cannot show positive thoughts

positive feelings and positive words

positive action and positive attitude

and have a negative life

optimizing the human experience

is the capacity to understand

your thoughts your feelings

your word your actions

and your attitude can cause you to be a

blessing to the entire universe

to be a blessing to your loved ones

and to be your blessings to yourself to

be a blessing to your community

to be a blessing to everyone

you cross path with

optimizing the human experience

with the power of love will mean for


permeating your thoughts

your feelings your words

your actions and your attitude

with love and positivity

by bringing love and positivity in your


by bringing love and positivity in your


by bringing love and positivity in your


by bringing loving positivity in your


and by having a positive and loving


we start to have a positive and

uplifting presence

we develop a positive power

we develop a positive and healing


we develop a positive life

we become a positive magnet of

unconditional love

we have positive energy as a result

and we raise our frequency

as a result we bring positive

things positive people

wonderful blessings in our lives

we must become

in our process of optimizing

our lives loving and positive and share

that positivity and share the light of


optimizing the human experience we

cannot talk about

optimizing the human experience without

talking about

love without talking about unconditional


unconditional love is love without


we cannot talk about optimizing the

human experience

without talking about unconditional love

because love

gives birth to life without love there

is no human experience

love gave birth to the cosmos

in the beginning of life it is love

there is no life without love therefore

we cannot talk about optimizing the

human experience

without love

love is a mother of life and life

does not make any sense at all without


love removes suffering love is that

which unites

a life without love is a candle without


a man without love is a land without

water and nothing grows the air

the greatest way for us

to optimize our human experience

is to embrace the power of love

because everything that is good in a

human being

is awakened by love

love awakens all the hidden

potentialities in a human being

even wisdom and truth

cannot be understood without love all

the forces of creation

obey to love there’s nothing beyond love

there’s nothing about love love is the


of the holy spirit

therefore we need to talk about love

but when we speak of love

the question would be how do we develop

that type of unconditional love

there’s loving if it’s loving


loving unconditionally is loving without

conditions it’s a love that does not

that the love that heals a love that

does not hurt

the love that does not expect anything

in exchange

it is a nurturing type of love

that surrounds you with

all the light because love is the mother

of light

so that one may grow like a flower

receiving the light

of the sun the rays of the light of the


love gives

an extension of love is service

we cannot talk about unconditional love

without talking about the capacity to

serve others

and the capacity to make a difference in

other people’s lives

service is an extension of love

because there is a form of sacrifice in

serving others

we have to serve others because we are

all interconnected

we’re in the same human family

what i do affects you and what you do

affect me

how i feel affect how you feel and how

you feel affect how i feel i am affected

by you

and you are affected by me therefore

it is important to serve others

but that love we develop that love

through service

because service like loves gives

because it’s important to make a

difference in other people’s lives

love gives and service gives

and service is an extension of love

and as soon as a person starts serving

love is awakened love

comes after service

it’s important to serve others it’s

important to make a difference in other

people’s lives

our greatness

is not based upon how powerful we are

how wealthy we are how famous we

are our greatness

is based upon our capacity to make a


in other people’s lives

our greatness is based upon

becoming the bright candle that light

the path

for others

success does not always have to do

with being wealthy being powerful being


success has to do with making a


a loving and positive difference in

other people’s lives

therefore the power of unconditional


in the optimizing of the human


is the capacity to go out of our way

and light the path for others make a

difference in other people’s life

we have to become a blessing to creation

we have to be a forceful good in the


a positive force

our presence must be uplifting

we must bring love unconditional love in


thoughts in our feelings in our words

we must uplift others of our world we

must enliven

with our word we must bring

unconditional love

in our action to sow action of light

we must bring unconditional love and

positivity in our attitude

because nothing can stop a person with a

loving and positive attitude

but nothing can help the person

with a negative attitude

service is extremely important

but we must realize with the advances of


we’re becoming more and more isolated

more isolated


we need unconditional love for

connections because the worst

disease in the world the worst disease

is being uncared for is being lonely

there are people who are dying

for lack of food but many more were

dying for lack of love

life every one of us

is a link in the

chain of life no matter how

small that link is that link is

extremely important

because the strength of the entire chain

of light

is based upon the weakness of that link


we have to serve others in order to be

able to strengthen that link

so that we may strengthen the entire

human chain

and glorify the creator

