Easy Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do


we are at the probably coolest part of


i mean i have to say so because it’s

myself i’m going to be teaching you some

magic so i do hope you are ready for


so i am currently just preparing myself

mentally and what you want to do if

you’re sitting at home i want you to

stretch just a little we’re about to go

on a break quite soon

stretch a little i’m going to teach you

the trick that i showed pal just moments


so you hold out one finger like this the

other one like this and then you just in

one two and three make it jump

and this is much harder than it seems

but if you find yourself not really

knowing what to do

you can try this one it’s much easier so

you just hold like this and like this

you go behind your head and when you

come back you’re stuck

no you just blow and it’s gone or if

you’re sitting down you can hold out

your hands like this so you have your

palms to the floor

turn them in like that so you have the

back of your hands together one hand

over the other and you just

squeeze your fingers together make sure

you’re very very high up and then in one

two and three make your thumbs go back

on top

no question so far perfect all right i’m

going to teach you a couple of tricks

that you can do

either in front of a real audience in

front of your friends you can do it

online you can do it you know on a

virtual conference just like this one or

you know on a virtual christmas i guess

so you’re gonna need a couple of things

you’re gonna need two pieces of paper

preferably the same size and you’re

gonna need a pen

and we’re gonna use this as a wand i

brought two different ones and they’re

ones maybe i should say because there’s

a very good reason for this you see

this pen right here this is a pen that


like a little extra tap thing on the

side this is important for me

because i’m gonna use this in my hair

later on so stick around for that

and then this is a normal let’s call it

a normal pen with nothing extra

and we’re going to start with that one

actually so take one of your papers when

you have or maybe you have a coin

just crumble it in to make it into a

tiny ball

so let’s use the first one we take this

in our hand like this

we need the wand and in one two

three it vanishes and it’s never

completely gone actually it’s inside the

cap just like

that we can get it back no question so


good i’m not taking any questions

actually on this part so might as well

skip them for later

so we take the other one as well so now

we’re gonna have

two pieces of paper equally sized

in balls like this and we’re gonna count

to ten so be with me now saying

one two three four five six and in seven

we take one of them

in one hand eight and in nine this one

becomes invisible jumps and lands with

this friend

over here all right now let’s use the

pen that i was talking about before

and let’s make this paper ball vanish so

that would be in

one two

three no wait the pen is gone i’m just


it’s here in my hair somewhere okay

let’s do it again okay now i know you

know why you need this one okay same one

two and wait

where’s the paper ball okay so now i’m

going to teach you how to do that

this is using something that magicians

have been using forever

okay this is called misdirection and


part of being mr really good at

misdirection is to know

that whatever goes up and forward covers

what is going

down and back okay so take a look at

this so i’m holding the piece

down and i have the pen up so as i go

one this motion up here is going to

cover whatever is

happening down here so as i come up here

and leave the pen

i just drop it behind my ear back here

and as i come back i realize

acting i realize that it’s gone and i


what and when i take this hand down


going down is better than going up well

you know well

whatever i said before is better so you

go up and you turn around

and as you’re up here your audience’s

eyes is going to be up here

so as you grab it you have all the time

in the world

to just take the coin or paper ball and

just drop it in your hand

now you can either come back with the

hand closed and just tap

it or do whatever i did i dropped it

came back and i was like oh

where did it go that’s all up to you and

then if you have it in your pocket just

like this you can just you know

move on with your day and then a minute

later you just go into your pocket relax

and then as you have it here in your

hand you just go in behind someone’s ear

and you make it come back and you’re

gonna make

you know everyone just you know if there

was an emoji for what i do

it would be the one all right so

let’s go back to the first trick that we

did we had the two balls

and we started off with just the one

so you want to find a position in your

hand where you can

comfortably just bend in your fingers


so you bend them in like this and make


that the ball or coin does not fall down

so for me the perfect spot is right here

between this knuckle here

so i have it here and i turn it around

what’s important here is the timing so

as you hold the coin or the ball

and come here you close this hand right

away now you see what i do here

i come here here this one goes up this

one goes forward this one goes down

okay so i’m here here here and i grab my


pretend that it’s gone from here and

then i have the ball

still here i repurpose my pen so i have

the opening of the pen so i have the cap

up here

i just open the cap firmly and then in


two three i just let go of the ball or

the coin or whatever it is

it’s a pure miracle i’m telling you

now let’s move on one of my favorite


in life except for coffee in the morning

is playing cards i have designed playing

cards for the past five years and

produced 11 different decks on the

market and i think that one

one thing that most people have to know

when it comes to magic tricks

with cards is to know something called

the key card

the key card is basically you knowing

the position of only one card and that

card is gonna help you with whatever


someone else has picked let’s do it

simple here so i’m gonna peek the bottom


i have the eight of hearts on the bottom

i do that

either with taking the deck like this


shuffling it down making sure that i

shuffle down the eight first

that right there is a classic riffle

shuffle for those of you who are super

geeky like me

i know exactly where the card is so

someone else picks a card

let’s say they take this one they

remember the card

six of clubs now you place them

the card on the top of the deck you cut

the deck so you take half of the pack

put it on the table and then you put the

bottom pile

on top which means you’re gonna have

your eight of hearts

right next to the selected card at this

point you as the magician have no idea

what the card is

then you take the cards you can either

you do you know like a sh

what is it called false shuffle or you

can do like a cut or whatever it is that

you want

you can you know show off some muscle

like that and then you just spread the

cards out on the table

as you look through the cards you are

currently looking for your eight of

hearts your key card

and you go through the cards and as you

look at the table

you’re gonna see the cards going to be


this so you’re going to have their card

on top of

ours okay so this is in the pile

so you just go through the cards take a

look and then you close it up

and leave it and you ask them to think

of their card maybe you ask them to

repeat the card out loud in their mind


you can do something funny like also

think of your cards oh

think like this six of clubs six of

clubs six of clubs and it’s gonna take a

second for them to realize that you you

know read their mind

or you could just go okay is your card

red or black don’t tell me

it’s black isn’t it and they go oh yeah

that’s interesting 50 50.

and then you go is it clubs or sp it’s


okay okay it’s not super high is it it’s

like four five

six six of clubs interesting so there

you have

virtual like virtually no uh like a

million different ways to do

uh one of the simplest and yet super

duper effective

magic tricks