Facing Misdirection

let me say

something crazy magic is not real

this is magic which is not real but i’m

pretty sure a few of you

are currently amazed before i distinctly

explain my content i would like to


a small magic trick today i brought a

one deck of car well i actually wanted

to bring

a red deck of car but since i brought a

blue deck of car

i feel like i just have to perform with

this however

i have a powerful weapon which is


so do you mind guys looking over there


the problem seems to be sold asking an

audience to pick a card is very cliche

things for magicians to ask but since

there is no audience in this stage i’ll

pick the card instead

the card that we chose is 10 of club

now i’ll continue this speech as the

speech goes by

what i just showed you the color

changing magic is the art of


it’s what make magic so beautiful

today i’m going to go in this and

explain about what misdirection is

but before that let’s go back to the

past and see where my magic era has


i started magic when i was in elementary

school i have seen

a remarkable performance from

my friend i agree that this isn’t an

enormous motivation however ever since

that performance i dedicated most of my

time to magic

i was genuinely in love with it the

tricks and the theories

has constantly attracted me to be in

love with it as you can see i have

cancer for magic knowing the tricks

behind the magic knowing the theories

behind the magic

it was fascinating for me even at a

young age

now if i had a malicious intention of

learning magic

i might have enjoyed people getting

fooled and possibly i

might have pickpocketed their belongings

which i did

for entertainment i didn’t learn my

magic in order to cause any harm since i

wanted to entertain people i’d rather

study in this and tried to discover the

theories behind the magic

due to magic i started to observe the

world differently i started to relate

everything with the theory of magic

through eight years studying magic i

discovered that magician utilizes lots

of theories norton has their tricks

such as adaptability acting storytelling


and everything

due to magic i truly amirated myself

i see everyday aspect of life to the

lens of these concept

therefore today i’m going to talk about

what misdirection is and how it relates

to our life

but first of all what is misdirection

when we think of misdirection we’re

thinking of directing someone to the

wrong place or the wrong direction

and people commonly think that oh look

over there and do some sneaky action

well it could be actually interpreted as

people deceiving themselves by focusing

their attention to the

different place while also the staining

that is

much more significant

magician distracts audience site using


even though the magician doesn’t

intentionally behave or act

to distract audience they distract

themselves with whatever cast their eyes

however not even in magic we could

discover analogous situations in our


for instance if our passion for money i

would evaluate most of the situation

only through a financial lens

such as when i observe someone i’ll

first evaluate them how much money they


or how useful they could be on rendering

the money

even when i’m encountering an ethical


when i’m encountering ethical choice

between doing what’s right and doing

what gains me more money

i might have chose what gains me more


now this easily represents what

misdirection is

i addressed an example through money

however the distraction could be

anything it could be your interest it

could be your idealistic value it could

be your hobby

it could be literally anything

this interest and things causes us the


as we blindly follow these things

now as entering to 2020 we have

encountered an

abysmal situation covent 19.

due to covenant 19 people were

emotionally suffering they were

highly devastated that we could actually

discover a misdirection during this


now i actually brought a student a and b

now student a and b were like an

identical twins student a and b

received a average grade and they were

embracing every situation positively

and they had like same talent or same


but as the combat occurs student a opt

to focus on their sentiment

such as being depressed or considering

the situation as audismal

however the person b used this pandemic

as an

opportunity to develop oneself

developmentally physically

or in various ways

now as a pandemic end student a and b

they were a total different person now

student a

received a same grade that they used to

get before pandemic

and had a quite similar talent before

pandemic however

the person b was totally different


person b embraced the situation more

positively and

was more talented now what is the

difference between these two

it’s about not getting distracted

student a was distracted by these

sentiments such as being depressed

and embracing or considering the

situation as abysmal

however the person b used this pandemic

as an opportunity to develop oneself

this easily represents during this

misdirection during this pandemic

besides this there are many other

situations where misdirection takes


such as creating a life goal you don’t

really want what you really want to be

is following a path of an actor

but you’re following a path of a doctor

because of

what your parents expected from you

because you want to earn a lot of money

because you want to gain more prestige

it could be any reason these

expectations and social

standards causes us the distraction


blindly deceives you into giving up your

true happiness

as you blindly follow those other

people’s desires and prestige

like the example has shown misdirection


literally everywhere ultimately when

you’re seeing only one site it is hard

to comprehend the whole story

i want to ask what are you fixated on

we’re very interested in something in

our surface level what we think has

value often distracts us from viewing at

the entire truth

as we finally follow other people’s


however if we change our essence on

viewing things

it will let us comprehend the whole


then what do i mean by changing our

essence on viewing things

as i’ve said in magic misdirection makes

magician deceive audience and distracts


and it happens so much in real life too

in consequence we lose and miss

lots of more significant sight resulting

in us not being able to grasp what is

actually important it limits us to

only what we want to or deceived to see

the meaning of changing our essence in

viewing is widening our thoughts in


and when i’m encountering the situation

i know that this is not going to change


and even though you try it’s not going

to change something however if you


constantly try to widen your thoughts in

perspective it will one day be

beneficial for your futures and the

situation that you encounter

adapting to this viewpoint will be a

significant change in your life

i would like to end my speech by telling

you what to focus on this magic

now first of all i just want to really

say thank you for

watching my performance and my speech

but you haven’t focused on this

cards now while i was producing the

cards nobody was focusing on what’s

written back of the card

which is the exactly matching with the

card that we chose

in addition to this i’ve actually wore

the ring silver ring for

like a two weeks to make the audience be

adapted with what i’m wearing or what

i’m actually

using in my hand so when i make it

vanish they don’t actually notice where

they go

sometimes when we go through life even

simple thing

when we think we’re not distracted by

our obsession and fixation it is

easy to get deceived we don’t know when

that’s going to occur and how it’s going

to occur

like the car matrix even simple things

can catch you at

any moment if your vision is narrower

and just

fixated about these things you’re

blinded by it it is hard to comprehend

the whole story

so as soon as you leave this place

consider what you’re fixated on and what

consumes your attention

or and consider that um think about it

if that’s

actually truly valuable or if it’s just

a distraction that causes you into

giving up your true happiness

and if it is then take a step and open

your eyes and see your true essence on

feeling the truth

so that you don’t miss out what actually


thank you