Is Magic Real

i want you for a moment to

imagine in your mind uh you’re holding

on to a hand of a child

and i want you to close your eyes as you

do this that child

is you and as you hold on to that hand

of that child

i want you to feel for a moment what it

felt like

to be that kid that you’re holding on to

be that younger you on the count of

three i want you to go ahead and

open your eyes one

two three okay

so what we’re gonna do i have a bottle


in my hand and i have a bag all right

now i want everyone here to

imagine as if we can make this bottle

here disappear

i’m gonna try to put in the bag great

keep it right here in full frame so you

guys can always see it

now if you’re watching this i want you

to hold your hand

up holding your hand up will signify

you believe that i can make this bottle


out of the bag okay so here it goes

check it out look

ready all right perfect i see some hands


boom it’s gone it is completely

gone the bottles disappear

and it’s not gone because some of you

guys didn’t hold your hands up so we’re

gonna do this again all right here we go

check it out

all right here we go watch this hold

your hand up

if you believe we can make this bottle

disappear from pure imagination great

see some pants season hand season

here we go check it out look i’m gonna

turn it over turn it over turn it over

turn it over turn it over turn it over

and it’s gone it’s gone

great okay some of you guys probably

don’t believe me

probably don’t believe me we’ll do it

one last time let’s just see if it works

i really need everyone to put their

hands up i know we’re watching and they

have their

phones down or their laptops down and

keeping their hands right to their side

so we’re gonna do this one more time

all right here we go check it out


hold your hand if you believe to

disappear great great

great great great awesome

and it’s gone

voila now let’s for a moment

just talk about what just happened when

you were a kid did you ever have

a thought an idea that was so crazy

in your head you just knew it was


if you can convince enough people that

it was possible

maybe you could be a rocket scientist

maybe you could be

a football player or maybe you could be

the first person

to cure cancer you had this crazy idea

in your head if you just convinced

enough people

it was possible you could achieve it

well that feeling is the feeling of


the native americans used to uh do what

they call a rain dance

and with the rain dance they would use a

tool called the rain stick

this would simulate rain falling back

and forth

going back and forth stimulating their

imagination with sound

as they would chant and all believe that

rain would soon

come this energy here is something

i like to think about as magic

but what is magic when we’re children

our parents sometimes

when i watch children uh they go through


immense struggles with this great big

idea of what life is and as they go

throughout life progressively

they start to wing off this

crazy idea of what’s possible simply due

to the people around them

losing that faith and magic that they


now what is faith faith is

believing something without any

evidential proof

and when it comes to a 12 year old

hey what do you expect i don’t expect

for a 12 year old

to have any physical proof they’re

only 12. so many of us these big crazy

dreams and aspirations

seem like something that are a one in a

million chance that only the few

will be able to obtain what if i told


it’s not necessarily true what if i told


magic was actually real just for a

moment think about this

it was a one in a million chance you

as a sperm cell made it to the egg

manifested in your mother’s belly

and now you’re here on this earth you

battled for a competition and you made


you made it all the way here

a beautiful story nonetheless

now what if i told you that you also

cast spells as well too now

when i say you cast spells let me go

ahead and explain this

saying that you cast spells when you

speak what are you using

you’re using letters and when you

arrange these letters

and configure them in the proper way you

form what they call

a word and a word has to be spelled

by letters the word spell pops up and

then you

cast what you have spelled out of your


you’re casting a spell

this is the power speaking life or death

when it comes to us speaking about

people’s dreams and ambitions

i feel like sometimes we can speak

amazing events into people’s lives

or we can completely kill people’s

dreams and never know exactly

what was the blossom in the thing that

we’re witnessing unfold

in front of our very eyes

let’s go ahead and talk about alchemy

transmutating one thing changes from one

thing to the other

i have something here for you guys i

want to show you something

i was playing a little bit of games

before i went ahead and uh hopped on

and i want to go ahead and uh show this

so i’m going to go ahead and bring the

camera down here

to my little table oh oh okay all right

there transmutation

here i have a rubik’s cube watch

and it turns into skittles

as you can see

now as a kid growing up uh

if you would have told me that some kid

in chicago right would have became one

of the most iconic magicians

you would have been kidding me growing

up as a kid um

i found magic at the age of eight and

when i found it it was something about

me while i believed that

it was just 100 real

i i actually thought that all of it was


and it was the feeling that made me


more than it was

the curiosity of knowing if it was

when i became 12 years old i would do

magic inside the boys and girls club

and i would show all my friends the

magic with that being said

i ran into a very horrible occurring


at eight i mean at 12 excuse me at 12

i got diagnosed with crohn’s disease and

when i was diagnosed with crohn’s


it really put my life at a setback

i had many wonders in my head would i

ever be able

to become the person i seen in my head

this invisible being of where i wanted

to be

with no proof but i just had to have the

faith to get there

was it even possible was it even


could i ever actually be there many of

you probably don’t know what crohn’s

disease is

crohn’s disease is a disease that

upsets your stomach and sometimes you

spend about maybe

60 of your day inside of the bathroom

and traveling can become

very very hard because you have to find

a restroom so when it came to playing

outside with

my friends or traveling with my family

to go somewhere to

visit relatives i wasn’t able to do it

and at the age of 12 it felt like

everything was stripped from me

it’s that old saying you don’t know what

you got until it’s gone

and as a kid i always said if magic is


then if it proves itself and i’ll keep


it i’ll take this career and do

the most with it that i possibly can

being a spitting image and a


to show people that it is

moving forward in my life i move forward


fooled pin and teller two of the biggest


in las vegas who have done magic for

years and years

on their hit tv show pin until they fool

us and came on there with

tricks that were original that i created

and also tricks that i put a spin on

using my creativity i’ve also

met 50 cent uh kevin hart

and many other celebrities whom had me

around to just do magic for them

and to show them some amazing things my

life has led me to

a very great place where i was able to

go from

this kid where it wasn’t much happening

for me in my life and also it got a

little darker

to now i’m probably living the most

happiest life i ever have at the age of


and who’s know what comes for the future

a kid such as me exists

in all of us in my search for magic when

i was looking forward i would always

look outside

of myself i would always look left

right up down i would look in the river

and probably drown but nonetheless

i found out that magic actually lies

with inside all of us we’re all magical

you have magic that lies inside of you

at this very moment

and it’s how attentive you are to it is

what makes it grow

water that seed even the concept of a


is transmutation you place a seed into

the ground

water it and then blossoms this great

powerful strong image or

figure that can provide substance to the


i want us to talk about invincibility

invincibility is real

we hear about it in many mythological

stories but

i think it is still relevant to this

very day

let me explain when i say

i have a dream you probably think about

martin luther king if i took

this piece of paper right here and then

tried to

shoot it into like the trash can

and yell kobe you would think of kobe

bryant their names still live on

to this very day

magic is a force that is

unseen but has an effect on the world

and i take this definition from the

egyptians their depiction of god

is a stick with the piece of claw

because the piece of cloth

is blown by when the invisible force

that you can’t see but you cannot deny

it has an effect

on the world and even though they’re not

here in the flesh

the mere fact that their presence is

still felt

to this day years after months after

you can’t deny now

let’s talk about what is magic

by the definition of magic is magic is

the prediction

or the producing of marvelous events to


in front of you and also having great


i think about magic

and with having the great influence

martin luther king had an

amazing influence on us and predicted


in the future that we’re living in today

kobe bryant

as well too a mere influence

onto an industry and the world in


that we cannot not

i want to go ahead and depart with you


with some encouraging words uh

something to leave a mark on in terms of

my invincibility uh this digital age

gives us the ability to

leave these footprints everywhere we go

in the day that i may not exist

i wanted to say this to my future


and grandchildren i want you to know


anything is possible and don’t let


convince you otherwise

if any if at any moment you ever feel

like it’s not

i want you to go ahead and look at me

and say

if he can do it i can too

there’s no difference between me and you

i could be missing a limb i probably

still get these things done

why is that i believe it’s the invisible

force inside of me

that gets it done not the mere fact that

it’s who i am in the physical flesh but

who i am on the inside

the magic that lies with inside

and with those words i want to say

goodbye and i love you all