Imagining Elon Musks MillionPerson Mars Colony


you know how

there are certain days in your life that

are just seared into your memory

you can remember the day in full detail

just like it was yesterday

one of those days in my life is

september 27

  1. this is the day that

elon musk stood on stage and he

announced that he was going

to send a million people to mars he had

it all figured out and there was a video

that explained it

he had these gigantic rockets he had

in-orbit refueling

he had these capsules that could carry a

hundred people at a time

he was going to ship a million people to


and he made it sound completely


one key thing to keep in mind is that a

million people is a lot of people

think about the city of san francisco it

only contains about 800

000 people but it’s 50 square miles or

30 or 40 000 acres it’s gigantic

imagining that you can move that many

people to mars

and that you can house them and feed

them and everything else

is just spectacular his vision was so

audacious so amazing

that it nearly made my head explode my

first reaction

literally was wow oh i can’t believe

this is so amazing

my second reaction was i doubt this is

ever gonna happen

okay maybe he can get a dozen people to

mars or a hundred

but a million that’s like that’s going

to cost trillions of dollars

take infinity time it’s hard to imagine

it ever really happening but my

third reaction was this is the framework

for the

greatest thought experiment of all time

because you can do so much with the idea


sending a million people to mars it’s


an amazing thought space to work in

the thing about mars is that it’s a


blank slate for human beings to draw on

there’s nothing but

rocks and sand and ice there right now

so we can do anything we want

and why wouldn’t we want to create

something really spectacular there

something where we’ve gotten rid of all

the problems and the crap that we see on

earth today

just think about it do we want there to

be war on mars

no corruption no crime

no poverty no we don’t want any of that


to infect the mars colony that we’re

going to build there

and that’s the thing that makes it such

a great thought experiment

how would you create a society that


all of that stuff the mars colony also

gives us

hundreds of questions that we can think

about let me give you a simple example

are there gonna be dogs and cats as

pets on mars or not yes or no

which is it going to be what about cows

and pigs and chickens for

meat are we gonna have meat on mars or


what about things like cigarettes or


or racism or abortion or

money like they never had money on star

trek do we actually need it on mars

one of the biggest questions that this

whole thought experiment raises

is who gets to go to mars i mean think

about it

how do we pick the people who actually

get to go

so let’s try this what if we did a


we just pick a million people to go to


off of planet earth completely at random

using a lottery one advantage of this is

that we get this

wide variety this great mix of

nationalities and cultures and languages

and races

it’d be representative of planet earth

but the problem is

we would pick up a bunch of unsavory

characters in the process

so flying to mars there would be some

murderers and some rapists and some


and some misogynists and pedophiles

and you know just think of all the

different forms of

assholary that you can think of they

would be in the mix going to mars if we

used a lottery

and this is a really interesting thing

to think about

do we want there to be on mars

just you know think about it if you’re

living in a big glass bubble

on another planet and you can’t ever

leave or go outside

do you want to be in that bubble with a

bunch of

the knee-jerk reaction you might have is

well no

obviously we would never send a bunch of

to mars

we just filter them all out we’d only

send nice people

but then this is the question that


if we wouldn’t send these to


why do we allow them to walk around

freely on earth

i mean why don’t we filter them out here


of letting them make life miserable for

everyone on the planet

and here’s another gigantic question we

would have to ask

what socio-political economic

system would we send to mars because

surely we would not want to send

the systems that we use on earth today

to a new

utopian mars colony the systems we use


caused so much suffering we would have

to create something new for mars

just think about it on earth today

there’s a billion people living in

slums there are billions more who don’t

have access to clean water or sanitation

or basic

medical services that we take for

granted in the developed world

even in a country like the united states

which is highly developed

there can be extreme poverty medical


giant student debt low wages for a


and this is supposed to be the good case

do we want to carry all this suffering

and dysfunction with us to mars

no of course not we want mars to be a


we do not want people living in slums

peeing in buckets wondering where their

next meal will come from

on mars things should be perfect or

nearly perfect

they should be a lot better than they

are here on earth today

on mars we would want to design a


economic system that’s much much better

than we have on earth today

we would want everyone on mars to be

approximately equal

and to have easy access to the things

they need to live

happy healthy lives we want them to be

able to have great food and water and


we want them to have health care and

education we want them to have

stylish housing and stylish clothing and


that a human being needs to have a happy

and healthy life

in other words if we’re going to build a

million person mars colony

why don’t we do it right why don’t we

take this blank

sheet of paper and build a utopia

that is absolutely perfect for the

people who are going to live there

and so here is the gigantic question

that this whole thought experiment

forces on us today

if we would obviously design a whole new

socio-economic political system to

put on planet mars when we send a

million people there

then why don’t we go and develop it and

implement it

here on earth today we could do

so much good for billions of people if

we would take the time to do this

why not do it and get it all worked out


and then ship it to mars why not

i’m marshall brain and thank you for

thinking about this with me today