Mars Seaweed and Pyramids

Transcriber: Minh Anh Đặng
Reviewer: Hani Eldalees

I’ve been on this planet for 15 years,

and in that time I’ve lived and
traveled to over 40 countries.

I’ve learned that he talks about
overpopulation, food solutions,

attending conferences, fly planes,
studying seven languages and much more.

This was due to a series of programs
and a tremendous amount of walking.

And by that I mean backpacking barefoot
across most of the globe.

And it afforded me the opportunity
to study both in general

and secure from volcanic centers in
Hawaii to solar flares in Sweden.

I also started the process of handpicking
seaweed on the coast of Zanzibar.

The purpose of doing seaweed farming was
to see the connection between algae

and the ingredients in
our daily cosmetics,

both through spending days with
the women marching out with

the tides unpeeling, steaming from
the rope lines and avoiding

the multitude of sea urchins
you can see on the left.

I began to realize how much they were
contributing to the global warming

and how little people knew about it.

I realized at this time that our pyramid
of a society seem to have

a base of individuals like that,

of these largely disconnected from
the rest. After working with them

and many others from across
the continents,

I determined that anything to do with my
future would have to involve people

like them for how we can progress
into a stable future without

the base of our society. If we’re able
to extend ourselves to another planet

such as Mars, why not take the beauty

and capability of every corner of humanity
rather than just the top of the pyramid?

So when it came to my dream of
getting humanity to Mars,

I immediately sought to collaborate
with people who worked

and didn’t feel that they were at the
forefront of societal pressure.

People with skills, natural remedies
that weren’t utilized globally,

people who are talented in what they do
but not recognized by our society.

That’s, for example, can be the best
Sumantra I ever met who was a man on

the streets of Cairo. That could
be the person next to you.

That could be your children, your
grandparents that could give you.

So to reach Mars within the next step,

we need to learn how to access the people
who are currently inaccessible

as inaudible. Billions of people
who are inaccessible.

Mars at its closest is fifty four point
six million kilometers away from us,

a vast journey for humanity and an
insignificant distance to our universe.

How will we face the cancer risk?

Immense solar radiation, lack of oxygen
protection, extreme cold and of course,

the 20 minute communication delays.

And why can we issue a general invitation
to solve these problems?

Why isn’t it more seeking ideas from the
public by organizations? Who knows?

Maybe the Siwiec, those women who work
day in and day out to collect

the optimum material for a Martian
suit design or maybe

a particular reading technique could be.

What we would never know is that

the weaver surely there was outrage
to news public conferences

and articles saying we need help
solving these problems.

We don’t know how to solve them.

We receive a new light from the
public in addressing that.

This philosophy of conversing
with people that we have not

yet fully considered is a philosophy

that can be useful for all
aspects of society.

But Mars is one of the greatest challenges
we can put ourselves against

as humans, which means Mars could
trigger exponential growth.

Obviously, we’ve not yet learned a way
to make our collaboration’s fluid.

There’s problems with communication
and misunderstandings and fear,

but by collaboration, humanity
meant in each other’s goals.

And society begin by collaboration.

He created enigma and rocket science and
planes that allowed us to breach

the confines of our atmosphere.

Despite these dangers, Mars
has so much to offer us.

We can learn more about it here on Earth
and more about the future of our oceans.

We could redefine the limits of art to
incorporate different gravity’s creative

solutions to handling mental
health on another planet.

Maybe new definitions of what
it means to be human

and what nature means create new houses
to handle the radiation problems

and search for microorganisms
or remnants of them.

We need such an incredible amount of
space knowledge to achieve this.

We need physicists, plumbers, artists,
engineers, shoe managers.

We need resources and collaboration
like never before,

technology and understanding from
every country, every continent.

Even if we don’t realize it,

there are simply such a bright
future for humanity on Mars.

So let’s progress here now.

Let’s coalesce what humanity has brought
forth so far and utilize it.

We’ve survived ice ages and disasters
because of our ability to pool knowledge,

and we can use Mars to test the
limits of that advantage.

I hope that I brought awareness to
the potential connection with

the origins of society and how connection
with each other will allow

us to reach Mars.

Someday, maybe we’ll be able to
stand there with the smiles

and look out to Earth and think,

look at where we’ve progressed as
humans to face this challenge.

Let’s connect and go together. One human
remaining for all of humanity.

Thank you.