The science of resilience doesnt mean resilience in science


there is a difference isn’t there

observe it closely

however strong my wish to be a magician


fireballs all around and merely a


asking what’s this difference where does

it come from

as we shall see lighters use a special

kind of resilient materials

called piezoelectrics fortunately

they are on all my fingers but despite


they are still huge useful materials

from medical imaging lighters electronic


bioelectrics have always taught us how

to approach

science resiliently because they are so

simple yet potent piece of knowledge we


why why are there rare

more precisely why only some of them

have a

noticeable effect ladies and gentlemen

there is nothing greater really in all

this science than being

wisely flexible cambridge dictionary

defines resilience

as the quality of being able to return


their previous good condition after


but does it explain enough what we mean


this word

it’s trash i wouldn’t be able to think

about the more vague description for a


well all the fancy names of state

variables mathematical precision

okay though we don’t need to stay them

bluntly today

we don’t have to consider resilience in

the scientific regime

so first of all if i did street

interview with

20 random physicists all of them will


even regardless of the context

that a good condition is a condition

with minimal

energy humorously less energy less


by the second law of thermodynamics we

know that being

in the state of minimal energy helps us

to keep a

quantity called entropy of the system


let the increase of entropy tells how

far from equilibrium the system is

and it becomes immediately clear why

entropy plays such a huge role in

telling what’s resilient

after all resilience is just going back

to the equilibrium

for instance the rock of sizables always

rolled down because he was stubborn

in adding surplus energy to it

this increased its entropy and really

the rock had no choice

it was stubborn in finding rock and roll

second of all let us address problems

this pessimistic notion cannot be


because is stretching problematic to a


obviously it can break but it is an


it surely doesn’t care about that anyway

thanks to scissors that does not invoke


rather a process of changing the good

condition we worked out

the absorption of energy in total

resilience is the ability of an elastic


such as rubber or animal tissue to

absorb energy

and release that energy as it springs


to its original shape that’s the reason

we call a spring

a resilient material but good luck

though to those who try to start a fire

with a regular spring like this

bioelectrics have something more which

makes them special

upon stretching or compression they can

generate electricity in the

pork if we go back to the lighter

now we see that the spark interacts with

the extruded gas

giving fire

think big imagine how many applications

how many new technologies

it gives rise to don’t spoil it don’t

spoil it let me make my guess about what

you have thought about

electricity harvesting shoes i

knew it your personal power plan in your

shoe sole

walk jump charge you could charge your

mobile while walking couldn’t you

well you couldn’t that said it is

important to realize how

big this effect can be a project awarded

by the international council on system


showed that one would have to make over

2 billion steps

to singly charge an average mobile

and then subsequently watch netflix for

just few hours

paradoxical we all know that binge

watching series of

netflix and working out are not meant to

be done together

in other words a single step in such

shoots would generate only a few micro

coulombs of charge

in other other worlds assuming an

average step is

78 centimeter long that would correspond

to covering the distance between the


and the moon seven times

this prompts a question of how this

effect can

actually be useful but don’t you

ever forget the future of energy

harvesting applications

is plentiful for instance bios electric

airport runways

smart flooring or smart batteries

ladies and gentlemen this is up to you

to construct them

but you’ll need some hints in the

beginning won’t you biased electrics

are often used in the detection of sound

and light

signals as observed and vicious as this

innovation may sound to some

dobb invented an extreme accuracy task

ordinance bullet that can change cause

in mid flight

this is a system with movable tail fins

controlled by a piezoelectric its fierce

bullet was a target illuminated by laser

next on this variety show are the

contact microphones for percussion


they use bioelectrics to convert sound


into electrical output but wait that’s


sonars work don’t they at least

partially there’s only half of the story

the signal must have been sent out first

what do we miss what doing this

perhaps inverting our thinking will help

us to crack it

further is spice electricity reversible

instead of generating electricity by

stressing it

could we plug it to a voltage and make

it dance

let’s dance the answer is yes

why let me tell you a story about a

group of

friend ions in port structure cheating

each other to dance

so there was a circle of charge friends

those who touch each other know each

other but

as you may see there are two of them are

quite alone

they could easily dance together like in

the theme game

some external observer wants to bestow

happiness on

everyone he applies the pressure of the


the one we all know through our own love


this makes the ions move the ions are

getting acquainted have to leave the

comfort zone

this changes the distribution of the


the positive charge appears at the top

whereas the negative one accumulates at

the bottom

the observer thinks he has done his job

thus he removes this stress

but as opposed to the computer game ions

have a certain kind of free will

apparently the previous distribution

gave more space to all party-goers

world hesitation they returned to it the

bottom dancer is like

i finally managed to get rid of this

nasty additional electrical charge i’ve

been carrying

i’m ecstatic but the flirting was

enjoyable wasn’t it

to continue the urgent question of this

molecular world

is would the observation we’ve made


if the lonely dancers initiated the

dance themselves

i mean situation where overcoming

entropy and electrostatic interaction


moved spontaneously as in the described


but this time without any external


no no one would dare to move elsewhere

this example shows that piezoelectricity

is completely reversible

because the charge distribution will

change in the same way

as always when gossiping i haven’t been

telling you the whole story

in truth if there is a center of


in the molecule there can’t be any

electrical dipole

only if the mold lacks this kind of


the dipole can be created and modified

by the applied pressure

we’ll see this later

in general subtle it’s so tangible is

the presence of this dancing mechanism

around us

for example toothbrushes they have some

linear piezoelectric

actuators implemented to vibrate the


the same principle applies to


generating ultrasounds in medical


when a voltage is applied to a crystal

the molecules rotate and the crystal is


producing high frequency vibrations

having spoken of all those fascinating


it may be suspicious to you that i still

haven’t explained why my fingers

shamefully aren’t isoelectric this is

because they don’t meet

two crucial requirements that you may

have spotted while gossiping about

quartz structure firstly

there are few polar bonds in my skin

this prevents charge from being

asymmetrically shifted upon squeezing

keratin though being the building block

of the outer layers of my skin

is in fact piezoelectric the effect is


way smaller because it is built up of


elements than quartz secondly

symmetry is an issue quite fortunately


doesn’t have the point symmetry that

prevents spicer electricity

if it did the comfort zone would have

been non-existent

look if i rotate the setting now nothing

changes so where is the problem you

might ask

the helical chains of keratin are mixed

like spaghetti

there is way less arrangement related


but it doesn’t mean that polymeric

substances can’t be piezoelectric

just some feather restrictions apply

these two requirements are of crucial


they limit the number of materials whose


may include bioelectricity there are 74


used industrially but extensive research

is being

undertaken in this field and only in


eight thousand papers were published on

pizza electricity

so once again what’s the importance of


numbers they show the consequences of


selection rules that we worked out

the bad news is that these rules are


they can tell what is not bioelectric

but as the example of my fingers shows

it’s not a recipe but there is

one very good news who wants to do some

freaking piles of electric

at home mix some solder ash and cream of


as always add a bit of love then cool it

and you can grow the rochelle salt you

can even plug it to a v-meter

and see how the voltage changes when you

top it

this crystal was one of the very first

isoelectric materials to have been


making use of this bug let’s finish off


two lessons on scientific progress

learned during the research

on bioelectric materials there are


parallels between it and the current


one walls pandemics and all other sorts

of just run away catastrophes

may be the only way to accelerate your


even if it’s groundbreaking by

researching quartz the

brothers had inferred one of the most

basic laws of physics

which was later called the northern

theorem however

at titanic not sang and had the need for


not been at hands the world probably

wouldn’t have heard about these

materials for a lot longer

likewise many epidemiologists would have

not been appreciated had the cover 19

pandemic not happened

  1. even if a wider audience does hear

about your research

a share amount of luck and good

patenting law

is needed the development of

piezoelectric devices

in the usa in the 1950s was kept within

the companies doing the research

mostly due to the wartime beginnings of

the field

which suppressed the market by contrast

japanese manufacturers shared the


readily overcoming technical

difficulties and creating new markets

for example let zircon a tetenate

binary systems were protected by

cleveland’s u.s patent

the japanese manufacturers thus


intensively the furnace systems they

turned out to have

more designing flexibility performing

better than the binary systems

cleviates and other u.s companies did

not approach the situation

resiliently enough

that may be a reason why scientists from

across the world

signed a statement on collaboration on

covet 19 vaccine development

this includes people from the university

of oxford

to whom we owe one of the vaccines

thus remember even scientists

researching resilience

struggle with being resilient but so far

everyone who has better cancer science

lost his money

because of the very resilience of the


that’s how science works how it brings

about revolutions

how it goes through every challenge a

bit stronger and a bit better

and even the slightest physical effect

imaginable should

motivate you to stay resilient

science is not a magical trick stay
