How to replace gadgets with memory games like Chess Rubiks Cube

hi everyone

i’m mr jeet patel owner of a cube matrix


my profession has informed i am a chess

and the rubik’s cube coach

with 28 different centers in mumbai i

have started my career

in 2014 and today not only in mumbai

we are even teaching online chess and

rubik’s cube classes

in seven different countries frequently

we are organizing tournaments

so that the kids get more explorer today

at this position

i have reached is only possible with the

family support

god grace and students love now let me

start with my topic which is

how to replace gadgets with the memory


like chess rubik’s cubes and more about

there are many advantages of using


but nowadays people are using it

excess especially students and


majority parents are coming to me with a


that kids are always playing mobile


watching tvs suffering on social medias

etc and wasting their time

let me inform you in detail about the


so what are the disadvantages

of the gadgets on students i’ll explain

it to you

electronic gadgets offer many advantages

to students

greater access to information increasing

opportunity for collaboration

independent learning and enhancing


however the effect of gadgets on

students are not

always positive overuse of technology

through gadgets

like smartphone ipad and video games may

interfere with the students attention


and interest in learning what are the

effects of gadgets on learning let us

discuss on that

a decreased attention span is one of the

negative impact of gadgets

because smartphone and tablets were


the average attention span was about 12


however research suggested in 23rd of


2018 this has

dropped to eight seconds which is even


attention span than a golden fish

if students struggle to concentrate in


their grades may suffer research also

suggests that people

who spend a lot of time on gadgets may

be more easily distracted meaning

it is harder for them to complete

necessary tasks

students who become addicted to games

testing or social media

may try to do this in class which

may disturb their learning and lead to

disciplinary action at home it might

interfere with the study time

also what are the disadvantages of

gadgets on health

let us explain understand it the

negative effect of electronic gadgets on


are well documented precedent use of

gadget encourage of lifestyle

and many leads to poor posture and

weight gain

in extreme cases this may cause obesity

neck and back issues and wrist and hand


also the back list screen of computer

ipad and video game may cause eye

problem and headaches

and put user a great risk of microbial

demonstration which is leading cause of


effects of gadgets on sleep

watching tvs or using smartphone tablets


or other types of electronics device

late at night may interfere with the

student sleep pattern

nowadays parents and everyone are

expecting that child should not use it

but to be precise adults are only using

it more at late night

the artificial blue light emit by

electronic device

supports the release of sleep including


manipulating which delay the body

interior clock

and make falling asleep more difficult a

student who find it difficult to switch

off the gadgets

may delay her sleep time which decrease

the time of

rem sleep she

gets and make her less alert in the


with the following day then advantages

and disadvantages are both

together of gadgets nowadays we can’t

neglect or keep the gadget at site it’s

important to

wait the advantage and disadvantages of


technology is not avoidable part of

modern life

and outright mean of gadgets for


either in school or at home isn’t the


who world health organization

have recognized that game addiction is a


health disadorn so it’s a mental health

disorder which is not at all good

there are many more drawbacks which

comes for the same

the first is behavior and mental changes

the second is lack of other hobbies and

poor academic performance

gaming addiction can also slow down your

brain growth

and even negatively impact eyesight and

other results in insomnia

let me give you the detailed idea about

what are the benefits of memory games

like just a rubik’s cube

till now i have discussed all the

majority of points of disadvantage from

using gadgets

now how we can replace it with the

memory games so first

let me show you in detail what are the

benefits of learning

memory games like chess and rubik’s cube

it is both very beneficial physically

and even mental benefit is there let us

discuss about physical benefits

which are improving your relief on


solving it second it gives finger

determination and ability

it improves your high hand and eye


help you to increase creative as well as

logical expect of

everyone there are many other mental


also it has been found that engaging

your child

in a mental activity like solving

puzzles coordinative games

can help keep the mind sharp in old age

so when you get old and your friends had

faded into observation you can still be

sharp because you have fed right thing

to your right brain

mental benefits are sharpen logical

thinking second improve concentration

focus academic

attention discipline etc

problem solving skills comes from the

same optimization is the most important


comes from the memory games reframing


breaking multiple tasks into easy tasks

memory games even teaches you a life


like preservation patience ability to


concentration etc if you haven’t learned

to solve a rubik’s cube or to play a

chess i’ll suggest you to learn it

some some take it along

and some take it quickly regarding the

joy of satisfaction

it will be playing it and federally


now let us discuss in detail regarding

how we can change our habit because

changing the habit is not at all

easier majority time we decide using a


we will be on the social media for only

five minutes but we end up it with


two to three hours and then it’s totally

waste of

time my best suggestions to all my

viewers will be

delete the app from your mobile only of


all will be surprised that this is not

the solution because we need to even

being socially touched with everyone

then keep a proper idea about watching

it for five minutes on desktop

rather than a mobile because when you

started in the mobile

at late night or at your office work it

disturbed your timing also

and it’s not a good idea also to make

that so

getting it done online on your desktop

you will be just surfing it for five

minutes checking the important things

and you will be moving out

for your next thing but watching it seem

on your mobile

it won’t be the good idea because as i

said it back to back scrolling down and

you will be wasting your time

thank you everyone for being there thank
