How to break bad management habits before they reach the next generation of leaders Elizabeth Lyle

I am guilty of stacking
my dishes in the sink

and leaving them there for hours.

I fact-checked this with my boyfriend.

He says it’s less like hours
and more like days,

but that’s not the point.

The point is sometimes
I don’t finish the job

until the stack has gotten high enough
that it’s peaking over the lip of the sink

and my inner clean freak loses it.

This charming habit developed
when I was in college,

and I had tons of excuses.

“I’m running to class!”

“What’s one more dirty dish in the sink?”

Or my favorite, “I think
I can save time and water

if I do them all together later.”


But it’s not like I needed those excuses,
because nobody was calling me on it.

I wish they had.

I look back now

and realize that every time
I didn’t put a dish in the dishwasher

and finish what I started,

it became more second nature to me,

and I grew less likely
to question why I was doing it.

Today, I’m a 30-something,
certified dirty-dish leaver,

and breaking this habit is hard.

So when I’m not at home avoiding the sink,

I work with large, complex organizations
on leadership transformation

in times of change.

My job is to work
with the most senior leaders

to examine how they lead today

and establish habits
better suited for the future.

But what interests me more
than senior leaders these days

is what’s going on with the junior ones.

We call them “middle managers,”

but it’s a term I wish we could change

because what they are is our pipeline
of future talent for the C-suite,

and they are starting to leave
their dishes in the sink.

While organizations
are hiring people like me

to redevelop their senior
leaders for the future,

outdated leadership habits
are forming right before our eyes

among the middle managers
who will one day take their place.

We need middle managers
and senior leaders to work together,

because this is a big problem.

Organizations are evolving rapidly,

and they’re counting
on their future leaders

to lead with more speed, flexibility,
trust and cooperation than they do today.

I believe there is a window of time
in the formative middle-manager years

when we can lay the groundwork
for that kind of leadership,

but we’re missing it.


Because our future leaders
are learning from senior role models

who just aren’t ready to role model yet,

much less change the systems
that made them so successful.

We need middle managers
and senior leaders to work together

to define a new way of leading

and develop each other
to rise to the occasion.

One of my favorite senior clients –

we’ll call her Jane –

is a poster child for what’s
old-fashioned in leadership today.

She rose to her C-level position

based on exceptional
individual performance.

Come hell or high water,
Jane got the job done,

and today, she leads like it.

She is tough to please,

she doesn’t have a lot of time
for things that’s aren’t mission-critical,

and she really doesn’t trust
anyone’s judgment more than her own.

Needless to say,
Jane’s in behavior boot camp.

Those deeply ingrained habits

are deeply inconsistent
with where her organization is heading.

The command-and-control behavior
that she was once rewarded for

just isn’t going to work

in a faster-moving, flatter, more
digitally interconnected organization.

What got her here won’t get her there.

But I want to talk about John,

a supertalented, up-and-coming
manager who works for Jane,

because her habits are rubbing off on him.

Recently, he and I were strategizing

about a decision we needed to put
in front of the CEO, Jane’s boss,

and the rest of Jane’s peers.

He said to me, “Liz,
you’re not going to like this,

but the way decisions
get made around here

is with a bunch of meetings
before the meeting.”

I counted.

That was going to mean
eight one-on-ones, exec by exec,

to make sure each one of them
was individually on board enough

that things would go smoothly
in the actual meeting.

He promised, “It’s not how
we’ll do things in the future,

but it’s how we have to do them today.”

John wasn’t wrong on either count.

Meetings before the meeting
are a necessary evil

in his company today,

and I didn’t like it at all.

Sure, it was going
to be inefficient and annoying,

but what bothered me most
was his confidence

that it’s not how
they’ll do things in the future.

How could he be sure?

Who was going to change it and when,
if it wasn’t him and now?

What would the trigger be?

And when it happened,

would he even know how to have
effective meetings without pre-meetings?

He was confidently implying
that when he’s the boss,

he’ll change the rules
and do things differently,

but all I could see were dishes
stacking in the sink

and a guy with a lot of good excuses.

Worse, a guy who might be
out of a job one day

because he learned too late how to lead

in the organizations of tomorrow.

These stories really get to me

when it’s the fast-track,
high-potential managers like John

because they’re probably
the most capable of making waves

and redefining how leaders
lead from the inside.

But what we find is that they’re often
doing the best job at not rocking the boat

and challenging the system

because they’re trying to impress

and make life easier on the senior leaders
who will promote them.

As someone who also likes to get promoted,

I can hardly blame him.

It’s a catch-22.

But they’re also so self-assured

that they’ll be able
to change their behavior

once they’ve earned the authority
to do things differently,

and that is a trap.

Because if I’ve learned anything
from working with Jane,

it’s that when that day comes,

John will wonder how he could
possibly do anything differently

in his high-stakes,
high-pressure executive job

without risking his own success
and the organization’s,

and he’ll wish it didn’t feel
so safe and so easy

to keep doing things
the way they’ve always been done.

So the leadership development
expert in me asks:

How can we better intervene
in the formative years

of our soon-to-be senior leaders?

How can we use the fact that John
and his peers want to take charge

of their professional destinies

and get them ready to lead
the organizations of the future,

rather than let them
succumb to the catch-22

that will perfectly prepare them
to lead the organizations of the past?

We’ll have to start by coming to terms
with a very real paradox,

which is this:

the best form of learning
happens on the job –

not in a classroom, not via e-modules.

And the two things we rely on
to shape on-the-job learning

are role models and work environments.

And as we just talked about,

our role models are in behavior
boot camp right now,

and our work environments
are undergoing unprecedented disruption.

We are systematically changing
just about everything

about how organizations work,

but by and large, still measuring
and rewarding behavior

based on old metrics,

because changing those systems takes time.

So, if we can’t fully count on role models
or the system right now,

it’s on John to not miss
this critical development window.

Yes, he’ll need Jane’s help to do it,

but the responsibility is his
because the risks are actually his.

Either he inherits
an organization that is failing

because of stubbornly
old-fashioned leadership,

or he himself fails to build
the capabilities to lead one

that transformed
while he was playing it safe.

So now the question is,
where does John start?

If I were John, I’d ask
to start flying the plane.

For my 13th birthday,
my grandpa, a former Navy pilot,

gave me the gift of being able
to fly a very small plane.

Once we were safely airborne,

the pilot turned over the controls,
folded his hands,

and he let me fly.

It was totally terrifying.

It was exhilarating, but it was also
on-the-job learning with a safety net.

And because it was real,

I really learned how to do it myself.

Likewise, in the workplace,
every meeting to be led,

every decision to be made

can be a practice flight

for someone who could really
use the learning experience

and the chance to figure out
how to do it their own way.

So instead of caving,
John needs to knock on Jane’s door,

propose a creative strategy

for having the meeting
without the eight pre-meetings,

show her he’s thought
through the trade-offs

and ask for her support
to do it differently.

This isn’t going to be easy for Jane.

Not only does she need to trust John,

she needs to accept that with a little bit
of room to try his hand at leading,

John will inevitably start
leading in some ways

that are far more John than Jane.

And this won’t be an indictment of her.

Rather, it will be individualism.

It will be progress.

And it might even be a chance
for Jane to learn a thing or two

to take her own leadership game
to the next level.

I work with another senior client
who summed up this dilemma beautifully

when we were talking
about why he and his peers

haven’t empowered the folks below them
with more decision rights.

He said,

“We haven’t done it
because we just don’t trust

that they’re going to make
the right decisions.

But then again, how could they?

We’ve just never given them
decisions to practice with.”

So I’m not advocating that Jane
hands over the controls

and folds her hands indefinitely,

but what I am saying

is that if she doesn’t engineer
learning and practice

right into John’s day today,

he’ll never be able to do what she does,

much less do it any differently
than she does it.

Finally, since we’re going to be pushing
both of them outside their comfort zones,

we need some outside coaches

to make sure this isn’t a case
of the blind leading the blind.

But what if instead of using coaches

to coach each one of them
to individually be more effective,

we started coaching
the interactions between them?

If I could wave my magic wand,

I would have coaches sitting
in the occasional team meeting

of Jane and her direct reports,

debriefing solely
on how well they cooperated that day.

I would put a coach in the periodic
feedback session between Jane and John,

and just like a couples' therapist
coaches on communication,

they would offer advice and observations

on how that conversation
can go better in the future.

Was Jane simply reinforcing
what Jane would have done?

Or was Jane really helping John

think through what to do
for the organization?

That is seriously hard
mentorship to provide,

and even the best leaders
need help doing it,

which is why we need more coaches
coaching more leaders,

more in real time

versus any one leader behind closed doors.

Around 20 years ago,
Warren Buffet gave a school lecture

in which he said, “The chains
of habit are too light to be felt

until they’re too heavy to be broken.”

I couldn’t agree more,

and I see it happening
with our future leaders in training.

Can we and they be doing more
to build their leadership capabilities

while they’re still open, eager

and not too far gone down a path
of bad habits we totally saw coming?

I wish my college roommates
and I called each other out back then

for the dishes.

It would have been so much easier
to nip that habit in the bud

than it is to change it today.

But I still believe in a future for myself
full of gleaming sinks

and busy dishwashers,

and so we’re working on it,

every day, together, moment to moment,

one dirty dish at a time.

Thank you.
