Image recognition that triggers augmented reality Matt Mills

so wouldn’t it be amazing if our phones

could see the world in the same way that

we do as we’re walking around being able

to to point the phone at anything and

then haven’t actually recognized images

and objects like the human brain and

then be able to pull in information from

an almost infinite library of knowledge

and experiences and ideas well

traditionally that was seen as science

fiction but now we’ve moved to a world

where actually this has become possible

so the best way of explaining it is to

just show it what you can see over here

is tomorrow who’s holding my phone

that’s now plugged in so let me start

with this what we have here is a

painting of the great poet Robbie Burns

and it’s just a normal image but if we

now switch inputs over to the phone

running our technology you can see

effectively what tamiya seeing on the

screen and when she points at this image

something magical happens


no matter blinks and now what’s great

about this is there’s no trickery here

there’s no there’s nothing done to this

image and what’s great about this is the

technologies that she allowing the phone

to start to see and understand much like

other human brain does not only that but

as I move the object around the book

it’s going to track it and overlay that

content seamlessly again the thing

that’s incredible about this is this is

how advanced these devices have become

all the processing to do that was

actually done on the device itself now

this is applications everywhere whether

in things like art museums like you just

saw or in the world of say advertising

or print journalism so a newspaper

becomes out of date as soon as it’s

printed here is this morning’s newspaper

and we have some Wimbledon news which is

great now what we can do is point at the

front of the newspaper and immediately

get the bulletin ring

you adapt and you you have to be

flexible you have to be willing to

change direction at a split-second and

she does all that she’s won this title

and that linking of the the digital

content is something that’s physical is

what we call an aura and I’ll be using

that term Anila as we go through the

talk so what’s great about this is it

isn’t just a faster more convenient way

to get information in the real world but

there are times when actually using this

medium allows you to be able to display

information in a way that was never

before possible so what I have here is a

wireless fruta and my American

colleagues have told me I’ve got to call

it a router so that everyone here

understands but nonetheless here is the

device so now what I can do is rather

than getting the instructions for the

device online I can simply pointed it

the device is recognized and then begin

by plugging in the grate it yourself

cable then connect the power finally the

yellow Ethernet cable congratulations

you have now completed setup awesome

thank you

the incredible work that made that

possible was done here in the UK by by

scientists at Cambridge and they work in

our offices and I’ve got a lovely

picture of them here they couldn’t all

be on stage but we’re going to bring

that over to the stage so here they are

they’re not very animated so this was

the fourth take I’m told ok so as we’re

talking about Cambridge let’s now move

on to technical advancements because

since we started putting this technology

on mobile phones are less than less than

12 months ago the speed and the

processor in these devices has grown at

a really phenomenal rate and that means

that I can now take cinema quality 3d

models and place them in the world

around me so I have one over here

tomorrow would you like to jump in

as sleepin

so then after the fun comes the more

emotional side of what we do because

effectively this technology allows you

to see the world through someone’s eyes

and for that person to be able to take a

moment in time and effectively store it

and tag it to something physical that

exists in the real world what’s great

about this is the tools to do this are

free they’re open and they’re available

to everyone within our application and

educators have really got on board with

with the classrooms so we have teachers

who’ve tagged up textbooks teachers

who’ve tagged up school classrooms and a

great example of this is a school in the

UK I have a picture here from a video

and we’re now going to play it

now move the other side see what happens

move away from it and come back to it

have you got it again so it’s not magic

it’s available for everyone to do and

actually I’m going to show you how easy

it is to do by doing one right now so I

sort of I’m told it’s called a stadium

wave so we’re gonna start from this side

of the room on the count of three and go

over to here tomorrow are you recording

okay so you all ready one two three go

fellows are really good now okay now

we’re going to switch back into the

Aurasma plication and what tomorrow’s

gonna do is is tag that video that we

just took onto my my badge so that I can

remember it forever now we have lots of

people who are doing this already and

we’ve talked a little about the

educational side on the emotional side

we have people who’ve done things like

sent postcards and Christmas cards back

to their family with with little

messages on we have people who have for

example taken the inside of the engine

bay of an old car and tagged up

different components within an engine so

that if you’re stuck and you want to

find out more you can point and discover

the information we’re all very very

familiar with the Internet in the last

20 years it’s really changed the way

that we live and work and the way that

we see the world and what’s great is we

sort of think this is the next paradigm

shift because now we can literally take

the content that we share we discover

and that we enjoy and make it a part of

the world around us it’s completely free

to download this application if you have

a good Wi-Fi connection or 3G this

process is very very quick I’ll play up

we can save it now it’s just going to do

a tiny bit of processing to convert that

image that we just took into a sort of

digital fingerprint and the great thing

is if you’re a professional user so in

newspaper the tools are pretty much

identical to what we’ve just used to

create this

administration the only difference is

that you’ve got the ability to add in

links and slightly more content you’re

now ready okay so I’m Toby ready which

means we can now point at the image and

there you all are

well done creeping around my thankee