Processing anger through movement and dance Metamorphosis



we don’t always have words

to express our emotions

often an undefined yet fully enjoyed

physical encounter

adds to the purpose and meaning

of our existence we can even understand

aspects of life via participation

without needing a word to be spoken

howard gardner said it this way but like

the kinesthetic realm

where physical brilliance manifests

itself non-verbally

the realm of the emotions extends to

beyond the reach of language and


let’s break that down in a moment of

anger have you ever thought to

physically move the anger through your


instead of it manifesting in your mind

or verbally

expressing it to another some people

process anger through yoga

running putting on a favorite song and

dancing it out of their system

moments like these offer us an


to notice the communications between our


and our bodies as a dancer i have felt

my mind

and body completely resist connection to

the point

where my mind usually takes over

have you ever wished you could switch

gears and allow

the body to do the speaking

for me the physical nature of dancing

running walking moving creates a space

where my voice isn’t the only tool i use

to tell my story

with the flick of a wrist and a grangete

i leap into the air the audience views

the dancer as suspended in flight

i am able to propel into movement with

feelings circulating between my mind

and body what emerges is a moment of

metamorphosis where my brain

is rewired transforming the verbal

communication to a better understanding

of the non-verbal comprehension

i will now share duet with you that i

choreographed focused on anger

throughout the movement we explore ideas

such as

how does one process anger is it through


towards oneself or others

is it through disassociation or silence

or can one become the observer recognize

an emotional trigger sit with it then

physically move it out of their body

i am fascinated by the dialogue

consistently happening between my mind


body in moments of improvised movement

finding the connection between the two

has created a space for the journey

rather than the destination a space


mind body connection through movement

creates a more lucrative

mechanism for healing

i want to leave you with a message i

took from bell hooks

the will to change the key to getting

what we want is understanding the truth

of what we already have

even if we wish it were different






