The Elements of Decolonial Healing Justice


our relationships to each

other and the earth are in deep trouble

they’ve been for a long time from the

horrors of the slave trade

a world built through genocide and


to the destruction of our environment

we’re living in times of perpetual


inequalities and human made disasters

the caribbean sea and these islands bear


to extraction exploitation

dependence vulnerability

and new kinds of colonial rule

colonialism still impacts us today even

if we don’t

fully see it we have

some serious healing to do from


to communities to institutions

and the hard truth is we’re not free

and we need serious change

i believe we start first with ourselves

deliberately with self-care that extends

to community

healing not selfish

self-care but care of self

for community care

that attends to past traumas and


care that is political care that


all this is my vision

for decolonial healing justice

you see we were born with the fierce

power of our ancestors outrageousness

and audacity

to survive i am woman

black feminist caribbean and queer

i’ve been womanish long time and so i

dare to imagine a world where people of


can be human and free

i dream revolution and liberation

sexually spiritually and radically

i come from poor and working-class


i come from black mothers grandmothers

and aunties who worked hard to make sure

i could do the things

they couldn’t and i worked extra hard to

make it happen

for myself and for those who sacrificed

for me

and before me i remember

shame of being poor of domestic

and working-class jobs of broken


and secrets of addiction abuse

and too much violence

i am a survivor and no longer


audre lorde says self-care

is self-preservation and an act

of political warfare so for me

decolonial healing justice begins

with radical acts of self-care and


black love extends to healing wounds of

our past that affect us still

healing family violence and

loving embracing blackness

and queerness now this

is octave struggle against racism

sexism homophobia transphobia

classism and other forms of hate and


this means releasing self-hate

breaking silences about harm and abuse

this means working on myself as much as

i work

on anything else


this is not easy it’s hard and messy

work ongoing and sometimes painful

but change starts with healing

of bodies mind spirits to

community to the planet

and so change must be guided by an


feminist politics a consciousness of

race class ethnicity gender

sexuality ability and origin

and understanding and respecting of all

our differences and a fearless

demand for accountability

decolonial means not just understanding

that colonialism

still affects us but also

challenging systems of oppression and


pathways from our ancestors

we must revisit update and activate

knowledge for our future survival

these pathways are spiritual and

sexual healing empowerment of self

community care and working

for justice and freedom

everything is connected and so change

begins with self

to create radical sustainable

change to be in community

means being honest with self and being


to each other and every person

around us for us in the caribbean

i believe we need a reckoning we must

change oppressive structures that do not


the majority we must confront

power and privilege silences

about race class anti-blackness and


we must reject respectability and

harmful gender norms

embrace spiritual practices of our


and build a regional identity

with indigenous and first peoples

at the center

these are my reasonings for decolonial

healing justice five elements

burn resist act

care and elevate

number one burn

regeneration renewal cosmic fire

dismantle destroy everything

burn it down let go of all we think

we know purge harmful beliefs

and release be passionate

about recreating every part of self

to every living flame

soul restoration through creativity

and meaningful solidarity be ready

for spirit earth work

number two resist

deconstruct colonial lies believe

deeply in self and the ancestors who


our survival possible

find your place your work what you are


to do guided by spirit

learn from discomfort defy white

supremacy and any system

of control number three

act create warrior vibrations and

protection like metal

secure self for community

and nature connection

restore creative spiritual and sexual

self as a priority

activate radical honesty and gratitude

be as strong fierce and bold as our


ancestors rooted in defiance and


struggle be ready for war

number four care

compassion and empathy like the power of


the ability to transform and be both


and invaluable engage

intentional practices of self-care

and share these in community flow with


love hope laughter dance and poetry

be the inspiration for change that


number five elevate

walk with spirit blessings and take

flight channel abundance through

creative frequencies

and soar let the power of our ancestors

speak through

you and use their power

inhale deep swells of knowledge

within and around us

let our wings expand and be deliberate

in our healing for justice

this is brace challenging us

to seek rebellion and joy

to listen to each other ourselves

and the earth to make furious

and beautiful our survival

let us brace rejuvenate

with self-care learn from the past

and rebuild our communities and


our world create

healing justice

