The Vital Importance of Documenting the Moment


get your hands up get on the ground

don’t move

that’s what i’ve heard what i’ve seen

and what folks who look like me


on a daily basis we’ve been saying

yelling screaming

they do this to us all the time but now

people are seeing it

in this moment right here right now we

have a responsibility

the responsibility is to make sure the

history is written and the truth is told

for generations that are coming after us

to fight the lies the spin zone and the

narrative that being black

automatically means criminal how do we

do that

by documentation my first two books were

about people

real everyday folks i would sit with

them in a coffee shop or grab lunch and

just listen to them

i loved it the stories it tells the


what they had to say how they would say

it why they would say it

such a beautiful thing in my life i’ve

been continuously inspired by author

studs terkel

he once said storytelling is a form of


of immortality it goes from one


to another coming from that one of my

main philosophies in

writing has always been for the truth to

be presented no matter the cost

when we don’t do this so much is lost

the grit of the truth and the rawness of

the people gets sanitized or trashed

and replaced with lies how can we learn

about black wall street in school

marsha p johnson who kicked off

stonewall why don’t we

all know how great it be wells is or

that the reverend dr martin luther king

pressed the united states for

reparations no we got a different


that is what is happening today

throughout history

black people have been unjustly viewed

as violent criminals the birth of a

nation portrayed us as mindless brutes

various texts have described

african-americans as primal beings

our lives totally misrepresented and


when i realized i have a passion for

writing and begin to talk about my life

and everything that’s unfolding around

me i vow that i would be one of the

scribes that makes it known to the world

what being black is all about i would be

a beacon

for the truth i realized how important

documentation was

in 2012 trayvon martin the young black

man walking home was stalked

attacked and killed by a racist coward

when the story hit the news

many people automatically jumped to the

conclusion that trayvon had to be doing

something wrong

that trayvon had to be committing some

crime that trayvon had to be at the

newspapers columnist everyday folks

painting him as a violent criminal

when he was just walking home i knew it

was our responsibility to challenge the


of a young black man not being seen as a

happy smart high achieving student

but as an angry criminal i knew we had

to get our point of view out and let

people in the world know that this ain’t

nothing new

we’ve been going through this since we

were brought here now however

we’re picking up the pin and recording

what’s happening with our phones

in 2020 we’ve seen an uprising an

eruption of rage and anger

people wanting justice for an unarmed

black man killed george floyd

snuffed out in front of eyes and what

some may say

oh they’re using the excuse to write a

loot the difference is

we control the narrative we are in

charge of our essays film songs and


we are writing the story what’s

happening right now can’t be

tossed twisted or erased all around the

world people coming face to face with

racism why because we’re documented

what people are seeing reading and

hearing about cannot be disputed

not only is our experience being seen

but we’re part of the reason why

when we turn on the news browse the

internet and read the daily news you

realize there’s so much misinformation

out there

people being misrepresented words being


facts being omitted and just straight up

the way we’re going to counter this

tidal wave of lies is with the truth

how do we get the truth but

documentation is absolutely vital

how do we capture the moment

documentation how do we properly teach

the youth documentation how do we save

the past and present it as a gift to the


by documentation we’re not going to

fight the lies and propaganda with

moralized propaganda

no we’re going to fight it with

documentation the great malcolm x said

that the truth

is on the side of the oppressed and we

have that

but we must be deliberate and purposeful

about capture the moment we should not

we cannot leave it for chance

in this moment right here right now we

are witnessing history

it is literally being made before our

eyes and it’s up to us to capture it

memories deserve to be saved the

generation after us needs to see this

hear this read this and experiences

i don’t want my story our story to be

wiped away and replaced with something

that is not true

you know there are people out there that

are doing things like trying to write

slavery out of textbooks

it’s a little crazy they’re attempting

to tell you that men like

stanley tukey williams were nothing but

criminals and not flawed men who love

their community

they’re suggesting that george floyd

eric garner philando castillo jacob

blake and brianna taylor were resisting

that is why the police shot them they’re

literally trying to change what happened

it sounds ridiculous i know but it is

being attempted before our very eyes

i cannot stress enough how important

this moment is i want people to look

back on this moment and see what

occurred how we were really living

how life really unfolded

sir journal truth once said truth is

power and it prevails

and i think about that being in a world

of fake news and disregarding anyone’s

experience who doesn’t fit into this box

of white and privilege

i realize we all have responsibility and

ownership in this

so that means we got to start writing

making movies creating music

giving talks and documenting our life we

have to cut

we have to challenge the narrative

because if we don’t

the real history will not be told we got

to shout over this current wave the


we have to document our experience as if

our life depends on it because well

it does thank you
