How to make an impact from scratch

good afternoon

my name is omri remis i can’t see you

guys right now but i know you guys are

all looking beautiful

wherever you may be i hope you’re

comfortable i’m a 17 year old senior at

homestead high school

and i think i’ve found the way to be the

most efficient

and most likely to make your impact from


now there’s four principles that i’m

going to be covering today

which i find critical for me to follow

in order to achieve whatever goal i want

to pursue

and i hope that you could take something

from my talk into your own life

but before we get into the nitty-gritty

let me show you how these principles

look like in action

so okay

from the very first time you pick up

your guitar you’re gonna learn

one note from one note

transition to two

then three four and five

once you have those five notes

you can start a melody


change it up again


awesome so we have our melody and with

this thing

we create something pretty cool




thank you now i didn’t come here to talk

about my guitar

rather how this guitar brings into my


so let’s go over them there’s four

principles that i think are

absolutely important and critical to


number one focus on target

focus on target is the idea of having to

go from the very beginning of your


and most importantly one that you could

clearly and fairly

imagine you achieving so take this for

instance every single time

i start a journey i sit down on my bed i

close my eyes looks like i’m totally

daydreaming but i

fantasize about how it’s going to be

like to achieve this impact or goal

whether that’s scoring the final buzzer

beater or it’s getting down on the wave

or it’s getting into my college apps i

mean just imagine

how many times i thought and prospered

about this guitar performance

i saw the finish line i saw what i

needed to focus on

focused on it and achieved it that

brings me to my second principle

attitude attitude

happens to be the principle that

embodies the idea from the very

beginning of your journey

and the beginning of your first note you

have to believe

and tell yourself i can do it

now you cannot win the race if you don’t

believe that you can win in the first


because if you don’t believe that you

can win in the first place you simply

won’t have the motivation

to start practicing over and over again

now attitude ties incredibly closely to

our success

way before skill is even involved what

makes great coders great or

genius guitarist genius isn’t just their

skill level

but it’s how they apply those skills and

their approach to it in the first place

you have to succeed and believe that

you’re gonna succeed

only if you believe that you’re gonna


because if you don’t you probably won’t

it’s that simple now i’m not saying that

you’re going to be the greatest guitar

player of all time just by thinking

about it

no you have to work for it but

what i am saying is that one critical


and critical aspect of your journey is


here’s an amazing clip that i think

showcases my idea





the only disability in life is a bad


a simple yet just a powerful statement

which leads me to my next point

principle number three small steps

i could have just came out here not said

anything pick up the guitar

and play a song for you guys but that

wasn’t my impact

my impact was to get our brains to

develop the idea

of building blocks and how i led one

note to multiple notes to a chord


to the looper and only then to the song

take a building for instance

how awesome would it be if we could put

a hundred foot skyscraper

in the middle of manhattan we can’t i


but we can’t it takes five years on


five years to build one of those

monsters and

one of the fastest buildings was ever

built was still built in 13 months

the empire state building now just


what it would be like if a block wasn’t

placed in the place it was supposed to

be or if the architect

imagined of skipping a small step i mean

it wouldn’t have been the building we

know enough today

it probably would have collapsed but

let’s recap so

i came on stage i knew my focus knew

what i wanted to perform

awesome great principle number one

attitude told myself i can do it got

over the fear factor

and believed that i can do it great

principle number two

number three got from chord to notes to

chord progression

looper song awesome principle number


but something is missing none of this

can be possible without persistence

persistence is the glue to every

principle above and is in my opinion

is the reason why most people don’t

succeed in making their impact the way

they do

so before we start there’s a difference

between persistence and consistency

persistency is not only being able to

come to the gym

every single day but it’s the act of

coming harder and harder

to higher difficulty and not selling for

the good

but that’s only half of it it’s not only

not setting for the good

it’s the inability and

to stop an ability to prosper through


and mediocracy i wish

we always that it would be as easy as a

linear line

if it was everybody would do it now we

all know this we all know

that there is failure dedication

sacrifice hard work time

but it’s slept on we don’t understand

how hard it is

to actually reach our success okay

let’s take a different approach from

this guitar performance

early last year the covet pandemic hit

our lives

but i found it a perfect opportunity to

make my impact with this new normal

that’s where i founded eye for eye with

a partner a non-profit organization

established to teach skills in this

newfound abundance of time

but let me show you how my principles

come into effect

number one focus me and my partner

saw our end goal of an opportunity to

help our community in need

so through a free learning environment

we decided

to give the people the hat time on their

hands something to do

the application zoom we brought several

different teachers

to teach new passions in order to create

new loves from guitar to art to geometry

great number two attitude

we made sure that every single one of

our nine teachers

understood that if students weren’t

coming to classes

or if the business wasn’t going well or

if something went wrong you would come

harder and stronger and understand that

you’re never going to lose that positive


that is honestly where i found out

that the greatest part of the process


to work with number three small steps

so we saw all the small steps on the

floor they’re all all scattered

while our website took hours to build

days to build to perfect

our small recruiting system took slowly

by slowly by slowly to understand who we

wanted to be on our team

we reached out to several different

developers before reaching the one

that would guide us to make our project

a venture

but when we got all the small components

on the floor and build them up

that’s when we saw eye for eye come to


but through it all we stayed persistent

true to the process and never gave up on

our venture

and that’s when ifri became from scratch

to impact

by august 2020 ifry had 238 users

using my site so

through the guitar performance and

through my covet project

i’ve shown how the four principles are

critical for me to follow

in order to pursue my impact and i

hope that with my four principles

you guys can pursue your next impact

thank you very much