Power of Difficult Conversations Mental Health Grief


i survived depression

and i completely dealt with suicidal


i mean that’s great news but in those


i felt like i was all alone i mean how

could i

as a man into me that i was struggling

with mental health issues

in a society like ours that glorifies

the suppression of emotions

through statements like be a man

or only white people have mental health


or even stop driving like a woman

i thought i’d be shooting myself in the


if i spoke to people about it

and true to my thoughts those were some

of the responses i got when i spoke to

my friends about my struggles

this is no different from my friend who

was blamed for staying in an abusive


or even the news article i read where

the police blamed a disabled woman

for being raped simply because she had

been told not to enter the rooms of men

somewhere last year i had a discussion

with two of my friends

about the existence of ethnic privilege

it mostly presents itself during

inter-ethnic marriages particularly


members of the airway ethnic group and

members of the akhan ethnic group

so one of my friends told me the story

of how

her cousin’s girlfriend had to leave the


simply because her akan family

simply couldn’t reconcile why should

like to stay

in a relationship with someone from the

airway ethnic group

some have purported that this dates back

to the plebiscites of 1956

where a majority of the french westing


voted 58 to join then gold coast

according to the united nations


a large part of the southern part of

westing togaland

voted against joining ghana and by the


the part of ghana was predominantly

occupied by members of the airway ethnic


this caused people to douse their

legions of os

to the idea of ghana it was further

exacerbated during the regime

of the late flight lieutenant jerry john


as chairman of the pndc he was accused

of promoting airway agenda

to the detriment of other ethnic groups

simply because his mother was aware

even as we stop to reflect

we should be able to learn from our past


we should be able to question the status


do these things promote our development

as a people

similarly in a discussion i had in the

last quarter of last year with some


i came across the story of an

unconquerable family

a mother ms agnes nyamite

and her son david maxwell

their story is one of disappointments in

the ghanian educational system

because in contrary to article 29

4 of the constitution 1992

so many schools turn down their little

girl because she lives with down


their story is one that highlights the

ignorance that plagues our communities

because their father and husband

abandoned them

in his excuse none of these things

are found in his ancestry so it

definitely had to be from the side of

the mother according to him

their story is one of struggle and hope

even in their quest to combat the

innuendos and degrading stairs from

passes by

their story is even similar to the story

of essen amdra

a mental health advocate for eshinam

pastors attributed harmonic episodes to

pay back for some evil her father did

even worse she lost her job

because the school authorities simply

couldn’t reconcile

her bipolar condition with her job

as a teacher essenam represents one of

very few people who are able to speak up

about their issues

because for many families to talk about

such things

is simply anathema it represents some

some some sort of indelible stain which

threatens their social standing

so they would rather never speak about


but why then should we even have

difficult conversations

one it serves us some form of therapy

another therapist once said the aim of


is not to fix you because you were never


rather it serves as some form of


an unburdening of a way these people

never asked to carry

such conversations also highlight to

these people

setting internal and external resources

available to them

to help them deal with their issues

last year my family was finally able to

get some closure on the events that led

to the demise of my father

and afterwards after my mother was

able to recount the events that led to

his demise

i was finally able to tell my family

about my struggle with mental health

and the relief i felt was indescribable

of course the future still looks

daunting but now it looks surmountable

in the words of a songwriter those those

years were fire

but now i’m gold 2.

by engaging in meaningful conversations

we’ve managed to impose meaning in an

otherwise chaotic world

these were the words of dr matthias male

a psychologist in the university of


in a study he conducted which involved

79 college students

who helped them to compile what he calls

an acoustic diary of their day

in the study they were electronically

activated recorders with lapel


which recorded 30 second snippets

of conversations every 12.5 minutes

for four days at the end of the study

it was discovered that the happiest

person engaged

in twice as many substantial


and one-third the amount of small talk

as the unhappiest person in the study

small talk represented only 10 percent

of the happiest person’s conversations

dr mel concludes that even though

there’s not a cause and effect

relationship established

it is clear that a bond is created with

the interactive partner being spoken to

he says that

interpersonal connection and this high

level of

interconnectedness are core foundations

to happiness thus substantive


actually have the power to make us

happier people

thirdly for us as a people

difficult conversations contributes to

our well-being

and make us more resilient to national


there’s a phenomenon known as the nordic


according to the world happiness report

since 2013

the five nordic nations sweden norway

iceland finland and denmark have

always been amongst the top 10 happiest

nations in the world

in a bid to discover the course of this


it was found that according to the


that institutional quality freedom

all contribute to life satisfaction

but even more importantly these nordic


experience high levels of


and social cohesion

these high levels of interconnectedness

and social cohesion

are what doctor mathias mill proposes

are achieved through

meaningful substantive and i dare say

difficult conversations so how then do

we harness the power of difficult


one i propose a remodeling of the

ghanaian educational system

and possibly the african educational


to include institutional training

on topics such as how to live with

people with disabilities

in 2010 the ghana national

housing and population census revealed


some 737 743 people

ghanaians were living with disabilities

and this represents a three percent of

the country’s population

a significant number we cannot keep


we must teach and intentionally learn

that to be different is okay

ms agnes told a story of how

a little boy and her daughter told this


called her mad because she did not know

he had no idea

was he meant to live with down syndrome


she took the opportunity to educate the

little boy on what it means to live with

down syndrome

which has gone a very long way to affect


her daughter told her is viewed and


in society among these three percent

who knows maybe our very own angela


who in 2013 became spain’s city


in spite of living with down syndrome or

our very own

brian russell mohica a 27 year old man

who ran for congress in peru

despite living with down syndrome or


our very own stephen hawkings two

instead of asking how are you maybe try

asking what is your story

instead of talking about the weather

which quite honestly affords do a pretty

good job of updating us on

maybe talk about your struggles

especially for men

in an article by abdullah tanko for bmc

public health

it was revealed that from 1997 to 2019

85.92 of the victims of suicide

have been men 62.27 percent

of these people actually earned fairly

good salaries

which meant that finances was not the

major cause of suicide

in our parts of the world contrary to

popular belief

rather 44.44 percent was

attributed to marital and relationship


and oh by the way mental health issues

accounted for 18.06

of the causes of suicide but why men

even though research shows that women

show more symptoms of depression

than men actually they cope

better with the symptoms of suicide why

because women ordinarily will open up

about their struggles and seek help

when men would rather exude bravado in

such situations

but we as men need to instigate their

paradigm shift

that is okay to appear vulnerable


it’s okay to appear weak and it’s okay

to ask for emotional health

for creatures as ephemeral as human

beings we order to ourselves to live

life to the fullest

why keep quiet about your struggles and

suffer in silence

when you could share to receive help and

possibly help somebody else

in that situation we owe it to ourselves

to recognize our biases through our


we owe it to ourselves to capitalize on

the things that make us one

and minimize the things that seemingly

separate us

like ethnicity in spite of how daunting

they may seem

i leave you with the words of william

anders henley

and he says the menace of the years

finds us and shall find us unafraid

it matters not how straight the gate or


charge of punishment the scrolls i am

master of my fate

i’m capting of my destiny we will

rewrite our stories

thank you