To find riches invest in your mental wealth

what does wealth

mean to you is it based on monetary


or your well-being and how do you

measure it

victor frankel who in his book man’s

search for meaning

mentions research from john hopkins


asked when considered what was important

to them

the participants 16 of them said it was

to make a lot of money

seventy eight percent said their first

goal was

finding meaning and a purposeful life

i must say i was very encouraged

indeed a purpose for life means

different things

to different people and it’s about

knowing your way i recently took part

in the seven levels deep exercise

and this has given me so much clarity on

my strengths

my passion and my purpose

thinking on this only a small population

in the world

achieve financial wealth and the same is

for mental wealth i have worked in

mental health services for over 22 years

i have experienced a lot and i’ve also

learned so much

global suicide is at an all-time high

according to the world health

organization 800

000 people die by suicide every year

that’s one person every 40 seconds

the same amount of time it takes to

write and send a short message

or pay a bill online the world health

organization also states

that 204 64 million people

are impacted by depression people of all


are impacted your health is truly your


and this includes your mental health i

would say even more so

you and you alone are responsible for

your mental health and well-being

and we all have the ability to achieve

mental wealth

if we truly invest in ourselves

i believe it’s not good enough to just

survive with our mental health

we should thrive with our mental wealth

mental wealth is that higher level of

mental well-being

that allows us to achieve our potential

find our passion and our purpose

build resilience to allow us to overcome

anything that we are faced with in

maslow’s theory

we are all aiming or moving towards


which is the way of the part of maslow’s

hierarchy of needs

with everything below having to be

achieved before we accomplish


which is a psychological state of


self-acceptance self-expression

and authenticity this can be achieved

when you invest in yourself

think of your mental state as your house

you build it bit by bit

you’ve got good days and bad days you

know what you need to do to build it

and good setting good foundations is key

the foundations of your well-being are

in what you practice

on a daily basis the five ways to

well-being are an essential part of this

connect learn give

take notice and keep physically active

if you implement these the public health

agency states

that this will keep you well safe and

hopefully free from harm

in your home however this does not make

you wealthy

it is what you invest in outside of your

home that creates wealth

the same applies for your mental wealth

it is in

everyday practices in addition to

meeting your basic needs

that contribute to this set your goals

and your intentions develop a plan to

action them

meditation affirmations gratitude

raising your energy and your vibration

as you deposit money into the bank

and let it accumulate and withdraw when

you need it

the same applies for your mindset so

as with keeping your house in order you

also need

to deposit these into a mindset bank

when you can draw on them when you need


especially if you have lack of

motivation adversity in your life

or are hit by the hard knocks of life

and we’ve all had to deal with them

i’ve known times in my life when i have

felt adversity

when i have felt grief loneliness

and pain and it was in my daily

practices that i

found strength courage and resilience

meaning that i did not dip as far as i

potentially could have

because i have achieved mental wealth

affirmations discipline in our thoughts

creating a healthy mindset are all

important factors

the four agreements are included in all

of this

be impeccable with your word do not take

anything personally do not make


and always do your best

these raise your level of mindset adding

to your mental wealth

you do not have to achieve this alone


to activate mental wealth is to

recognize and create a support system

around you

i personally am part of an amazing


and also a coaching group of ladies i

invest in myself in all aspects of my


physically mentally spiritually and


everything is connected in napoleon

hill’s book think and grow rich he

states your body achieves

what the mind believes it can this is


we need to start with our mind as it all

comes from within

so who are your fave

it’s worth taking a moment to consider

this it is an integral part of creating

mental wealth your five gold bars

swam if you like someone to support you

in your spiritual journey

your well-being ambition with your


someone who keeps you accountable and

also supportive

with your mindset and motivation

in conclusion implementing all of these


in your life will enrich you far more

than any amount of money can

know your five gold bars and it’s

equally as important to be part of

somebody’s faith

open your mindset bank and deposit more

than you will

ever need to withdraw to maintain

optimum well-being

build a stable foundation and invest in

your assets

invest in your mental wealth

don’t just strive for mental health and


thrive for mental wealth