Hack Your Mind Now HYMN



a day 170 every hour

to quantify a near concentrate there is

a habitat

every 21 seconds which means there was

probably one

since i got speaking now what that means

to you

is assuming everyone here has an email


and the same stats all true this year

16 of us in this very room will have

their personal information

including credit type details exposed by


this year and that’s five days from now

i remember the day my email id got


it was march 10th roughly a decade ago

i got so excited about hacking that


i thought myself and then soon after i

started teaching

asking yes you heard it right i actually

taught how to

well ethical hacking to corporates

to institutions like indian military

academy the cbi

and also ran certified hack workshops

for students when i was in college

you may want to know why i did that the

answer is

this i wanted to build an army

of protectors cyber security experts

that’s a hard job because as a hacker i

need to find

one way to get it but as a protector

i need to exploit many ways that the

hacker can think of

so for me i just wanted to do some fence


now the skills for both the hacker

and the protector are the same you can


to use a gun to harm or to safe

it’s the intent that defines the color

of your heart

in fact i did some white hat hacking at

nsl colombia

and microsoft at their headquarters

in the united states now coming back to

hackers and protectors one other thing

that’s common between them

is the rush that they feel the high

the sense of excitement

now one can hack into an email id

send an email from any email account to


it could be jeff bezos bill gates

they could be personally writing to you

in reality it may not be them

but it can reflect their email address

same with mobile phones

one can hack into a call and choose

a number or a name that will flash on

your phone

now it gets very interesting when you

look at ib cameras ip devices

with basically surveillance you can look

at a footage

from an apartment a parking area

a coffee shop or even an airport

now that’s me in a hoodie i don’t like

to wear much hoodies

but i also don’t do much of

black hat hacking and i don’t even have

black hats

so today if i see some booty

in the crowd if i see some excitement i

may be tempted to do a

demo for you guys


what i will do is i will start with

showing you something

on the screen which will be some pre

cameras that i did last night which i

was busy i’m

facing some issues with the network

packets here so i don’t have the right


but it will get the point across

so this is a camera that i got that

is from an apartment 641

that’s useful then there is a parking


that i was talking about

you have multiple road views

this is the street view of a place

the reason i chose to show this camera

because when i hacked into it there was

a party going on

looks like people have left this is a


i also actually had to do some of the

icloud photographs of people

which i can probably go to one image

okay so this is a lab experiment going


wow a beautiful view i like to ski as


and this is an airport hopefully you’ve

not heard the name of the airport

and i wanted to keep it that way you can

even have controls

and actually use there’s a wall block

but this is something that i did uh

before how about we get into a live hack

who’s interested in live hack

okay so for this one i will need two


with a mobile phone you’d be safe guys

two volunteers please please if you can

come on this

stage anything works

absolutely not

okay for this one i might even want to

wear my black hat

okay so the way it will work is uh i

will disconnect

my presentation and uh do we have my


sorry clipboards would work okay so i

want you to write

your number on the clipboards

your own phone number

absolutely not i will not review your

phone numbers

i’ll just keep them with me great

thank you

so whose phone is charged do you have

your phones here yes why don’t you take

your phones

so that i’m not touching your phone

and let me take a pic or at least i can

choose do you want me to call you what

do you want to receive a call

any preference we can just make the


okay so i’ll call you and i’ll use your


does that sound exciting wonderful so

if you can take the center stage for the

mean time i will just

get on to some hacking

this takes some time so guys just be

patient with me



so looks like you guys notice what

happened here

i was actually able to call a person


who i don’t know from a number

that i just got from from somebody right


right it’s it’s definitely a jackpot

for the guys in jantara they can


call you from your bank number

and help in their social engineering


to make their call more credible i just

learned on my way here

that there was a staff member in in this


who had this call and was hacked

i was i was not trying to name you but

yes this this is real right

so imagine for a second hacking into


or systems that are high on security

high on privacy high on

sensitivity and high on stakes

it’s like having a superpower now

imagine for a minute you have this


what would you do would you

add your name to the student database of

your favorite university

or go through the traditionally long

application process

i have been part of tg staff at harvard

across many departments computer science


psychology therefore i see students

across all countries and ages

some come with very well developed

moral compass unfortunately some

also given to the temptations now i want


take a minute to emphasize how important

this is

this this right here the skill

for you to be able to actually walk the

right road

you have to have a sense of right and

wrong very well developed

because it’s important you’re walking a

very tight

rope any slippage can be very

dangerous now through my journey

i have discovered many superpowers i

would want

to share all of this with you on

how a hacker’s mind is conditioned and


you can benefit and reprogram your


to change your life like i did to

progress my

now hacker’s mind teaches us

to be incredibly focused because for


everything is a challenge i still

remember applying to grad school

and i went up to my counselor and said

hey what all universities can you give

me and she gave me a list of


that was not necessarily exciting or i

wanted to go in

but was based on my then profile

i was upset but more importantly i

looked at it

as a challenge what i did was i went to

the head counselor

and told her exactly this please don’t

tell me

what i can get into tell me

how i can get into where i want to go

so as a devoted hacker completely


i listened to everything that she

advised me to do

i wrote articles completed multiple

certificate courses and wrote research


so much so that i remember going up to


one month before the deadline and say

what next

repeatedly and just to give it to a man


she said go write a book

guess what i made sure my applications

did not

go without me having as an author book

chatting with gmail labs i was 22 back


now as a hacker phrase is like it seems


is music to yours then whether it is

getting into an ivy university by

upgrading your profile

or being the skate player giving your

best shot on the court

with few minutes left and being a game


or even things like losing weight

23 kgs in five months

seemingly difficult task become


the point is i knew what i wanted and

did not

rest until i got it for hackers

there is no concept of failure because


is not an option it’s only revisions for


it’s not if they get it it’s only

where they get it hackers

also love experimenting they don’t


the regular road they like to go

off-road they don’t travel

traditional set parts

i remember getting my dev internship

offer from amazon

and i wanted a revision i wanted to be a

tpm intern

instead now amazon did not have a dpm

intern ever my hacker

mindset belief in the thought that just


something has not been done before that

does not mean

it can’t be done that i

walked up to my recruiter series of


and finally i was the first

ppm intern at amazon i truly

lived there slogan work hard

have fun make history and for you guys

it’s a great

deal to live by work hard have fun

and make history now hackers are also


for being able to seamlessly bring

dynamic shifts into their thinking


they love to run parallel threads


easily switch contests and find ways to

be more

efficient this is me on a treadmill

notice i

got my laptop on a treadmill and then i


an under text treadmill in my office

below my laptops

using randy porsche’s terminology

these are some of my great fake learning

i would want you to look out for those

and benefit from it like a true

hacker now hacking is often associated


an unauthorized access to take control


systems or computer networks ethical

hacking is about

finding vulnerabilities and weaknesses

in target systems

for good reasons so today i encourage

you all

to think of vulnerabilities and gaps in

your goals

and dreams and then think of challenges

be it health

be it time management get lack of


and set out to have hack into the source


of these challenges and write an

algorithm for breaking into them

and in the process have an algorithm for


get that rush of achievement

and live a healthy happier

and a more beautiful life make hacking a


of life and also not just problem solved

but just

go beyond and be solution finders too we

have seen some great minds

founding companies like facebook tesla

twitter and they are sometimes also

referred as hackers

i want all of you to be hackers

i mean that’s a dangerous thing to say

but i qualify

by saying i want all of you to be


and harness that super power in you


all of us have that things happen in us

all of us

have a different superpower in us

if you have a hammer everything starts

to appear like a nail

that can be happening so guys need it

hack your mind now wonder why i


my topic as in

well the word him means a song of praise

it is typically addressed to an id they


what god has made of you is his gift to


and what you make of yourself is your

gift to god

what better thing than making our life a

beautiful gift

hacking your mind will help you do

exactly that

because to master your mind is to master

your life

signing off my name is gundeep and i


you to hack now little by little

every day ethically hack

thank you all
