Happy Parents Will Change the World


i still remember

when we came here for an interview and

the school principal was asking my son

she asked what is can you tell us what

is your other

reason for joining this school and my


you know he said he said because the


is so big so i can practice my running


that was so funny so me and the

principal we just laughed

i was years ago and you know years


i still remember when i was in his age

my english teacher asking me

say gente what do you want after

high school i said i want to go

to tourism school i want to travel

i want to see the world and hopefully i

can change the world

and i did i did went to college and i

did travel

and i did live in seven different


due to work and family but

did i manage to change the world

i don’t think so i i did do

a lot of photo taking though so

when i came back and my grandma was

saying oh my god

you have been traveled so much and all

you got is just photos

of course back then there wasn’t any

social media where i can posted my

photos so

so um there is the one talk that i

listened to

from uh renowned master gentil nathan

he was saying that in the school

actually we need more of the happy


and he was asking us why he said because

happy teachers will change the world

you know happy teachers will make a

better place for the students

and at the end of his talk he said

actually it’s not only happy teachers

we also need happy parents because

parents are teachers at home

and happy parents will change the world

um and then i was

thinking you know after i listened to

that talk i was like hmm

happy parents change the world really i


well i was like

i can’t believe that myself but then he

he ended it with mindfulness

mindfulness can help happy parents to

change the world what is mindfulness

actually they did a study

about the impact of mindfulness to


780 children in a duration of six weeks

and they saw

with mindfulness there is a increase of

children ability to pay attention and to


and participate in class and more


the children are able to show care for


so what is mindfulness according to

dr john cabezin professor of medicine

emeritus at university of massachusetts

he explained that mindfulness is paying

attention in a particular way

on purpose in the present moment and not

just mentally

have we ever realized that nowadays we

tend to judge

a lot we saw one thing which is we are

not happy about and then we start

making an adjustment in our memory like

what’s going on and why so many things

so to explain in simple words

mindfulness is about living in the

present moment

you know how do we differentiate between

the past the present and the future

is through our breathing you know as we

breathe in do it together

we breathe in we breathe out

that’s a present okay sometimes we worry


we worry too much about the past but the

past is already gone

and then sometimes we also worry about

the future the future is not yet coming

so how popular is mindfulness

if we google mindfulness uh you know in

the search engine we’ll find any kind of


and there are many uh proven

uh method also that uh saying

mindfulness practice has been able to

treat many ailments

including chronic pain anxiety work

family and emotional distress

so how is that possible this is valid


because the source is from uh university

of massachusetts medical school center

for mindfulness

so have you been practicing mindfulness

um anyone know about mindfulness

no what comes in mind when you heard of

the words

all right there are three things uh

three method that i

like i can suggest we can do uh every


uh you know sometimes our life is so

hectic and so

stressful and so you know so much


that uh we don’t have energy to do


else but there are three things that we

always do

every day is sit

right you all are sitting now right and

we walk

and we eat right but have you been able

to sit just for the sake of sitting

most of the time while we sit our mind


you know the the fastest the fastest way

to travel is through our mind

because one second we could be here the

next second we could be in new york city

or we could be in london it’s you know

it’s really fast

and sometimes our mind could drive us


because you know the rhyme is so fast

so what we can do is we sit and we focus

of our breathing we breathe in

we breathe out okay the next practice we

can do is walking you know

we can walk just as we walking

we focus on our food touching the earth

instead of our you know walking and

looking at your phone that happens too


so and enjoy as we walk because we can

see the green trees

we can see the flowers or we can say

hello to our friends

there are many things we can do as we


and we enjoy the breeding and the third


is eating i

i noticed that sometimes we eat

while we are looking at our phone i even

went to a restaurant you know when i saw

a mom dad and two kids they sit in one

table the food is not yet coming

so they are waiting and they all play

with their phone instead of talking to

each other

so this might be one uh one thing that

drives one restaurant

who gave a 10 discount to the customer

provided that if you deposit your phone

to the cashier

so after you finish your meal you can

collect your phone and you got the 10


this is how unmindful we are with our

food you know actually food is

the gift

for us but sometimes we we just eat

for the sake of eating and we like to

finish everything really fast

so we can go to the next job and

sometimes we even

forgot to appreciate how delicious our

food is

okay so this three simple practice we

can do it every day

we can sit while enjoying our bread

we can walk and we can eat

try to eat slowly and appreciate

how delicious our foods are

okay so do you want to practice


yeah have you ever been in a condition

where you you have feel

so much stress so much pressure

that you really want to

blow up yes you do

especially during exam okay

to end this i would

share with you a few of the things that

i have done

as a parent and how i benefit from the

mindfulness training i have

when my uh when my son was three years

old and i was working from home

and i was working on my laptop and then

i went to the kitchen to grab something

to to eat

when i came back my son was playing with

my laptop

and he saw me and he was so scared

and then he jumped he tried to run away

but what he did unconsciously was he

pulled the laptop caught with him

so when i came back what i saw was like

my laptop crashed

you know i was so angry to see my laptop


and my three years old son was like

looking at me and

he was so scared of me you know maybe

that time i

i asked him he didn’t remember but may i

can’t imagine maybe

i was looking like a monster that time

uh and and at that precious second was

very quick happening

and i make a decision you know even

though i was

so sorry about my laptop by looking at

my son’s

eyes i decided to give him a hug

i say it’s okay it’s okay we let go i’ll

let go of my laptop

i i realized one thing that

that precious seconds is the uh is the

result of my training

like uh instead of fenting my anger at

my son

you know i decided to love him

um you know sometimes as parents we

could be

facing a lot of things with our children


sometimes we lost our patient because we

are so

caught up in wanting to get things done

and sometimes our children actually slow

us down

with their sometimes many requests and

demands and things

and the easiest thing for us to do is

just to yell at them

or be angry at them and

my mindfulness practice did uh talk it

teach me to be

a more patient i’m working on it okay

because my son is listening to me i’m

working on it but it helps me

when things get stressful for me

and before i react i try to slow down

i try to stop for a moment and that

moment that

mindfulness moment when i took my breath

the rule of thumb is to do it three

times you know

when you are angry you take you breathe


you breathe out you breathe in

you breathe out then

for one last time you breathe in

you breathe out and your anger subsides

try this at home thank you for listening





