
good afternoon everyone

my name is bobby and it’s a pleasure to

be in front of you all today

the topic i’ll be talking about today is


and its aspects on human behavior as

well as its contribution towards


and gratitude mindfulness is certainly a

very complicated word

and i’m pretty sure that many of you

have not heard of it before

well to get started i would like to ask

each one of you to get into a position

to remain comfortable

notice the position of your body and


yourself to feel your breath inhale

and exhale allowing your body to remain


ease notice how your breath flows freely

from your feet to the entire length of

your body

and to the top of your head naturally

slowly letting go of the built-up


as you start to do this your mind starts

to lose

focus and you gradually start thinking

some of the thoughts that might arise


what am i going to have for lunch or

why is he telling me to do this it could

be anything

it will now be obvious that your brain

is withering around

and that’s okay the whole game here

is to notice where you’ve gotten carried

away with your thoughts

and your next motive must be to bring

your thoughts back

and start the entire process over again

this technique of deep breathing allows

us to focus on our present

it allows us to be aware of our emotions

of ourselves and of who we

are let this start the day

with more awareness and appreciation

towards our mind and body

now i can see that many of you are

sitting on

chairs and sofas taking the support

of your back and lower body

if i didn’t mention this would you

notice where you are sitting

how you are sitting and with what

support you are sitting

would you notice that if you did not get

the support of your back

you wouldn’t be feeling that much

comfort now

are you thankful to be able to sit on

the chair and sofa

are you thankful to be able to receive

the support of your back and lower body


if i did not ask these questions i can

guarantee you

that they would not have crossed your


have you ever seen people who are


or those with back problems wishing to

feel the comfort we are currently

experiencing right now praying to god

and simply asking god to give us the


to sit comfortably

don’t you all feel that we should be

aware of all the good things we have

we should be we should indeed be

grateful for what we are blessed with

this simple scenario defines

mindfulness in definition

mindfulness is the ability to focus on

the present moment

without any judgment

understanding mindfulness and practicing

it at the same time

has changed the ways i look at things

and has changed me as a person

as a whole it has made me more happy

and cheerful not gonna lie

it really did take a lot of time and


but i want to tell you all today that

it’s not impossible

it’s possible when you believe

when you put your everything into it

as we all know it is very difficult

to look at everything and notice

everything in this very busy world

i personally start the day we’re telling


in the morning good morning

i am mindful in everything i do today

the optimism and positivity these words


can actually influence how our day will

actually turn out

it can actually change the perspective

from how we look at things

and influence us as individuals

i would now like to share a story which

might be very relatable to all of you

in my neighborhood i like to see fancy


name it such as bmw mercedes

ferrari any car you get any fancy car

you can think of

and me being a sports car enthusiast

also wish to have one of these cars

and drive them if possible in the future

i thought to myself why didn’t god

give me such an amazing car

there was another time also where

i got jealous of my friends and to see

how attractive the unfit they are

and there also i thought to myself

why didn’t god give you such an amazing


why didn’t god didn’t give me such an

amazing sports car

what we fail to realize as human beings

is that god has given us much more than

what we expected

i am i’ve got an extremely healthy body

with this i can exercise i can walk i

can eat

i can do many things but we as human


fail to realize this but through


we can we can notice this and understand

that we should be thankful for


so one lesson we learned here

is to be in the present moment and to be


for everything we have avoid yourself

from thinking about the future

and also avoid yourself from thinking

about the past

because in the end it’s not going to


what’s good what’s going to matter is

where you’re standing right now

that’s going to influence your life

to command further impulse august and


a yale medicine specialist says that


is very important during oven lifetime

coleman 19 has been an emotional setback

for all of us

while we do our daily tasks such as

working from home

doing our daily tasks such as


and the task i was given by my parents

to disinfect our groceries which is very

common in households

i can understand that recently

there was a time where i myself


a fever and a sore throat

and to be honest to tell you all at that

moment of time i tried to forget


i tried to forget everything that


i prevented my mind from wandering into

negative thoughts

i tried to stay positive that in a

little while

i will get better i will get better with

the help of these medicines

i took the medication and medicines on


and without even realizing further i got

better in a very short amount of time

so you see my friends what’s

important in this life is to have a

positive mindset

and to use mindfulness as a medium to

focus on the present

to notice what good is happening around


this good in the end can influence how

we perceive things

and can also influence how our life will

go in the future

we someone once told me that we are

all the genies of our own bodies

the magicians my positivity and optimism

at the previous situation acted as a


which then served as a message towards

my whole body


we do not know when covet 19 will end

but all we want but what we must do is

to stay positive

and mindful remember

there is a natural connection for when

you say thank you

you will eventually receive more

there is an old indian movie called


which i’m pretty sure many of you indian

many of you bollywood fans have heard of

it before

the lyrics of this song contribute into

understanding mindfulness

let me say the lyrics of the song for



this means that you do not know what is

going to happen in the future

what you know is only the specific


why are you looking at the future and

the present

when you can enjoy why are you looking

at the future

and the past when you can enjoy your

moments in the present

personally i saw my change through


i am going to share something with all

with all of you today

i want you to leave with learning

something very valuable

tomorrow before you start your day

put your hand on your heart and say to


good morning i will be mindful

in everything i do today try this out

and trust me you will experience

first-hand transformative power of

mindful thinking

this brings us to an end to my temp talk

thank you