5 Steps to become Happy Healthy and Wealthy


i am cleona o’hara i am a personal

development coach

i’ve been studying personal development

now for 14 years

and what i want to do today is i want to

share some

ideas with you five very powerful steps

that i’ve used to become healthier


and wealthier and so what i want to talk

to you

about first is i want to go back to when

i was a

young girl growing up in derry northern


i was young i was really excited about


and then i found i left school and i had

no job

i was searching i was looking for more

and then i made the big decision i said

you know what i want to go to america

i want to pursue the american dream

everybody looks so happy

in those movies everybody has a perfect


the perfect husband children dog

the white picket fence and so i said

i want that i want more and so i got on

the plane

at the age of 18 19 and i made a

permanent move to the united states

i landed in new york first of all and so

i remember one of the first trips

in new york i was with my sister we’re

walking through times square

and i remember we would go up to

everybody and we would hug

everyone we’re here we’re so happy we’re

from northern ireland yay

well little did we know you don’t do

that in america you don’t do that

especially in new york city so we ended

up going back to our hotel

and two people followed us

so through these years i’ve learned that

every country

every culture is programmed and

conditioned differently

i’ve learned that the subconscious mind


more than 95 percent of our behavior

comes from our subconscious mind

not our conscious thinking mind so


most of the things we do are is habitual

for example when you get in the car you

don’t think about how you’re going to

drive the car right how you’re going to

turn the key

you just get in and you do it because

you created the habit

you created the habitual behavior to

drive the car

so it’s the same with us as humans what

i’ve learned is

every country has their own unique

cultural programming

and so i’m going to teach you five steps


to reprogram your mind to become


happier and wealthier just as i have


for myself i have been mentored by some

of the greatest

human potential experts in the world

prosperity teachers in the world i work

for bob proctor

and i love love love what i do i

absolutely love helping

people discover their full potential

and grow into the person they were

always meant to become

because we are each every each and every

one of us

have talents and gifts but many of us

we are not using them and so

let’s start with number one number one

is figure out what do you really really


not what you think you can have what

do you want what’s on your heart and

soul that you’ve always wanted to go for

but you didn’t have the courage you

didn’t have the money you didn’t have

the time

all these excuses what do you really

really want

and i want you to write it down okay

you’re going to write down your goal

and present tense i’m so happy and

grateful now

that i have a hundred thousand a year

i’m building the life of my dreams with

my new art studio whatever it is

whatever you want to build

now i want you to be very very careful i

want you to make sure

you put a number on there put a money


i talk to people especially women

and women don’t have money goals over 90

percent of the woman i talk

to that scares me we must have

a money goal don’t be afraid to ask for


i grew up in northern ireland and the

conditioning that i received in my


was that money was bad so when i came to


guess what i had no money why

because i had no goals for money i

thought money was bad

i had this belief in my subconscious

money’s bad money is evil

don’t want money it’s bad well guess

what i

found out that is wrong that’s the

biggest fallacy i’ve

ever discovered money is not

evil we need money money is a resource a

tool a

magnifier so the more money

in the hands of the good the more good

shall be done so you must have a money


and if you have a money block or a money

paradigm it’s called

you need to question yourself where did

that come from

is it really your belief or did somebody

pass that on to you like they passed it

on to me

money is very important resource i

started to question this when i was in


in my 20s when i had no money and i was

sitting in an apartment in brooklyn i

was struggling

i had no money for food no money for

rent i’m like this can’t be the way

why would god want me to struggle like

this i had no money goals because of the


that was passed on to me it was wrong

i studied this amazing book it actually

the book the science of getting rich

by wallace waddles he talks about money

and abundance is our birthright

when i read that i knew straight away

all of me my gut feeling my intuition

said that is right

because when we have money we can help


when we don’t have money we’re

struggling to pay the bills we’re

distracted with

stress of how am i going to afford how

am i going to do this

so write especially ladies woman please

write down your goal and write down how

much money you want a year

you don’t need to know how you’re going

to get it yet the universe

will provide the way as you move forward

you start getting ideas in your mind of

how to make that money

okay so that’s number one number two

figure out your why why

do you want the goal why do you want

the better life why why why go

inwards go inwards

okay you must discover your why

because that’s going to create the


the book famous book think and grow rich

by napoleon hill he talks about the

principles of success

that he discovered from interviewing so

many of the most wealthiest and

successful people in the world

one of the principles of success is

desire when you connect to your why

that will ignite a desire for you

it ignites a desire for me i know my why

that desire drives me every day those

days that i’m in bed and i just want to

sleep and let me say oh i’m not today i

don’t feel when i think about my why the

desire kicks in and jump

out of bed so figure out your why

and create the burning desire it’s

almost like the octane tank that’s going


boost you and give you the fuel for your


number three we have been programmed

you were programmed i was programmed i

was speaking to people the other day

from india i coach people from all over

the world i talk to people from all over

the world

there each country has their own

conditioning their own

cultural paradigms they’re called and

i was speaking to these lovely people in

india and yet again

90 of the people i speak to from india

and pakistan

they are not happy because they have no

money and they’re not happy

but they have all these degrees so the


in india what i found from speaking to

these people

is that they were raised that you must

get a degree

you must get a a really great education

go get a master’s now go get a phd

keep educating keep educating more

knowledge more knowledge

but they’re not happy they’ve no money

and they didn’t even have money goals so

each country i’ve noticed has its own

unique conditioning when i was in

northern ireland

my conditioning was money was bad you

shouldn’t want money so i didn’t have


those beliefs were passed on to me

and whoever passed them on to me they

were passed on to them

it’s not their fault so i’m going to

teach you how to change

that we need to reprogram

our subconscious mind towards what we


so if you want more money you want to be


then you need to start repeating to

yourself and give yourself

affirmations affirmations i’m sure

you’ve all heard about

affirmations affirmations are not just

nice things to say

you’re literally suggesting to your

subconscious a new belief

to replace the old belief for example

when i’d believe the money was evil that

was a belief in my subconscious money is


i’ve replaced that belief with i am

prosperity i am wealthy i am prosperous

and the more i say that the more my


is listening to that i’m replacing the

old belief i’ve already replaced it

because i do believe

i am prosperity and i am wealthy i now

and then the other thing

growing up i was told who do you think

you are

don’t show off don’t stand out in the

front that’s bad that’s bad manners


so now i’ve had to replace that belief

with i am confident

i am confident and i’ve said it over and

over and over

until i’ve now replaced the belief that

standing out in front is not bad i

am confident so you need to replace

these negative limiting beliefs with

affirmations do it on

repetition daily and you will see if you

keep saying this and writing it down

on repeat every day you’re going to

start changing your belief system you’re

going to change

the programming that was passed on to

you it’s not even your fault

not my fault this is the way we were


number four

you need to be very careful

this is something i’m very very

passionate about

other people’s opinions

there is a graveyard think of this

image there’s a graveyard of

graves and there’s past people that have

passed on

their names are on the grave but what

else is in that graveyard

their dreams and their goals died with


so you need to be careful to reject

other people’s opinions

if they’re not in alignment with your

goal reject them say reject

and number five very very important

there’s a little voice in your mind it’s

called your inner critic

give it a name and become aware of it

when it tells you

you’re not good enough to say reject


reject i named my inner critic cecil

so when i hear that little voice try to

distract me

not today cecil reject and then i’ll

give myself an affirmation

you are here for a purpose find out what

your gifts and talents are

and start finding a way to give them

away you are

prosperous you’re abundant you are

perfectly designed you’re here for a


and i want you to become

the greatest version of yourself woman

ask for the money go after money it’s

very important

you will be of service to others if you


money and you’re resourceful so my

wish for you follow these five steps

and become and create the belief system

that you want to become

the person that you are always meant to

