Money Consciousness Overcoming Generational Poverty


i was born to a 17 year old mom with a

9th grade education

at 17 i was her second child

she married my dad when she was just 16

years old

yes out of love but also to escape her

home life

and that was because my grandmother her


was then a prostitute who later ran her

own brothel

i can hardly imagine how desperately my

mother must have fought

to get out of that life there was an

unspeakableness about money in my family

a well-kept secret where we believed

that we were poor and that this was the

only way

having a member of the family in the

oldest profession

has been at the root of shame

surrounding money in my family for


in my early life thoughts of recruiting


were utterly inconceivable

growing up poor is a common reason many

people hold on to limiting beliefs

surrounding money

for an entire lifetime a momentary


like the one we are now having with the

global pandemic

also has the potential to create false

beliefs of perpetual deprivation and

diminished self-confidence

possessing conscious awareness around

how you truly feel

about your personal finances than the

financial health of your community

and of our nation is a vital importance

this is because money like all things in


is energy at its core when we embody


when we hold on to living beliefs or

hold on to painful feelings about money

we express an energetic dissonance and

do not attract the higher frequency


that provide us with plentiful resources

at this moment there is a choice to be

made that will decide the fate of future


we can either continue to hold on or we

can elevate our perspectives

toward our greatness and unwavering


and a prosperous self-worth

have you ever considered money to be a

form of energy

the energy that powers our financial

system perhaps

a unique energy in that we associate

having money

with having power whereby in the absence

of money

we feel disempowered and what is energy


energy is the strength and vitality

required to do work

it is the power derived from the

utilization of our physical

or chemical resources by definition

could our money be a form of energy

too our money is created a physical


and thereby and thereby possesses energy

or frequency if you will

one of the most basic tenets of energy

that we’ve come to understand

comes from the first law of


it is the law of conservation of energy

and stated in simple terms conveys that

energy is not created nor destroyed

but changes state essentially

energy is transformed

this law of energy not only applies

to electricity and other forms of matter

it applies to

us as human beings in a very fundamental


we have been taught through our form of

education about energy and how it is

applied and measured in our physical


what we haven’t learned well is about

the energy that is us

some will refer to this energy of us as

the soul or spirit

perhaps not realizing that it too obeys

the same universal law

of conservation and sometimes what is

the need of transformation when it comes

to our money

are our beliefs our feelings and our


about money this observation came to me

after my conscious awakening from a

place of heightened awareness

imagine now that we are more than a

physical body that we are

infinitely more and that reality is a


far beyond our shared world and what if

this conscious energy

applies to all things in existence


our money

our relationship with money is often

deeply entangled in our belief systems

our cultures and religions and we also


our lives in a rather estranged

relationship with money

because as a collective we have been

conditioned to believe that money is

scarce or hard to come by

we are led to believe that we are not

worthy enough or good enough in some way


receive all the money that we require

and at times we will even feel

fear about a fear surrounding money or

feel greedy for wanting more

my earliest memories as a little girl

were of my parents fighting

and our family living in desperate

conditions i was still in diapers not

more than two years old

when my parents divorced thereafter

i rarely saw my own mother who was

barely more than a teenager

herself you see we had very little

not much at all living in low income


surviving with the help of government


on the surface my early life appears

typical in a sense

growing up poor and on welfare but what

lies beneath is more nuanced or more

entangled if you will

when my parents divorced i was forbidden

to see my maternal grandmother

but there were times when my mom would

have my brothers and i alone

that she would sneak us to see our

grandmother at her home

brothel i remember having a

uncomfortable feeling inside i had this

disgusted feeling in the pit of my


there were pornographic cartoons playing

on the television

and we would be served up bowls of ice


it was all very confusing but one thing

that i do remember

is how i felt what i didn’t know at the

time was the gravity of the energy i was


related to my own self-worth in those


i don’t think anyone in my family had a


as to the consequences of holding on

to this disgraced energy

my teenage mother was unfit to care for

her children

my brothers and i were often neglected

when in her care

for 19 years i did not see nor hear from

my mother

and i judged her very harshly for not

being there

i already knew what it felt like to be

left alone

to be without enough to eat to be


with lice growing in my hair before

starting kindergarten

from very early on i carried within me

the energy of deprivation

i have come to understand that all the

experience in our

experience in our lives are designed to

teach us something

no matter how unpalatable the lesson

even if my mind did not want to remember


soul conscience never forgot

your financial net worth mirrors your

inner self-worth

i embody the energy of revulsion of

secrecy of shame and never enoughness

when it came to money

i learned that this energy it could not


be forgotten or go away that i couldn’t

just get rid of it

i now understand that the energy that is


must also obey the same universal law of


it had to be transformed

transforming dense energy is an

introspective process

the release of the heavy energy that is

holding you back

comes only from within it is an


personal process that is deeply felt

and it cannot be intellectualized this

this type of transformation must occur

from within remember those

feelings of revulsion

those feelings of disgust

those feelings are transformed into


yes i am grateful that i never believed

that i had to make disempowered choices

in my life in order to survive

and that harsh judgment of my mother was

transformed into respect

and forgiveness a respect for the fight

of her life

and i forgave her for believing that she

could not be there for me

but most importantly i had to forgive


for all those years of merciless


you see transformation begins with


yourself and that energy of lack

it has finally been transformed into

enoughness into inner happiness in an

abundant self-worth

your money journey may be different from

mine but if you are

existing with fear around money or in a

state of lack

that energy of deprivation is the same

we need to aim for higher frequencies of

emotions like love and joy and happiness

when we think of money

recognizing its infinite nature there is

the secret about our feelings that we

have never been told

it is that our feelings are energy too

and that they are indeed meant to be


but our heaviest and heaviest emotions

are also meant to be transformed into

higher frequency emotions like

joy love and happiness we are meant to


gratitude and feel fulfilled when we

think of money recognizing its infinite


not to fear feel fear scarcity and


your money story may be different from


perhaps you grew up with in financial

comfort with more than enough money

but there were secrets never spoken

there were

there was fear around losing money or


there were even crimes commit related to

how money was earned or spent

the frequency of your feelings matter

if you are holding on to the energy of

fear or secrecy around money

there is a place for transformation

we all need to aim for joy happiness

this is so

awesomeness when it comes to our

feelings about money

to finally achieve our financial


the energy of money is a most powerful

and generous force

that touches all of our lives in its

infinite nature

it governs how money flows in and out of

our lives

it enriches us and teaches us valuable

lessons about ourselves

and the lives we lead and the manner in

which money shows up for each of us

is directly related to our personal

relationship with this powerful force

our relationship with money is an

intensely personal and intimate one

and the way that our money flows

responds to our truest feelings about it

and it ultimately responds to how worthy

we feel within

ourselves the energy of money

is about our connections and purpose our

passions our ideas and opportunities

yes of course it’s also about our

physical money

but physical dollars and cents are only

one component of this powerful force

the energy of the soul of money wants

only to serve you

and act in your highest good

as parents we have the power within us


enact a paradigm shift in how we relate

to the energy that is our money

but to do this we must first identify

our own fears and beliefs about money

when we hold the power within us to

enact a global paradigm shift in how we

relate to the energy that

is our money know that the journey

inward is not an easy one but it must be


and it starts at home it starts with you

by reclaiming your self-worth you give

your children

and their children the opportunity to do

the same

you see because we pass this self-worth

on from generation

to generation when you feel

really good about money you are teaching


children and their children that there’s

nothing to fear about it

and this is how we finally break the

cycle of generational poverty

by empowering our children to fearlessly


generational wealth