Awoo Sofi Tukker


Sophie Hawley-Weld: OK,
you don’t have to stand up,

but …

we can see you really clearly –


So you have to dance with us.

And we have this, like,

choreographed dance thing
that we’re about to do –

Betta Lemme: Really easy.

SHW: And we’re going to flick
our wrists like this,

and you’re going to do it with us.

And you can also stand up.


(Sings) I know I did not raise a wrist

(Both sing) I know I did not capture it

It came, it came,

it went, it went

It conquered quick

I was there and then I quit


I know I did not raise a wrist

I know I did not capture it

It came, it came,

it went, it went

It conquered quick

I was there and then I quit


BL: (Speaks) There you go!


SHW: We have another one coming up.

It’s a little finger-pointing dance.


The people sitting down,

I want to see your fingers pointing.


(Sings) I know I did not raise a wrist

(Both sing) I know I did not capture it

It came, it came,

it went, it went

It conquered quick

I was there and then I quit

Aaaa …




(Clapping to the beat)


Aaaa …

SHW: (Speaks) Alright, hand flick.

(Both sing) I know
I did not raise a wrist

I know I did not capture it

It came, it came,

it went, it went

It conquered quick

I was there and then I quit

I know I did not raise a wrist

I know I did not capture it

It came, it came,

it went, it went

It conquered quick

I was there and then I quit


Tucker Halpern: You guys are way more fun
than I thought you’d be.





SHW: Thank you so much.
