Botlalo You are enough



eye can

human i can

you and i can build a world of dreams

in a graveyard of that nightmare

you and i can restart us from rinse


from about



change the game make new rules

can you see it that’s not where you

stand all i wanna do is

try with you

all i wanna do is


all i wanna do is build




what is failure to you when i

a lesson


tragedies for you when i

turn into blessings

losses for you and i regained and


falling for you and i strong foundation

you and i can have anything

that we agree upon

you and i are a real



all i wanna do is try with




can build a brand new world we can build

a brand new world

we can build a brand new world we can

build a brand new world



all i wanna do is try with you

all i wanna do is fail with you

let’s be fearless



they say that if your dream does not

scare you then your dream is not big


so clearly dreams and fears co-exist

and the wealth that you feed is the


that wins hi

my name is komodzo my idea pig

mina tipi ends

the one whom you just heard saying is


jonas is not my stage name dunas is much

more than that

jonas is the voice of truth

inside of me that belongs to a me

that is healthier wealthier

steadier and happier you see

music is not my dream

it’s oneness is it is through soreness

that i realized that

everything i ever wanted

was on the other side of fear

and i had to go through my fears to get

its owners

there was no other way

dreams fears

as a singer i struggled a lot with my

voice after beating it up and trying to

mold it to what i thought when nicer

better voices are there

i got myself into a struggle and a place

of frustration where i really just

wanted to give up and give in and give

space to those who are better than me

but then it was through meditation that

i had a voice within me say that forget

about how how you think your voice

should sound like

let your voice lead you

to yourself a couple of years ago

i decided to sign up for a festival

i wasn’t ready i rehearsed and rehearsed

and rehearsed

as the date came closer i realized that

i am not ready

i was tempted to back out but as i got

on that stage i proceeded

to sing off-key

and my worst fear came to pass a fear

of failing publicly

why am i telling you the story i’m

telling you the story because

on the very same stage where i failed

it was the very same stage where jones

was birthed

you see had i not gone on to be on that


i would still be waiting to be perfect

and to

perfect my voice to get on stage sonus

wouldn’t be

dreams fears

so why are our dreams so threatening so

scary how do we get to a point where we


spin out of control into deceitful lies

that we tell

to ourselves how do we get to a place


we dwell in i’m not good enough i’m

i’m not clever enough i’m not ready i’m

not pretty enough

how do we get to a point where

we stop running and we stop hiding

i wanted to run i wanted to hide i

didn’t want to show myself to the world

but then i dream

when i close my eyes

i see a me that is

fearless and powerful and me that can

take anything on

but as soon as i open my eyes

i’m back to the fearful me the one who

just backs out

i close my eyes again and i’m in my


again i’m fearless again

the question is how do i stay there how

do i stay

in that place of power or fearlessness

both of them are me both of them are a

voice within me

i know both of them i close my eyes

i see one i open my eyes i feel the


how do i allow my dreams

to be revealed by my fears when i ask

these questions

it is when it became apparent to me that

there are two ways of living

you either live from the inside out

or you live from the outside in

you see fear is living from the outside

in and shrinking

allowing outside voices to determine who

you are to dictate to you

who you are dreams

is living from the inside out

you’re expanding you’re allowing your

inner voice to

lead you and guide you and manifest who

you are

but with fears

you are allowing what already exists to

tell you how far you can go

while a dream lets you reach inside of

yourself and that crazy idea

pushes you dreams are inborn

from a within-ness while fear

fear is taught to us it is from the


so how do we get

to a point where we can

live a dreams over fear existence

as i was sitting and thinking about it i

realized that

there were three steps for me to take

the first step was to get to a point

where i understood that

the story that you tell yourself

is very very important that mind

chatter those beliefs the things that

you say

about yourself your words

the second thing that i realized that

there is a narration and there is a


and you are the narrator you are the one

who writes the script

you are the one who writes those lines

and determine

what role you fit in into those lines

i mean how many times how many times

have people

less talented than you less capable less


seize the opportunities that you wanted

and you didn’t try for because

your script said you are not good enough

and three you have to play the part

you have to get into that character

you have to believe that character know

that character

be that character and act

take a step and act fake it

till you make it if you have to but do

not wait for some miracle

to make you ready we are never ready

when fear comes knocking

don’t keep silent

speak up say something

it is too late you’re too old

listen to jonas

you cannot make it

you’re not beautiful enough you’re not

talented enough listen

to jones

you are enough don’t

bend into the wind don’t dance

to their tune those who repaint you out

of existence

playing false gods erasing your lineage

fight fight for your essence of


your persistence to stay authentic

is your resistance

you are enough you’re enough


is my daughter’s name turned into a song

botello means

adequate full fulfilled complete


when i hear her sing the narration with

her tiny

voice my heart just swells up

i don’t want her to ever doubt her with

i don’t want her to ever wonder about

her value

i want her to grow up knowing that

she does not have to stay in any


atmosphere in any state

any title and a relationship that makes

her feel like she is less

of what she is that make her feel like

she’s not enough

and sonus is there to help her to find

her voice

a voice that tells her that she

can take her part in a space in the


of a bigger plot we all can it is not

too late

it is not too far

so what are your fears what

are your dreams

are you going to live a life of fears

over dreams

or are you going to live a life

of dreams of a fear dreams

of a panic attacks dreams over

depression oppression dreams

over self-pity dreams over

toxic relationships addictions

dreams of fear

because we are worth our dreams
