Climate Change and Sustainable Mobility Solution in India.


but by default i am the professor

and you all know professor don’t share


they will give lectures

and thanks to tedx remember that it will

be such



but definitely i have to share with you


very serious concern

the concern is very serious

this is an emergency yes this is an


today we are facing a very big problem

yeah we are facing a very big problem


you are thinking it’s likely pandemic

but it is much more bigger than kovid

liking pattern

let me ask some question

let me ask some question why everybody

in the world

is talking of electric vehicle

why india is kill ds5

and directly jump to ps6 feud

why supreme court of india

ordered bs6 compliant vehicle

from april 2020 and why

there is a


so my talk is basically on climate

and i will go and let it win automotive

so the problem is climate crisis now

climate crisis is because of

climate change global warming

and air pollution

these three are interlinked and


now let’s go to some very basic to

understand climate change and global


climate change is nothing but the

expression of the problem

the long-term weather pattern caused by

global warming global warming is a


the earth is gradually warming

and third one is air pollution the

harmful chemicals and particles in the


which is not suitable for

now this problem

climate change global warming and air


so who is the culprit

culprit is fossil fuel

one is only one fossil fuel is the main


fossil fuel which we get

by extracting and digging the surface


diesel kerosene coal this is all fossil

fuel and this is a dirty fuel

this creates a crisis fossil fuel

is mostly used in automotive industry

and electrical generation industry these

two industries we

are using fossil fuels but

the entire world is impacted by these


please note the entire world is impacted

by this crisis

and particularly our country india are

is very very vulnerable to it

and suffer a lot we are suffering a lot

by this

crisis i will not go

last year last year this year

itself we have air pollution

our air quality is so bad

we have the worst in the world mumbai

and delhi you

all know and many other parts of our


we have very bad qualities

we have actually planet events this year

we have extreme rainfall in some part of

india which leads to flood

in hyderabad we have extreme

rainfall deficit in some part of india



apart from the cyclones we have

potential rain this year

we have extreme heat guests

which every year we break the records

this year we break last year

last five years 10 years back to 50

years 100 years

so all this leads to

all this leads to loss of life and


more serious diseases

and more former societies

being a professor we used to teach


this is the classical physics law

newton’s third of motion which states


for every action there is equal and

opposite reaction

so human action climate reaction

if we go on using the dirty field

definitely nature will throw the

crisis to us


we are doing the same thing here with

our planet

we want the solution

we have the problem now we want the

solution so now what’s the solution

solution is sustainable

mobility sustainable mobility is the


but please sustainable mobility doesn’t

mean only electric




is the future so i’m saying the two

contradictory statement at the very same


ev is not the future if we are using

the electric vehicle and charging the

vehicle with the

electricity produced by all base power


because once again fossil fuel

we are standing in the middle of the

desert once again

ev if we are going to charge the

electric vehicle with the

renewable sources like solar or wind

energy then

we can say it’s a sustainable mobility




here as you can see what is the relation

between the

petrol gun between the petrol and


what is the relation there must be some

relation you know

today whenever you drive your car

and take it to the petrol pump fill

the fuel at that time

that fuel pump may what he does

he pour the entire sugar cane juice


into the tank of petals


major all marketing companies today

blend petrol with

five persons which we get from

sugar cane

tomorrow maybe by two years three years

five years



so there are lots of fuel available we

are testing lots of fuels

uh experiment is going on on indian

roads with

different different fields




so we are moving from

west as well as from

the food waste we have

eternal from sugar which we get from


as well as from the corn



and we have



so now we have

problem climate crisis

and we have solution green field vehicle

is the solution

but here comes a challenge we have a


and we have a solution but here comes a

challenge because india is a very

complex country

india is a very complex circuit in india

we have a

huge divide between

urban and rural mindset

we here we have a mindset problem

as you can see in the edges this is

called a vehicle which is running on

indian road yes it is a village

this is



so at one point we


we have cars

sustainable mobility because they have

to come out of this crisis





and then we


but again challenges there are lots of


so we have a problem with

climate crisis we have solution

greenfield vehicles

we have challenges but with the

challenges common opportunities

and this is art of survival

without opportunities

how will we survive so here comes


why the challenges are great so are the


we have the great challenges here in


so we have a huge opportunities so what

is the opportunity

so these are the opportunities so we

have demographic dividend

yes mr minister has very


of that climate trend and litigation the

first thing is requires awareness

is very important to the first one


second is financing models and


india we have 22 cars per thousand


we have 22 costs four thousand people in


we have somewhere around 700 plus cars

per thousand people so a huge market


so it’s very much easier to convince

the people for the greenfield vehicles

with the right financing models and


third one is government policies india

is committed

to paris climate agreement and

sustainable development for 2030


we have a favorable government policy so

government is pushing the industry

for green fuel vehicle and related


so we have a right time

for one is affordability

segment get a boost

and hence it’s very affordable to

purchase the electromaker

and fifth one is that economically


green field vehicle is much more cheaper

than petrol and dessert

the running cost of green fuel is very

low somewhere around 20 to 30 rupees

so my point here is okay

all these opportunities brings lots of


for survivors

hope for someone first

we all get the clean air

to breathe

and definitely the new opportunities are

coming for career and business at

last remember

kobe 19 has vaccine for cure

but climate crisis don’t have xc


to act for the betterment of our


are you all with me are you all with me

very much


thank you so much