Dance My only freedom of movement during the lockdown


let’s talk

lend me a beat tap to your heart

stomp your feet i must move

as free as i can be clap

the rhythm calls out to me

dance dance with me


spinning like a top whirlwind

unstoppable living again

dying again the beginning is the end

is the becoming the lights consume me

and i the applause it’s me

this jump that leap the stop

the pause




holding every drop of time fractions of

the beat

and poetry in mime

i bring my movements together to deliver

with reverence

to the one the maker


spiraling through the curves of rhythm

the gungurus

bind a spell my feet have a story to



give me a song or maybe your poem your


i’ll bring it to life paint it bright

my arms your words become

i am the space around me

my body traveling it bends

i turn liberated by expression

i am felt understood

and seen

seizing what is right here

dancing like there’s only now

the wind lends me wings and the earth

gives me flight wearing the moon

and the stars i shine with the sun

this moment is all mine

tap to your heart



pause this dance



the space

hi i’m aditi a kathakan lavni exponent


india dance has been an active part

of my artistic journey for the past

three decades

ever since i was six dance was my truest

mode of expression

both inwardly and outwardly

movement suggests life and growth

dance is movement and that is why it is

such an enriching

and liberating experience for me

every pose i strike every stance

or simply just the tapping of my feet

makes me feel so alive dance helps me

drop all bodily inhibitions

and it is often an outlet to my emotions

often suppressed and hidden away

my creativity comes from such free

and liberated expression it also lends

me the opportunity

to invent and reinvent myself as an

artist which is

especially important in the current

changing times

every evolving situation helps us grow

and progress

leaving a part of us behind finding a


better version of ourselves best suited

to that time and date

this ability to adapt to evolving

situations and reinvent myself

was truly put to test during the

lockdown the theaters were shut down

lights were turned off and the audience


into a faint memory online concerts

pre-recorded dance events online

teaching was the best way

to do what i love doing the most dance

the audience was reduced to a camera

and my stage was an ott platform and the

studio or my living room that i was

recording from

i learned adapting to evolving

situations like

these because of my collaborations with

various artists

from different disciplines of dance and


stepping out of my comfort zone and


newer unconventional ideas has been at

the core

of my success as a collaborator

we’re here to record a project that me

and aditi bhagwat

hatched talking since about 2012

in the one beat program which was under

the u.s state department

this piece was formed about in my head

about a couple of years ago

and i’ve been practicing it trying to

develop the technique with the feet

i had never seen anybody doing katak as

a rhythmic element

and so that inspired me to stay in touch

and figure out a way that we could

actually uh

make something new out of this something

genuinely new and not just the same old

kind of east meets west collaboration


crossing borders to speak the language

of another artist’s dance in music

expanded my vision and it gave me a very

different perspective

of my own art form my own artistic self


my so

it made me more tolerant and accepting

of another artist’s point of view

while working as a team and i approached

every new situation challenge and idea


tremendous humility




i will end today’s segment with a lovely

dance composition

called the tarana this piece is composed

by the renowned

eminent sarod artist ustad aliyak bar


and is sung by the lovely asha bhusley



























