How to express your innermost true emotions

take a moment

and think about the last time that you

were able to truly express yourself

honestly fearlessly absolutely freely

as human beings one of the toughest

challenges that we face

is expressing our innermost truest


add to that we live in an increasingly

chaotic world

that’s complete with death destruction

poverty hunger war and social media

yes i say social media and war in the

same breath

because although the former has eased

our lives to an unfathomable extent

but it has also become a breeding ground

for hatred

disdain self-loathing

dissatisfaction leading to depression

and mass diploma

this noisy social media driven world is


fueling to the already existing problem

we face as human beings

to express ourselves truly

i mean don’t get me wrong here i love

social media i think it’s awesome too

let’s be honest we as artists i mean

we have a study career path because of

social media and it’s genetics


it comes with its own benefits like live


brand endorsements and just plain

confidence boosting mechanism in the

form of

likes comments shares subscriptions etc

it keeps us going having said that

what we miss in the real world is an


non-judgmental platform to express


now this is where i come in i have

always you dance as a medium of


for me it’s not just the bodily


or maybe dancing to the lyrics of the

song you’re listening to

for me it’s what your inner self wishes

to say

some might call you the soul there’s so

much we can express

with just our face maybe just our eyes

as an artist especially as a dancer i’ve

realized that there are so many layers

to expressing

for example happy is an umbrella of


what kind of happy are you feeling

let’s say are you excited happy

all are you gratitude happy

or are you euphoric happy

oh are you overwhelmed happy

now these are just

four examples of merely one emotion of

feeling happy

there are innumerable such layers of


that we feel in our day-to-day lives

that get so

piled up onto our brains that we

almost never stop to take notice

the art of dance provides a safe quiet


to express every little layer every

sliver of emotion that you’re feeling

through expression dance provides for a


that frees your body mind and soul

our mental space we are free to talk


anything in any manner an art form

that supports the expression of the

plethora of emotions that we go through

in our regular lives

so that together we learn to channelize

those emotions

in the form of dancing expressions


leads to the feeling of being heard and


and let’s be honest here isn’t that what

we expect at the end of the day

to be heard once we feel heard and


we begin to heal it’s high time we break

away from the shackles of judgment and


it’s time we perennially rid ourselves

of the discrimination based on gender

social strata

race caste sex and religion

it’s high time that we collectively took


for our current and future generations

mental health

and provide long-lasting solutions

it’s time we got together and expressed

it’s high time we danced

and on that note i have prepared a small

piece of performance

that i would like to show you guys

for you to understand and maybe take a

little sneak peek

into what my world and life looks like

uh i’ll be telling a story

the story goes a little like this i have

met my lover

after a long time of separation

and now he has to get up and leave again

the happiness the longiness

meeting him after so long the excitement

and the sadness of him going away again

i ask him to stay a little bit longer

will he stay or will he leave













