I Have Stories to Tell



tell me to be alright


so it’s gonna be all right

wrap it in your arms


it’s gonna be all


i right david in the deep ocean of mind

thinking how to live this life


you keep pulling






i’m getting stronger

with you here


with you here

next time i will be there


thinking how to live this life


you keep

stop me from sinking in this whirlpool

and bring me

back to life



everything is

i wrapped you in my arms and hold you

tight cause with me all



thank you very much my name is king yang


it’s my pleasure to be here today


uh this amazing women who just give us

some speech

and obviously there will be more coming


speaking of being fearless this coming


is my last week of my job my day job

uh for the last six years um

so yeah i think it makes perfect sense

for me to be here and tell you

you know being fearless is possible

because i left my job


and uh thank you very much

um and you might wonder what my typical

asian mum would say

when i told her the news she’s like are

you gonna look for another job

and i’m like no mom i’m a musician now

like i’m a full-time musician

i teach i’m a music teacher i am a


and i you know sometimes sing a wedding

so i do you know i do respect my job

as a musician uh so yeah

mom i guess she just worried about me

but that’s okay

i’m 32 years old i know what i’m doing


yes so thank you

so i do have stories to tell

after 32 years of life my next song is

about my experience

on us eve when i was in eden and i’m

sure you’ve heard about eden

on the tv last year

so this song is called garden of eden

and this tells you about my experience

that day

red smoky sky

hong kong

in the town of




now it is a living hell

i just want to

flee this place


nowhere to go



in the shelter anxious parents and

crying children

one sees


i just want to

flee this

nowhere to go

nowhere to go

this night drags on and on and

and on


how do they still




now it is a living hell

i just want to






nowhere to go

nowhere to go

thank you very much um as a woman

of color and as a new immigrant in

australia i moved to australia about

eight years ago because of love because

of my husband

and i believe that the more i get myself

out there

the more i encourage people to be

themselves because

this is you this is me i’m here talking

to you

sharing my story so the next one is

called domino’s it’s my latest single

and uh it’s to tell you that

time is only subjective you just gotta

stick with your guts

and find your own way to your own

destination because we’re all different

they don’t know how to play this game

but you know no one cares about how we


and off we go to make our legacy

we will find our path






we build our own

stack in stores


we will find our path







comes out



thank you very much

thank you