Laugh with yourself


2020 has

literally been disappointment after


but i have to say the one thing that’s

kept me going

is practicing my comedy finding some

comedy some sense of relief

and that’s what humor does it gives you

that sense of relief

and i’m able to process that through

music through my songs so today

i have a selection of songs for you that

i am going to

share with you and i hope you enjoy it

and i hope you find some relief

as well as i have this first song

is about building friendships in


hello hello


hello hi

i said hello why do you say hi

last time i said hey you also said hi

aren’t you excited to hear from my

you know you left me unread

so many times

i don’t know why

hello from the other side


i texted you a thousand times

but you never replied

so i texted a couple more times maybe


don’t have service cause i know you’d


that i keep on trying i’ll never give up

i am right outside your door

you said we



there’s a bunch of girls there you

didn’t invite me




why didn’t you invite me

it’s because i texted every time i just

wanted friendship but

now i don’t want no more

i’ll stay home with my family


the second song is about dating in


this song is called rishta with a



can’t believe this believe this

26 i’m still not married


we’re gonna make some calls and fix this


fix this queen this is obscene so

they’re coming over

moms and purples yeah they’re coming


they don’t ever bring their son

it doesn’t matter because mommy picks

who bought this gonna marry


look what you made me do still singing

like 26

i’m going on coffee meats my nanny’s

coming with

look what you made me do still single at

  1. whoa arranged marriage and wrestle

with a stranger

looks at me looks at me and she says

look back to me do you want

whining cats or a husband and

financial security you can stop

working blow dries in parties

or you can end up with white cats

white cats she doesn’t know that i’m a

dog person

dog person and where does she get

wine from one from that’s

a personal new problem you problem

42 in cali working at nighty

looking for a wifey to stay home with


44 and a doctor he lied he was 54.

he ate before i got there you talked

about chinese water torture

torture i did not make it up for the


for the songs this really really really


happened my mom was in the

parking lot parking lot because i was

on a restaurant with a stranger

this third song is called

drumming my excitement with vagueness

drumming my assignment with vagueness

i’m dying inside probably

i thought i’d have it together

but i don’t i

don’t it’s no surprise


i thought i was on a date

there was this one hot guy

i thought he was real cool


he said why don’t we get dinner

just us too


and when i got there

he wasn’t alone

hey dude sarah come join us

we’re sitting right here why don’t you


us why do you look

so confused we’re

without you this is my friend

oh you know him why you look so

dressed up


as i walk towards the table

thinking that i look good

thinking about the money

i spent to get ready for this

i’m talking eyebrow threading

on the wax

i sat down he said i’m getting the bill

he said bro you’re super late that ain’t


he dropped his whole drink on me threw a


at me walked away

messaged me the next day said hey

let’s get coffee

i was like yeah okay

this song is about a mother and daughter


i call this song mundaya


oh my goodness god took it up

when are you coming home

it’s already 2 a.m

i’ll be john i’ll be done

i’m out with my friends

i’ll be home at 5am




i’ll be home before my grip

but to me but to me

why can’t you study at home

what are you really up to

what are you really up to

but bye bye bye

but nothing but nothing

boys and girls are different

go and make up when i try

tell mariam bye bye

this fourth song is called moonlight




i hate you this is


took work you brought a bunch of your


you treated me like a pundival a pimp

that’s how i felt

your ex-girlfriend was at the party

your ex-girlfriend was at the party you

left me to dance with her


turn around try to find you guess what i

see you were kissing her

you were kissing her


we still dated four months after that

that’s my man i

should have not done that

i still let you talk to me i’m way

better than you i shouldn’t have done


i announce that you’re getting married

i know that you’re getting married i

can’t believe this

the council



our day
