Making Climate Cool Again ReExciting the Movement

we kept performing

the other five thousand screaming fans

didn’t notice either

at first we continued to sing the lights

continued to flash

the music continued to play it was only


few seconds before we realized something

was very wrong

a chatter spread through the arena it

wasn’t excitement

it wasn’t anticipation it was something


we felt it too between the flailing arms

and stumbling legs we glimpsed the body

of a young girl on the floor we stopped

the show

she was having a seizure

we had never stopped a show before let

alone for something like this

but then something incredible happened


fell across the room like a single

organism with us at the head we parted

the crowd to guide the paramedics to the

injured girl

5 000 people all had a single purpose

to ensure the well-being of one of their

own and it worked

it took a few songs to bring the energy

back up and after knowing she was okay

for the rest of the show the audience

jumped and sang along but there was

something else

all together we had lived through

something unique

something so much more than a concert

something that made us a community

it was on that night in salt lake city

that i started to think about the power

of that community

to be diehard ajr fans who at the drop

of a hat could mobilize for something


even when the tour was over and i

returned to school as i worked on my

dissertation my mind continued to wander

toward this idea of community

and the thing that brought them together

having lived and breathed the music

industry for the last 15 years

has given me some insight into how

building a fan base works

especially one as tight-knit and

dedicated as ours

and yet as i wrote about climate

devastation across

asia and africa and the human rights

abuses occurring as a result

i started to make a connection between

the two

now when you hear the phrase climate


many people’s first inclination is fear

fear of the future fear of rising waters

fear of

wildfires fear of losing your homes your

cities your countries

the entire movement has been built on


now this has worked to inspire some

people it’s helped to mobilize a youth

movement unlike

anything the world has ever seen but

this is not nearly enough for the

concrete change that we need

now when you hear the names beyonce

or bts or the beatles many people’s

first inclination

is excitement there’s an immediate

dopamine rush of course music is fun

it fills you up it’s everywhere but it

also builds a community in a very unique


think of it as a ladder there they’re

music fans that are on the first

rung when they hear a song in the

supermarket they may recognize it but

not necessarily know the artist

if they go home and listen to it again

on spotify or apple

they move up a rum they may listen to

three or four other tracks save them to

their library up another rung

they may follow a band on social media

buy a piece of merchandise go to a show

up up up it just keeps going

this ladder is built on one thing


the more excited someone gets the higher

up the ladder they’re willing to go

the music industry has crafted their

ladder in a

brilliant way to align with monetary


over the last few years i’ve spent

countless hours thinking about how to

build this ladder of excitement in a

different space

i borrow techniques and strategies from

music from

incentives to creative partnerships to

community building in order to construct

a new ladder

today i share with you something that’s

already helping to reinvigorate the

climate movement

the ladder of engagement

now this is not necessarily a new


every charity campaign and business has

tried to get people more engaged

forever but since we don’t have endless

time together i want to share a few of


pivotal rungs of this specific ladder

on the left side we have some of the

music strategies for bringing in new

fans and partners

and moving them up the ladder on the

right side we have some strategies for


people businesses charities and


into the climate movement now these

climate strategies are not

one-to-one across the ladder music is

really successful at being bite-sized

shareable emotional but the strategies

on this ladder are deeper

more engaging and highly inspired by the

type of engagements we use in music

to get people excited

the first run on our ladder is


in the music industry we create all

different types of incentives for


pre-order an album and you get a

discount or a bonus song

follow us on certain social media

platforms for exclusive content

join our text list to get access to

things before anyone else

all of these strategies are designed to

move fans

up the ladder and put them in groups

with other

more engaged like-minded people

if they do follow us on social media or

join the text list

we have easier access to them for future

campaigns or even rewards

let’s pause here and look at a simple

and easy incentive

in the climate space sustainable


a non-profit organization that i founded

focuses on creating

incentives for engagement with our work

at the

simplest level much like following on

social media

in exchange for subscribing to our

podcast planet reimagined

we plant a tree now a tree

to most people feels huge it’s something

permanent visual and so clearly

connected with climate

that why wouldn’t i subscribe even if

i’m not listening to the podcast

now this may seem really simple one

subscription one

tree but we as an organization now have

access to these potential climate


these people who are on the very first

rung but have the potential to move up

think about it this way we’re now inside

their phones with important messages

while educating them about the climate

movement discussing

food artificial intelligence sports


all related to climate these subscribers

are proud that they planted a tree

did something good for the world so

proud that they may share the podcast

with others

not just for the content but because of

how the incentive

made them feel much like with music

where many of the incentives focus on

making people feel good about themselves

this does the same thing they can wear

their planted tree like a badge of honor

but we get the better end of the deal we

move them up the ladder

okay so those incentives focused on

individual engagement

but let’s look at another run on the


creative partnerships in the music

industry we do creative partnerships

all the time from travis scott’s

partnership with mcdonald’s

to major car brands sponsoring tours to

us creating a hot sauce named after our

song bang

there is endless creativity to co-brand


and co-build something as long as it

makes sense

especially when touring is not an option

creative brand partnerships are a

huge revenue source for musicians and

a great way for partners to reach new


thinking back to who the partners are in

the climate movement

we came up with a concept that was


creative and allowed every partner from

individuals to businesses to charities

to get something out of it

the campaign is called time for change

imagine you click to watch a video on


before the video plays there’s an ad of


after five seconds you have the option

to skip it but

if you don’t skip it and watch the full

20 seconds

you could provide a meal to a child in


pay off medical debt for the poorest

communities donate school supplies to

young girls in haiti

or even pull carbon out of the


that 20 seconds of your time meant

something good is happening for someone

or something in need to give you some


we’ve run multiple campaigns using this

simple idea

and the results have been extraordinary

a campaign with ticketmaster in 2020

allowed us to plant a hundred thousand

trees in just

three weeks from people viewing these


a campaign with the un development

program raised a hundred and fifty

thousand dollars in just 24 hours

now to relate it back to the music side

this campaign is the epitome

of individual incentives through


making large-scale change the corporate

partners love it because they get to

participate in the climate movement in a

very public fashion

while still bringing a new potential

customers the climate movement benefits

from new partners and more awareness

and people love to feel part of

something larger than themselves

a community especially if it only takes

20 seconds and there’s no need to take

out their wallet

this type of creative partnership

between a brand

a charity and a person is just the tip

of the iceberg

of what we can achieve when we rely on

each other

now this next run community building

may not feel as exciting as planting

trees and watching video content

but as we take cues on our ladder from

the music industry

we can’t ignore the business side of


in the music industry it is very

difficult for a song to raise its hand

especially now when everyone can make

music in their bedrooms

it’s nearly impossible to grow a song or

an album to a point where you may get

invited to perform it on tv

it’s played on radio stations across the

world or

it begins to get recognized with press

and awards

all of these require building a

community that is above and beyond


above and beyond brand partners and

above and beyond any single

idea a radio station won’t necessarily

play a song

unless it shows promise with streams

sales and other drivers

even then they continuously do their

research and will only keep playing it

if fans continue to like it success at

radio can lead to tv bookings

television understands that radio plays

what the listeners want to hear

so they take their cues from other parts

of the industry

in the music industry the press likes to

write about successful things

and cool things they scour the internet

but the pinnacle of success

is again determined by these other


let me give you an example our song week

has about a billion streams around the



song is double platinum in the us that

sounds pretty great right

you may be surprised to hear that it

wasn’t played very much on the radio

we only performed it on one tv show and

it hardly got any press the success of

the song was fueled by one thing

our evangelizing fans now on the other


our single bang began to convince some

of these gatekeepers


the first hurdle was radio radio took a

chance on this song and it really

started to work

a few small stations grew to a few dozen

and before we knew it we were top five

on the radio charts with a number one

song on itunes

radio took a chance this chance

is what convinced the press to start

writing about us and tv shows to start

booking us

it only took one of the gatekeepers to

start building this community

and create some of this door opening

change for us

in the music industry now

of course we need some of this real

system-wide change for climate

millions are already marching and

continuously changing minds

much like our song week it’s a

grassroots movement

this is a great starting point now

on top of the incredible ground swell we

need enough of these gatekeepers to take

a chance

like they did with our song bang


are starting to make public pledges to

be carbon neutral

abiding by the paris climate accord some

countries are using the sustainable

development goals

to frame their strategies and guide

their achievements

but what we really need are these


policymakers and politicians more

businesses large and small

plus that wave of individuals we need


enough of these influential members and

structures of our community

to do more than make a pledge to step


and take a chance in a way that will

convince others to do the same

you may call it peer pressure you may

call it protecting the bottom line

but just like the songs that you can’t

get out of your head

we need those champions to take the

first step

now this first step is doing more than

saying i believe that climate is a


we are way past that we need them to

play this song on the radio

now returning to our ladder the more

excited people are the more they move

up the ladder this process is about

getting people

excited enough to form groups that

together end up changing the system

this we already knew it’s the same for

many campaigns

however the way in which we drive this

excitement is a

wide open playing field the music

industry is one example but it’s not the

only place we can borrow from to learn

about driving engagement

through excitement sports food

fashion are all great places to look for


the community we built with our music is

incredibly important to me

but it’s also undoubtedly unique

our fans not only support the music but

continuously teach

me how to be a better movement builder a

better academic

and a better activist that night in salt

lake city

inspired an idea but we’re all just

getting started

as we embark on the most pivotal time

our species has seen on this planet

it’s our duty all of our duty to support

each other

and the planet by building and climbing

this ladder

together thank you