Music The antidote to shape future generation




do you know

nearly one of eight children between the

ages of 6 and 12

has suicidal thoughts the suicide rate

is approximately four times higher among


than among females but

females attempt to suicide three times

as often as beings and when a suicide


everyone is affected including the

people who are left behind

and nearly 800 000 people die by

suicide in the world each year which is

roughly one death every 40 seconds

the most common mental illness reported

was depression

now i’m an entrepreneur a software


and most importantly a musician

and i’ve long been fascinated by the


that music has contributed to more of my


which guided me to overcome such


challenges and depressions over the last

many years

i am a citizen of india and here from a

state of care

who was lucky enough to be born into a

music family

and even though i was inspired by my dad

and extended family members my love for


started with michael jackson’s song beat

back at home we had this local channel

called jukebox

where one could just call over the phone

and request to play

any video song on the television

back then it was quite fascinating i

used to make my mom do this

every single day my dad

noticed my passion to learn music and

very soon i enrolled from pianoplast

my teacher was miss hanina she used to

play the piano at our church

and i respect the basics of reading

music notations

and over the next few years i continued

the process

of learning the piano at my uncle’s


and it was then that i realized over the

past many years

i was learning the music that was not

that much interest to me

could you imagine michael jackson trying

to pick up


today it is nearly not fair to treat

your kids

in order to learn music in order to

write a musical exam

where all they ever want to do is play

their favorite song

or any song they love you

i was really disheartened and frustrated


my dad being a guitarist he practically

knew every chord

and he helped me with all the chords so

that i could learn on the keyboard

he even got me the latest yamaha


and back then in a few months i was able

to play any song

i hear in real time

i participated in many cultural


and back first place to grade 10.

and i gave more importance and

dedication to music

than my academics naturally

my academics plant and the same

continuity of my university days

when i was cheated music was there to

stitch me up

when i was underestimated by those

around me

music was always there as a companion

and when i met the love of my life

music helped me express my love for her

and that’s how i wrote my first song

when i say music i mean able to write

music able to compose your own songs

and play it on your favorite musical


each time i went through these stages in

my life

i wrote them down and i composed them

into songs

and each time i did that i always got


rewarding feeling a feeling that had an

extraordinary power to stimulate my


which in turn stimulated my memories

this rewarding thing was always

there to fight my failures my challenges

and played a key role to help me believe

in myself

and chase my dreams

i guess music has been a stimulus or

truth for me

because i always feel so much better

when i sing a song

or play that and

i’m sure for those of you who sing or

play music your instruments

or even do karaoke can relate to that

rewarding feeling which is so addictive

music is just so amazing it’s a


human skill and i believe a universal


whether it’s mozart or newcomers

like bully alicia music is powerful

and has existed in all cultures

throughout history

but why do humans find music’s ready to


and it’s four music is the common notion

of audio frequencies ancient patterns

floating through the air and crushing

together in your ears

much like your eyes process the light

the ears process the waves of sound

and triggers a state of excitement

and sometimes pleasure in your brain

you would accept the fact that we humans

experience pleasure from many stimulants

such as food sex and drugs

but many of these stimulants are

necessary for human survival

the body has created a system

which it rewards you for achieving


now what is really happening here

is a release of this neurotransmitter in

the brain

called dopamine dopamine

is a chemical responsible for making you

feel good

and when dopamine is released following

a rewarding feeling

such as a delicious mural or winning the


the neurotransmitter causes a feeling of

pleasure and satisfaction

drugs such as cooking take advantage of


pathway by increasing the amount of


or rather preventing its removal

causing continuous stimulation by nuance

which creates an intense moment of


music has the ability to create a state

of arousal

causing pupils to dilate blood pressure

to rise

and the brain to fire in auditory

moments and

emotional regions and even though

music does not have a dire survival


this emotional reaction caused a release

of this feel-good

chemical called dopamine

though the exact revolutionary reason

is unclear the amazing fact remains

music chemically alters your body

and makes us feel sore in the same way

that a drug induced dopamine search

leaves you craving for more

music becomes additive the domed mind

tells your body that it was rewarded

and creates a desire to seek out more

even though music enjoyment is entirely


and intertwined with cultural and

personal experience

the chemical effect remains consistent

among the human race a perfect

natural draw of happiness

now if you had a playlist

of to make of your life what would be

the music of your childhood the bad

things of your teeth

or the music that always makes you cry

or fills you with joy and if towards the

end of your life

your mind-ended memories were fading


would this soundtrack help them help you

bring them back

and if you are a beginner who loves the

guitar or the piano

and you want to play this soundtrack

that you just imagined

this presentation is very beautiful by

the end of this presentation

you should be motivated to learn

to play the personalized soundtrack on a


or any musical instrument

there may be a lot of you who might

wonder how hard it is

to be proficient to play the guitar

but the real motto of my presentation is

not to show you the way

i really want you to realize how much of

natural dopamine

you could produce through music which in


helps you to be your companion

to overcome all the difficulties

challenges and failures in your life

now before i show you this method i want

you to understand

there are seven notes in music

just like the alphabets in english

but hg which starts from c

which is c d e f g

b a b each steel has a set of

chords for example c has a set of chords

d has a set of chords etcetera and all

you ever need to learn

is the set of chords to begin with is

just the chords

and i’m sure you can find all this

information online

on the internet so you learn one scale

then you will be able to learn the rest


so let’s assume you went back today to

your home

and you studied one of the scales and

this related chords

for example the g sphere okay

okay so the chorus in the g scale is g

d c and e minor

now can i have a volunteer who will sing

me the chorus of his favorite song

you can lift your hand up

oh please

on stage




please sing me your favorite song two

likes of your favorite song

any song








it was like




thank you very much ladies and gentlemen

now i have not heard that song

and it’s very new to me but if you


i made him sing the song twice and

during that process

the tune of the sound got processed in

my brain

so i’m going to try to sing this song

the tune of the song and you be the

judge to see whether it matched

the volunteer student so i believe it

went something like this

thank you now

okay cool so moving forward

now then i got the tune fed into my


i’m going to try to play it on my guitar

so let’s assume that you studied the g


the chords that i mentioned earlier

and even though the volunteers sang this


on a different scale i’m going to try to

sing the same song

in the g scheme and it should be

something like this

so the chords in the g scale is what you

study was

g d c and e minor

so i’m going to try to sing it

purposefully on that scale so let’s see





ladies and gentlemen

i’m not sure if you realized my


when i got it right certain feelings

that we experienced within us

would be very difficult to explain to

the second person

but let me tell you this when i

heard the tune hayashi-san sang to me

i was addicted to take up that challenge

i tried it once but i think

i tried it the second time and i got it


and when i got it right i felt so much

like i won the lottery

what actually happened within me is i

produced a lot of

natural dopamine that made me feel so


and i’m able to experience this feeling

anytime i want to

naturally now everyone who starts to

perform music

always dream to become a star

in this process they tend to not focus

on what is more important in your life

to become a star it takes a lot of


talent and a lot of hard work and a lot

a lot of luck the percentage

of those successful musicians

is very small in the musical industry

and this causes an imbalance in this

ecosystem i was

very lucky enough to have the most

amazing dad

and when i was in the university my dad

said to me

herman take music as your passion

or your hobby and use it as a tool to


all the challenges the failures in your


which will help chase your dreams and

mould your future

at the age of 23 i took the

biggest risk and challenge in my life i


my software company called mission


and three years from now we have our


and presents across three countries

i’m sure if music is practiced

through the right way by every child

at a very young age music will be there

for them

as a companion to mold their future

music helped me try harder and pass

through all my failures

with success as the only option

in today’s world with a rise in the use

of drugs and alcohol

i believe music has the capability

to mold our future generation in a

better way

to surpass all depressions challenges

and failures in their life that they go


in the words of michael jackson let’s


a better place for you and for me thank

you very much