Sand Art Performance

was always

enchanted by the ability of hands to

express emotions

like love tenderness anger the initial

idea was to create a show based on hands


and music from the moment i touched the


i fell in love with it because of the


i admired simplicity

in this kind of art you have to use the

basic that god

has blessed you with scent hands

and soul i made a small clip

and i sent it via email to a few of my

friends in israel

in two weeks my life changed

i have received feedback from all over

the world

thousands of emails suddenly

i realized just how many hearts this


of art attached with the expression of

my prayer

of my dream we traveled

all over the world i performed in the


kremlin in front of king of spain

king of belgium we’ve seen

wonderful views historical places

but the most exciting thing was the

meeting with people

i realized again and again

that wherever you live

to which religion you belong everyone

wants love everyone wants











i always try to express some messages

in every piece i draw most of these


are abstracted difficult to illustrate

during one of my performance someone

in the audience cried out elena can you


a send video that would demonstrate the

values of loyalty

and devotion i decide to accept the


this is a story of a man who decided to


out into the world seeking adventure

and risk yet he knows which

certainly that should he ever

be in true danger there will be those

back home who will come to his rescue

because home is where the heart is














ah okay




i got married when i was 20 years old

and became pregnant immediately i was

the happiest woman in the world thinking

of course

that i had discovered pregnancy before

anyone else had it was yom kippur

the holiest day for the jews

there is no such day in the world there


no cars on the road no television

people fast and silence

complete silence my husband and i

were out walking suddenly

a sharp scream of a fighter plane

broke the silence my husband stopped


looked at me and whispered ilana

this is war and disappeared to join his



on the third day of the war there was a


on my door all my life i had dreaded the


of a knock on the door in the middle of

the night

i knew would be standing there what they

would be

wearing and what they would say

but never could i have imagined the

reality of this evening

never could i have imagined the people


in and out of my house

never could i have imagined sitting


mourning on my husband’s laws

never could i have imagined the








four months later i went to the hospital

and i gave birth to my son i called him

draw which means in hebrew freedom

my husband isik didn’t know that he had

a son

he was a he was in a tiny cell so

tiny that he couldn’t even stand up

he was unable to tell night from

days because he was in a dark

all the time he was frozen from the

syrian winter

and all he could think about was whether

or not

he would be given food and worse of all

was a terrifying sound of

pounding on it on the door which means

more interrogations and tortures

after eight months in the prison

of damascus it came back

he came back and he met drawer

when drawer was four months old

twenty years later to the day drone

became pilot in the same squadron as his


seven years ago i sat shiva again

mourning on my beloved husband again

but this time no miracle had happened

one hour before he left me he looked at

me and through my tears

i whispered what should i do without you

you are the love of my life i don’t know

how to live without you

he looked at me and said you must

continue with your art

with your performances in my heart i


yes i will but not without you

you will be with me on stage

you will be with me on the same table










i can’t stop praying and dreaming

for peace if you come to my country to


just walking on the street you could

hear the whisper of this

prayer from each and every heart

try to imagine how the world could be

no war no hatred not prejudice

imagine what fill with tolerance


love just imagine
















